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1、2022-2023年考博英语-东北大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Our vacation to the tropical beach resort was very( )until the hurricane came.问题1选项A.adverseB.maximumC.constrainedD.serene【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项adverse“不利的;相反的;敌对的”;B选项maximum“最多的;最大极限的”;C选项constrained“拘泥的;被强迫的;不舒服的”;D选项serene“平静的;晴朗的”。句意:在这场暴风来临之前,我们去热带海滩度假胜地的度假

2、是非常平静的。结合此处语义,D选项正确。2. 单选题The woman tripped over the uneven pavement and( )her elbow.问题1选项A.distortedB.dislodgedC.disabledD.dislocated【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项distort“扭曲;使失真;曲解”;B选项dislodge“逐出,驱逐;用力移动”;C选项disable“使失去能力;使残废;使无资格”;D选项dislocate“使脱臼;使混乱”。句意:这位妇女绊倒在这个不平坦的人行道上,结果使自己的肘部脱臼。结合此处句意,判断出D选项正确。3. 单选题W

3、hat is the best wood to burn in the home fireplace? Choose the kind of wood to burn is like choosing a bottle of wine. Each choice you can make has something different to offer. Woods differ in the scent they give off and in the heat they provide. The kind of wood you will choose depends on your own

4、 needs and tastes.Pine, spruce, and fir are soft and easy to light. They burn quickly with a hot flame. However, a fire built from these woods burns out quickly. This kind of fire requires a lot of attention. It needs new logs added to keep the fire burning. A fire built from softwoods might be idea

5、l for you at certain times. You may want a quick warming fire that will burn out before you go to bed.For a long-lasting fire, it is best to use heavier woods. These would be ash, beech, birch, maple, and oak. These woods dont burn as fast. Oak gives the most even and shortest flames. It also produc

6、es steady, glowing coals. When you have several oak logs burning in your grate, you can settle back for a steady show of flame.If you want a good-smelling fire, use the wood from fruit trees. Apple, cherry, and nut trees all produce pleasant scents. Their smoke usually smells like the trees fruit.By

7、 mixing softwoods with hardwoods, you can get a long-lasting, easy-to-light fire. Later, by adding some fruitwood, you can produce a pleasant scent as well.As a rule, no more than four logs are needed to make a good fire. Adjust the logs to maintain the flames. Push the ends of the logs in the flame

8、s from time to time. Add kindling and new logs as needed to rekindle a dying flame. Rake coals toward the front of the grate before adding new logs and put new logs at the rear. There they will reflect light and heat into the room.Let only an inch or two of ash collects at the bottom of the grate. A

9、ny more than this can ruin the andirons. Too much ash blocks the flow of air to the fire. Some ash is needed to form the bed for the glowing coals that drop through the grate. They help to hold the heat and direct drafts of air up to the base of the fire.1.What is the main idea of this article?2.Spr

10、uce burns with a ( ).3.In order to get more heat out of your fireplace, you should ( ).问题1选项A.Fruitwood does not burn well in the fireplace.B.Wet wood is easy dried in a home fireplace.C.You should choose your fireplace wood carefully.D.Heavier woods can keep a long-lasting fire.问题2选项A.cold flameB.h

11、ot flameC.short flameD.steady flame问题3选项A.add new logs to the back of the fireB.clean your chimney once a yearC.rake coals toward the rear of the fireplaceD.ruin the andirons【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A【解析】1.【试题解析】主旨大意题。本文主要谈及壁炉选择木材取决于需要和品味。可以得知C选项“你应该仔细选择你的壁炉木材”符合题意。2.【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干关键词spruce可以定位到文章第二段中“Pin

12、e, spruce, and fir are soft and easy to light. They burn quickly with a hot flame.”,中文翻译为:松树、云杉和冷杉因柔软而容易点燃。它们迅速燃烧,火焰很热。因此B选项正确。3.【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章倒数二段“As a rule, no more than four logs are needed to make a good fire. Adjust the logs to maintain the flames. Push the ends of the logs in the flame

13、s from time to time. Add kindling and new logs as needed to rekindle a dying flame. Rake coals toward the front of the grate before adding new logs and put new logs at the rear. There they will reflect light and heat into the room.”,中文翻译为:一般说来,生一堆好火不需要超过四根木头。调整原木以保持火焰。不时地把木柴的末端推入火焰中。添加引物和新的原木,以重新点燃即

14、将熄灭的火焰。在添加新原木之前,把煤耙到炉排前面,并把新原木放在后面。在那里,它们将把光和热反射进房间。故A为正确选项。4. 单选题All the decoration ( )from the beauty of the buildings shape.问题1选项A.damagesB.deterioratesC.devaluesD.detracts【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项damage“毁坏”;B选项deteriorate“恶化”;C选项devalue“贬值”;D选项detract from“诋毁,贬低(某人的声誉、影响等);减损(机器效能等)”。句意:所有的装饰有损于这栋建筑

15、外形的美观。结合此处语境,D选项正确。5. 单选题David tends to feel useless and unwanted in a society that gives so much( )to those who are aggressive and compete well.问题1选项A.regimeB.prestigeC.superiorityD.legislature【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项regime“政权;政体;社会制度;管理体制”;B选项prestige“威望;声望;声誉”;C选项superiority“优越;优势”;D选项legislature“立法机关;立法机构”。句意:在一个给予那些有进取心且相当有竞争力的人很多声誉的社会里,大卫倾向于认为自己无用且不被该社会所需要。根据句意可知B选项正确。6. 单选题Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have ( ) vision.问题1选项A.vigorousB.exact



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