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1、湖南长郡中学2011届高三第四次月考英 语 试 题(考试范围:全部内容)本试卷分为四个部分,包括听力、语言知识运用、阅读和书面表达。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。时量120分钟,满分150分。PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSION(30 marks) SECTION A (225 marks)Directions: In this section you II hear six conversations between two speakersFor each conversation, there are several questions and eac

2、h question is followed by three choices marked A, B and CListen carefully and then choose the best answer for each questionYou will hear each conversation TWICEExample:When will the magazine probably arrive?AWednesday BThursday CFridayThe answer is BConversation 11Which of the following music does t

3、he man like best?AClassical music BRock music CJazz2What does the man advise the woman to do?ACome to his house this weekendBHold a party in her houseCTake the violin course with himConversation 23How does the woman like the electronic organizer?AUseful BLight CExpensive4Which of the following will

4、the man record with the organizer?AMusic BStories CLecturesConversation 35When will the concert be on?AOn Sunday nightBOn the night of September 14thCOn the night of September 4th6Where does the man live?AIn London BIn Cambridge CIn LutonConversation 47What arc the speakers doing?APaying some bills

5、BBuying some stampsCSending a birthday cardAOne dollar BTen dollars CFour dollarsConversation 510What is the mans nationality most probably?,AChinese BJapanese CGerman 11How long is the man going to stay in San Francisco? AFor two weeks BFor a few days CFor a few weeks12What is the mans room number

6、at the hotel?A646 B246 C264Conversation 6 13What happened to the man? AHe was badly ill BHe had his legs brokenCHe was hit by a car14What did the man do in the hospital in Africa?AHe lay in bed all dayBHe did some exerciseCHe did some reading, 15When will the man get recovered according to the docto

7、r? AIn about two weeks BIn about three weeks. CIn about half a year SECTION B (75 marks) Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passageListen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information youve heardFill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS, You will hear the

8、 short passage TWICE Customs of dinner parties in Britain and AmericaBrief information* party starting between 7 and 8 pmand ending at about 16. * evening starting with drinks and snacks* meal starting first with soup or omething small, then meat or fish with vegetables, and 19the dessert, finally e

9、nding with coffeedos and dontsbefore the party*bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine 17 *say how much you like the room or the pictures on the wall* dont ask how much things costduring the party* 18 everything on your plate*take more if you wantafter the partycall the hosts the next day, or

10、write them a short 20. PART TWO LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE (45 marks)SECTION A (15 marks)Directions: Beneath each of following sentences there are four choice marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21We are sorry to have to announce that the Leeds train that _ due to ar

11、rive at 12 : 20 has been delayed by one hour and will now arrive at 13 : 20.Awas Bis Cwill be Dhad been22Take great pains to read _ you can or you wont have a better understanding oflifeAas much as Bbooks as much asCbooks as many as Das many books as23With masses of homework _, I can hardly spare ti

12、me to practice playing the pianoAdone Bto do Cdoing Dbeing done24Did Betty go shopping with you yesterday?Even if she _ a lot of studying, she would have preferred staying home to going shoppingAdidnt have Bshouldnt have Chadnt had Dhasnt had25If we work hard with a strong will, we _ overcome any di

13、fficulty, however great it isAmust Bneed Cshould Dcan26He was so busy that _ I could say hello to him he had rushed out of the roomAwhen Bbefore CsinceDuntil27The computer system broke _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the InternetAdown Bout Cup Din28It is estimated that the novel will be _ of his best sellers, for his novels are quite popular among young peopleAother Beither Canother Dthe other 29No sooner _ on the TV than I heard the news that the stampede in Cambodias cap


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