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1、2022年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Unit1Friendship课时训练新人教版必修.单句语法填空1Open all the _ (curtain) and turn up the lights.(xx全国,阅读B)2_ (ignore) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.(xx安徽,27)3_(item) like T-shirts that allow volunteers to be recognized publicly f

2、or their contributions can help strengthen role identity.(xx江苏,阅读C)4My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor while I _ (pack) them up.5She would push my dirty clothing over,and I would lay my books on her tidy desk.We both got tired _ each other.6In his application for the volunteer job,

3、the author went through _(challenge) survival tests.7It was a rainy morning and the children,mainly boys with various learning difficulties,refused _ (settle) for the start of the lesson.8If youre truly _ (concern),youll know when your neighbor needs some cheering upa bunch of flowers or a helping h

4、and when its needed.9A few people _(agree) while most people _(agree),so no _(agree) was made.10_(concern) the toll-free(免交通费) policy on the express way,what _(concern) us most is the traffic jams while some _(concern) about the safety.答案1.curtains2.Ignoring3.Items4.was packing 5of6.challenging7.to

5、settle8.concerned9.agreed;disagreed;agreement10.Concerning;concerns;are concerned.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1I wasnt doing anything on the purpose to make myself better.2I went to live there in order to being near him.3They have got the power to changing the world.4But then I guess I couldnt stand it longer.5Its

6、 no pleasure go camping on such a foggy day.6Students are provided with breakfast,dinner and either a cooked or packing lunch.7Her bike was broken,so she had to get it repairing.8His carelessness made our pany suffer from great loss.9While crossed the road,he was knocked over by a truck.10Since we a

7、ll live under one room,we should learn how to get along good with one another.答案1.去掉the2.beingbe3.changingchange 4longer前加any5.gogoing6.packingpacked 7repairingrepaired8.去掉from9.crossedcrossing10.goodwell.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1去年,李华前往美国读书。(set out)_2那是他第一次离开父母。(its the first time that.)_3他饱受孤独之苦。(suff

8、er from,loneliness)_4他的父母非常担心他的生活与安全。(be concerned about)_5值得高兴的是,他渐渐地在美国安顿下来。(settle in)_6他与同学相处融洽。(get along with)_7他已经不再厌烦大学生活。(no longer,be tired of)_(二)加入适当过渡词,连句成篇答案(一)1.Last year,Li Hua set out for America to study.2It was the first time that he had left his parents.3He suffered from loneline

9、ss.4His parents were very concerned about his life and safety.5Happily,he has gradually settled in America.6He has been getting along well with his classmates.7He is no longer tired of college life.(二)【参考范文】Last year,Li Hua set out for America to study,which was the first time that he had left his p

10、arents.As a result,he suffered from loneliness.Meanwhile,his parents were very concerned about his life and safety.Happily,he has gradually settled in America and has been getting along well with his classmates.Now,he is no longer tired of college life.阅读理解As farm kids,my siblings (兄弟姐妹) and I were

11、expected to work hard and do our jobs.We knew no better,so didnt really question itat least until we were young teenagers and wondered why our friends had so much more free time than us.That ability to depend on myself has served me very well through life.The independence and self-reliance not only

12、affected my physical abilities.It came to shape me emotionally too.However,it can,at times,also be a huge weight to bear.As my physical strength has been affected by rheumatoid arthritis,a disease that causes pain and swelling in one or more joints of the body,there have been many lessons for me in

13、learning how to receive help.My health is now much improved pared to what it was a couple of years ago,or even last year.Daily challenges do still exist,but I have learned that it is OK to ask for help.The joy that others receive in lending a hand has made me realise that it is almost selfish to not ask for help! There is no need to deny others the pleasure of helping.If we are in need,it is more than OK to ask for assistance.Physical and emotional self-reliance are strengths,certainly,when used well.But the overuse of independ


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