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1、考 生 答 题 不 准 超 过 此 线 地 区姓 名单 位 名 称准 考 证 号职业技能鉴定国家题库涉外秘书三级英语试卷注 意 事 项1、考试时间:90分钟。2、请一方面按规定在试卷的标封处填写您的姓名、准考证号和所在单位的名称。、请仔细阅读多种题目的回答规定,在规定的位置填写您的答案。、不要在试卷上乱写乱画,不要在标封区填写无关的内容。听力部分笔试部分总 分核分人得 分得分评分人A. Listeni Tes.Dirctons: u i to hear annoncment.hn youned t opee h ulile-hoiequeions based o what ou hear, n

2、l ne crretswr for eah question. (1 mrs)1 When the stateentas mde,pae_.(A)was the curse adin(B)ha aredy and(C) hd jut akeoff(D) was in te mide oit flght2Thessnges can get t centeofthe city yll the nsort except .(A) axi()by bus(C) by cach eric() by ub. How muchmnycn dut av ishe/h tkes h cocherice nsea

3、 of taxi tthe ciy? ()12 Ausaia dolrs(B) Autrainollas(C)3 utralia dolas(D)4doll ad 5 cs4. Th announment s mainy abot .(A) te terin uiia the aipor(B) the trasrtation nhe ceteof Syney() th dte tax () the ervicehe arportan proideforthe pengers5. I theanoucemet, allthe servgfaciies re eond excet .(A)tran

4、sportation(B)bankingfalties() oki fclites (D) postalfcilities.Dirctins: Yo re gng ohea a ialogu beten a uyer a alepersn, t i e played twice continusy and pleaecoptete fllowin etcs You need t fi in mor than ston wrd to mae it ull andmanu sentene accordigto hetet.(0 marks)1. Acdn to th salesmn, tey ri

5、sed ecebese hsben skyockein2 Th aleman waurprised hnthe uye th pies3ro thecorsation we an ifethathe potentialuyer would pobably plac a gordr f he sell ofr o eas 1 ernt 4 Accringt t conesation, i tceical fertilizr make, he dean the sply5. Thebuye sggstd t the salesmacabe fo adi . 得 分 评分人考 生 答 题 不 准 超

6、 过 此 线 地 区姓 名单 位 名 称准 考 证 号 Wittn Tst.oabulry d tructures Secn Directon:(2 mrkfor each bank, 10 arsltogeher)Diections: Fromthe wors ad hrases gin lo,choosetherect one tofllin he lans ith popr frs. t mae enqirs, in tenae o, t o into, be f any ssiane, tpuforwardto, in advnce, n oubt1. Wllmeet exThrsda

7、 thisatterin del.2. Oin to helack of agremen on hisast subec a ecision npomion thos woud _ _ thenext meetng 3. Thank .Ilask M. Hine sn I anet hld o im. 4. Ifadr ht isnt vailabl at t ent. I _ _? 5. It fo asinglerom and bat _ _ Mr Mr on e 1hof tis mthSection B. Dieins:hos the bt answet oplete e sntenc

8、e.(1mark)1. Al th rosors d asociated pofsorsare _ to meetin the ollegeroom nSunay.() rquired(B) esponded(C) reuested(D) deaned 2. e sou_ ouragets of n ice creass.(A) ntif (B)tll(C) noce() war3. oyuthink itd e etter o send out sae_ dicly to rosecti buyer?(A)ook() litraure () mnul(D) price4. Im fraid

9、e envelopes must bedled at ne,_ thconfrenc bochure wnt e maled.(A)nlss(B) in case()oheris (D) ye5. fI find thatthy llo a reaoable proft, yo will hortl receive a _order(A) consdert() onsiring (C) onsided (D) cnidrabH dost understand_ sal n thmornig. () why t sart (B) wy sta (C) hy t tarig (D)whyhey s

10、hol star7.Lilys fther scoled her nd ae her prome_gan.(A) nee o d tat (B) er to do h () nvrdointhat () ever dog h8.You av faled several ties. Why not _ sme otherway? () trydoing it (B) to tr to d i (C) tha you try i () havingtried. e quicklystppn the brakes,and hsar e to sop jst inti _n cidet. ()to avoi () to be aiding (C) toave avide (D) to have bee avid10.Culdyfindsomeone_? (A) fo me t pay enni wth (B) playtenis with(C) or


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