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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级初一教学形式活动课教 师沈岚单 位广东中山石岐中学课题名称U6 Do you like bananas?学情分析抓住学生的认知发展特点,培养初一学生对英语学习的热情与兴趣。初一英语教学重在培养学生对英语学习的热情与兴趣要帮助学生寻找自己学习英语的兴趣。初中生对色彩的分辨率大大提高,对色彩具有很强的敏感性,可以给自己的课件进行色彩调配,吸引学生眼球,提高学生学习英语的兴趣和热情。学生听觉的发展对英语听力具有极其重大的作用。教师要利用好这个机会,制定积极有效的听力训练,提高他们的听力理解能力。抓住初中生想象力的发展。但其想象过程中还是表现较强的随意性和被

2、动性,不善于主动提出想象任务。老师不应对学生期望过高,可以适当地帮学生总结一些比较难的知识点以及其相关的联系,或者积极的进行引导,给予一些提示,让学生可以更好的完成想象任务。教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;2.能力目标;3.情感态度与价值观。1. 掌握各种食物名称,学习熟练问答do you like ?, 以及一些重要短语。2. 区分各类食物名词的性质,可数与不可数。并准确掌握名词单数变复数规则。3. 介绍自己的饮食习惯,描述健康的与不健康的饮食习惯。教学过程Step 1: lead-inUse questions and a cartoon. First of all, ask the st

3、udents“Do you like English?”, “Do you like cartoons?”. Most of them should answer Yes. Then play a cartoon for them. Step 2: When we finished watching, show the target language on the screen: Do you like+ food?Step 3: Introduce the key vocabularyShow the food on the screen. Students can easily remem

4、ber the food by 5 kinds: fruits, vegetables, drinks, fast food and Chinese food. Give them several minutes to remember the names.Tell students some of them are countable nouns, but some of them are uncountable nouns. And give examples for the students. Whats more, show the rules of how to change sin

5、gular form into plural form so as to review Unit 5Step 4: Training listening ability. Do the activity 1b. Play the tape and ask students to number the conversations.Give time for them to check answers. Then ask students to air his/her answer.Step 5: Introduce Target Language 2: I like, but I dont li

6、keFirst, say I like bananas, but I dont like coke. Then, ask one student to say as me. Next, tell students to think about what they like and dont like and try to express their ideas as I do. After several seconds ask students speak out one by one. Offer help as needed.Step 6: Training listening abil

7、ity. Do the activity 2a&2bStep 7: Pairwork, practice Target Language 3Step 8: Training reading ability. Do 3bAsk students to fill in the blanks. Write about what Tom likes to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner according to the picture. Give them several minutes to do it. Then ask them to read the a

8、rticle to us. Offer help as needed.Step 9: Training writing ability. Write your favorite food. For breakfast, I like For lunch, I For dinner, I . 板书设计Does she/ he like? Yes, she/he does. (She/He likes)No, she/he doesnt.(She/He doesnt like)For breakfast, I like For lunch, I For dinner, I 作业或预习Training writing ability. Write your favorite food. 自我评价词汇巩固还较好,但是对于句型的操练方法欠缺。急需找到作文提高的有效手段。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:



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