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1、华中科技大学2009年招收博士研究生入学考试试题参考答案(A)Part I Cloze 1-5 ACADA 6-10 BACAB 11-15 ACABA 16-20 BACADPart II. Reading comprehension (20x2=40%)21-25 A B A D A 26-30 B A C A D 31-35 A C A C A 36-40 D A B A DPart III Translation (30%)Section A From Chinese into English (15%) 1. There is sufficient evidence that tho

2、se containing alcohol contribute to increased risk of the disease, according to a review of the latest studies by an Australian scientist.2. Smoking and alcohol consumption are well-established risk factors in oral cancer which is diagnosed in 5,000 people in the UK each year, and causes 1,600 death

3、s.3.The review reported evidence from an international study of 3,210 people which found daily mouthwash use was a significant risk factor for head and neck cancer.Section B1. 英国一家智库机构上周六称,对全球经济衰退的担忧和不断上升的失业率让英国很多年轻人不得不重新考虑结婚计划。2. Civitas家庭和教育事务主管阿纳斯塔西娅德瓦尔说:“受经济衰退的影响,下决心结婚也将变得更加困难,没有稳定的收入和工作,人们没有信心说

4、我愿意。3. 今年1月开展的一项“英国社会态度”调查发现,年轻人对婚姻的态度已经不那么传统了,他们倾向于将职业发展放在首位。2005年春季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题参考答案I. Cloze (1x10=10%)15 B C B A C 610 B A C B DII. Reading (2x20=40%)11-15 ACCDA 16-20 ABCBD 21-25 DCBBA 26-30 DADBDIII. TranslationSection A from English into Chinese(15%)1当问到宇航员还需要多久才能登上火星时,“火星探测漫游者”地表探测任务小组负

5、责人亚瑟汤普森说:“如果我们把登上火星作为首要目标的话,我预计最快要20到30年。” 2把宇航员送到火星上的任务需要花11到12个月的时间。宇航员们无法带够所需的水。此外,在返回地球时,需要用水来生成火箭燃料、冷却太空船并产生能量。 3三颗围绕火星运行的卫星正不断地收集信息。汤普森说:“我们相信如果发现水的痕迹,发现生命的可能性就大大增加了。” Section B From Chinese into English(15%)1. The venerable Abraham Lincoln was the first US president who saw political mileage

6、in the Christmas message, and in the process, immortalised the figure of Santa. 2. Seeing this jolly fellow side with the North was allegedly very demoralising for the southern forces. They lost not very long after. 3. And indeed it was only in this period that the Christmas card tradition really to

7、ok hold among US presidents - who to this day are among the worlds most conscientious card senders. 2005年秋季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题参考答案I. 1-5DABCC 6-10 BDADB 11-15 ACABD 16-20 CDABC II. 21-25 BDDCC 26-30 ADCCC 31-35 CBCBD 36-40 CACADIII. Translation 1 Stone structures that are clearly man-made were seen

8、on the seabed off the south coast, archaeologists say. 2 which legend says was so beautiful that the gods sent a flood that engulfed six of its seven temples. 3 The Archaeological Survey of India launched the diving expedition after residents reported seeing a temple and other structures as the sea

9、pulled back just before the tsunami hit. 4 The ancient gifts of the tsunami are expected to be presented to an international seminar on maritime archaeology in Delhi next month. 5 Archaeologists have been working at the site for the last three years, since another diving expedition discovered what a

10、ppeared to be a submerged city, including at least one temple. Section B From English into Chinese(15%)1 经典电影音乐之声上映40年后,新编舞台剧音乐之声将首次在奥地利首都上演。 2 然而,尽管音乐之声长期以来一直被公认为最成功的音乐电影之一,它在奥地利本国却默默无闻。 3 这部电影从未在奥地利的任何电影院公映,直到上世纪90年代初期,才出现在电视屏幕上。 4 这部音乐电影背后有一个真实的故事:冯特拉普一家组建了一个合唱团,1938年,他们成功逃离了当时被纳粹占领的奥地利。 5 从本周六开始

11、,这部作品将在维也纳国家歌剧院上演。2006年春季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题答案(1)I. 1-5DBCCA 6-10ABCDB 11-15DCDBA 16-20CABADII. Reading (2x20=40%)21-25 ADABC 26-30 DABAC 31-35 BDACD 36-40 CCDBCIII Translation (30%) Section A From Chinese into English (15%)1 A study in Sweden provides strong evidence that children raised by single

12、parents are more likely to suffer mental health problems than children in two-parent homes. 2 The study indicates that the major explanation could be financial hardship, measured by whether the parent received social welfare benefits and rented rather than owned a house. The poorer children did wors

13、e. 3 “It raises the issue that there is a health disadvantage of great concern, but it doesnt necessarily tell us what the pathway is to that disadvantage, so where we could intervene to help, she says. Section B From English into Chinese(15%)1 “国际红十字会”开展的行动几乎遍及世界每一个动荡地区,其中就包括阿富汗和巴勒斯坦地区。2 但是,该组织表示,明

14、年必须进一步扩大活动范围,因为这些国家的局势正在恶化。3 “红十字会”说,在阿富汗的行动是其规模最大、费用最昂贵的一次。但补充说,由于该国局势好转,该组织去年从预算中削减了4000多万美元。2006年春季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题答案(2)I. 1-5 ACBDC 6-10 ADCDB 11-15 AABDC 16-20 BDBCAII. Reading (2x20=40%)21-25 CBDAA 26-30 BABDC 31-35 BCABC 36-40 CDCBCPart III Translation (30%) Section A From Chinese into Eng

15、lish(15%)1. Violent computer games may make people more likely to act aggressively, a study says. Previous research has found people who play such games are more likely to be aggressive but some say this just shows violent people gravitate towards them. 2. The researchers measured a type of brain activity called the P300 response which reflects the emotional impact of an image. 3. The findings will back up what many have argued over recent years with the growth in games with scenes of graphic violence. Section B From English into



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