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1、1 David Copperieds chilhod 1 大卫科波菲尔的童年 I w on at Blndrstne,inSuffol, nhe eas Englad,anwas ive ypr father name,David Copfil. Sadly, he eveswme ews mch de tan my mothr whthy marie, and died xmnths befre w born fatrsdat mde my beauiulung moer ery unhapy, dshewshe wouldind lifextemeldifficult ih a newba

2、 dno huband The richestand ost iprtantpesoni our fiwasmy fahesaun,Missetsey Trotwod.She hd in fact ben mari once, t a hadsome yu hubad. Butbecuse emned mone rom hr, adsometmsbeat her, se decided they huld sparte H wentabroad, an soon ecam ofisah.我出生在英国东部萨福克郡的布兰德斯通,并沿用了我不幸的爸爸之名大卫科波菲尔。可悲的是,她从未见过我的面。她同

3、我妈妈结婚时比我妈妈大许多,在我出生前6个月就谢世了。她的死使我年轻美貌的妈妈感到极为痛苦,由于她懂得没有丈夫独自带婴儿的日子将会异常艰难。在我们家族中最富有、最重要的人物要数我爸爸的姨妈贝茜特拉伍德小姐。其实她结过一次婚,嫁的是一种英俊的青年。但是,由于这位丈夫总找她要钱,有时还动手打她,她便决定与她分手。她出了国,不久就有消息说她已去世了。 is Trowoo bought a mall hse y sea, and live thereale, wh nly neservant.h ha not spoken to myfaher since his arrage, becuse h o

4、sidered e hd mde istake maryig very yong ir Bu jst bfore I wa b, when s har tha my oth was etinby,secme vsit Blnd- stone. 特拉伍德小姐在海边买了一所小房子,独自生活在那里,身边只随了一位用人。自从我爸爸结婚后她就不理睬我爸爸了,由于她觉得我爸爸娶这样年轻的小姐做妻子是个错误。然而,在我出生前,当她据说我妈妈临产时,就来到布兰德斯通拜访我们。 t was co, widFiday fenoon iMarch. My mother a siting by the fie, fe

5、elingvey lonely anunhap, acrying a littl. Suddely astn,trne-loonfce aeareat heindow那是在三月份的一种寒冷、多风的星期五下午,我妈妈正独自坐在火炉旁,因感到孤单和不幸而轻声抽泣着。忽然一张严肃、陌生的脸出目前窗外。 p the dor! oderehesternfaced l Mymother as hocked,bt beye at nce umuteDavi oer fields wif,id the ladys she tered.Im BeTroto Youvehard f me? “开门!”这位满脸严肃

6、的女人命令道。我妈妈吓了一跳,但还是不久开了门。“你就是大卫科波菲尔的妻子吧,”她边进门边说,“我叫贝茜特拉伍德,你据说过吧?”“据说过,”妈妈轻声答道,声音发颤。“你真年轻呀,”贝茜小姐叫道,“简直还是个孩子!”Y,whipeed mohr,tremblngHw young you are! ied Miss BeseyJust bby!My mother ard sobbig anI now I loo likea ild! Iknow I ws youngt be a f,ad myoungto bea mothe! But peha diebeor ec a mter! ome,com

7、e! nsweed Miss BetseHa ome ea.Ten yull eelbee.Whatdo you cll your gil?yrl? I ot knw yt tha itwil a irl,eplemy oher miserably.,I dont mea heaby,Iman our servat!妈妈开始抽泣,“我懂得我看着像个孩子!我懂得我年龄还小,不该为人妻,不该为人母!但也许我会在成为一种妈妈之前死去!”“行了,行了!”贝茜小姐回答说,“喝口茶水吧,这样你会好受些。你叫你的女孩什么?”“我的女孩?我还不懂得是不是女孩,”我妈妈疑惑地答道。“不,我不是指小孩,我是说你的

8、女用人!” Her naeseggot er fist naes Clara,t same smin, so cal her y heramly nam,you see Wa a terriblename! oever, nvrid Pgoy!shecled, gog ohe drBringMs oerld soe tea oe!hesatdon agn an ctiued sping.Yuwe talkn aouttheay Im ure itlle a girl N, snas she s brnHe, prhaps, said my oher brvyon t e stpid, ofco

9、urse it ll be a she.Imgoing tosender t shol,and de er wel. I wan pven hfrom makinte istaes Iv ainlfe Miss tsey looked qute anryas she said ti M mothaid notg,as she as notfelin t all wel.Butel me, ere you ad yourhsband happy?asked Mss Bese “她叫辟果提。她的教名是克拉拉,由于和我同名,因此我就以她的姓称呼她,就这样!”“多难听的名字!但是没关系,辟果提!”她走

10、到门边叫道。“立即给科波菲尔太太上点茶水!”她又坐下来,继续说道:“你刚刚说到孩子,我肯定她会是个女孩。那么,只要她一出生,”“她,或许是,”妈妈勇敢地改正道。“别犯傻,固然应当是她,我会送她上学,让她接受良好的教育。我要让我生活中所犯的错误避免在她身上重演。”贝茜小姐说此话时显得很愤怒。妈妈没吭声,由于她感觉不太舒服。“好吧,告诉我,你和你丈夫过得幸福吗?”贝茜小姐问道。 his mad my poor mther feel wore than ever.I knowIwsnt vrysnsibleabou moor okngortigslke ht! se sobd.utwe loved

11、eah othernd hwaspingmlearnand th he died!Oh!Oh!And s ellback in hercair, ompleelyuncnscious. 这个问题让我妈妈更感难受。“我懂得我很不开窍在钱方面,做饭方面,等等!”她抽泣着说,“但我们彼此相爱她协助我慢慢学可她死了,唉!唉!”她倒在椅子上,失去了知觉。 Pegotty,ho cme i jtthn withte te,reale how seri thesiuationwas, and to moherupstair to bed. hedocr rrve o afterwards,ndtedal e

12、venin o tke creof his ptnt. 辟果提正巧端着茶进来,意识到状况的严重性,把我妈妈扶到楼上。医生随后叫到,并彻夜守护着病人。 Atab mdigtecamedowntars th sittngom hereMiss Besey was aitig paently. 大概半夜时分,医生下楼来到客厅,贝茜小姐已经等得很不耐烦了。 Well,do, wa th ews?wissh? “大夫,有什么消息吗?她怎么样了?” eyog mer ise comotable, madam, epliethe doctor olitly.“年轻的妈妈状况较好,小姐,”大夫很礼貌地回答。 ut sh, bab, how is she?cied Miss etsey. “她,孩子,她怎么样?”贝茜小姐追问。 Te dcorloke tangely a Miss etseItsa boy,adm, he replid. 大夫很纳闷地看着贝茜小姐,“是个男孩,小姐。”她回答道。Miss se sai noh,balkstraightout of te hs, adne me bac 贝茜小姐二话没说,径直走出屋子,从此


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