河北省南宫中学高中英语《unit3 Travel Journal》Period 3 Using Language导学案 新人教版必修1

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1、Period 3 Using Language【目标展示】1.掌握并会熟练运用词汇2.学会分析课文中的长难句,概括文章的主旨,并能理解语篇中的重要细节3.写一篇关于“旅游” 的文章【知识导学】Words and Expressions英译汉1. She addressed theparcelwrongly. _2. I found a job sellinginsurance. _3.His hair were white likewool. _4. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit thepillow. _5. Theflamewavered and

2、went out. _6. The stepbeneaththis on is not very safe. _7. The Nile divides at its mouth and forms adelta. _汉译英8. 天气预报说明明天比较暖和。_9. 这件事你也来参加点意见吧。_10. 我们参观了那个庙宇。_11. 一块大石头堵住了洞口。_派生词及不规则动词(根据括号内的汉语提示填写适当形式的单词并翻译句子)12. 沸水_ 凉开水_13. The facts have been drawn from _(可信赖;可靠)sources. You can _(可信赖;可靠)on me t

3、o keep your secret.短语(翻译下列短语与句子,每个短语与句子至少用上本单元一个词或短语)14. 她对下属的态度严肃. _15. 她照例吃面包和鸡蛋作早餐。_16. 一个女孩在深夜大声呼救。_【知识运用】Detailed Reading; Answer the questions.1. How does Wang Kun feel about the trip now?2. What do you think has changed his attitude?3. Is it natural for Wang Kun not to feel lonely? 4. Would y

4、ou feel the same way in this situation? Why or why not? 5. Do Chinese like to be around others more than westerners? 6. What items are Wang Kun and Wang Wei carrying with them? What do you think they will have to leave behind in Dali? What should they take instead?【三“点”探究】Reading and discussing:1. 在

5、文中的第一段中有3处用到了sothat的结构,请找出这三个句子,并发现规律。2. Along the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us. He is dressed in red. be dressed in 两句中的dressed in 短语分别做什么成分?3. To climb the mountains was hard work but as we look around us, we were surprised by the view.不定式短语在做什么成分?划线词 but 在本句中起到什么作

6、用?be surprised 表示主语所处于的状态吗?4. In the valleys colorful butterflies flew around us and we saw many yaks and sheep eating green grass.分析句子结构,注意句子中两个and 分别并列的内容。 注意为什么句中要用eating5. We can hardly wait to see them. = We cant wait to see.cant wait to do sth 迫不及待的要去做某事【拓展提升】1. The boy _ (dress) in red is my

7、brother.The boy who is _ (dress) in red is my brother.2. Jim is a 60 years old man. Yesterday we were _ (surprise) to see him _ (run) very fast.3. To see _ (be) to believe.4. 英汉互译:他迫不及待的要去见那个著名的歌手。_He can hardly wait to go home and see his sick father._5. The stone is _ heavy that I cant carry it by

8、 myself.这块石头是如此的重,以至于我一人搬不动它。This is _ a heavy stone that I cant carry it by myself.这是一块如此重的石头,以至于我一个人搬不动它。6. When I came into the classroom, I was _ (surprise) to see a man _ (dress) like a farmer _ (speak) in front of the class. The man is _ (so/such) strange that I could hardly wait _ (know) who

9、he is. (选作)Period 3 Using Language【目标展示】1.掌握并会熟练运用词汇2.学会分析课文中的长难句,概括文章的主旨,并能理解语篇中的重要细节3.写一篇关于“旅游” 的文章【知识导学】Words and Expressions1. 她把包裹上收件人的地址写错了。2. 我找到一份推销保险的工作。3. 他的头发皆白,如白羊毛.4. 我头一碰到枕头就睡着了。5. 火焰摇曳后熄灭了。6. 这一级下面的台阶不太安全。7. 尼罗河在河口分岔, 形成了一个三角洲。8. Weatherforecastexplanation tomorrow is fairly warmer.9.

10、 Come and give us yourviewon the matter10. We visited thetemple.11. A big rock blocked the mouth of thecave. 12. theboilingwater theboiledwater 13.reliable这些材料是从可靠的来源得来的。;rely你尽管相信我一定为你保密.14.She has a firmattitudetowards her staff.15. Asusual, she had bread and egg for breakfast.16. A girl cried for

11、 helpatmidnight.【知识运用】Detailed Reading; Answer the questions.1. He is starting to like it/enjoy it.2. Seeing how beautiful the land is has changed Wang Kuns attitude. 3. Yes. We can see that the scene Wang Kun was seeing is beautiful. The clear sky, the bright stars and the fire accompany him. Besid

12、es, their cousins are waiting for him. They will meet soon. So he doesnt feel lonely.4. Yes, because beautiful scenery will make people happy when his best friend is waiting for him somewhere.5. Yes. Chinese prefer to be around others while westerners want to spend some time alone. This is because o

13、f different cultures.6. They are carrying a tent, a cooker and food, pillows, water bottles. In the mountains they wore long wool coats, caps, gloves and trousers.In the plains they changed into T-shirts and shorts. 【三“点”探究】Reading and discussing:1. 略 2. 状语 表语3. 主语 连词起转折作用 是4. 第一个and 并列两个句子 第二个并列两个saw的宾语see sb doing sth.【拓展提升】1. dressed dressed 2. surprised running 3. is 1. (1.) He cant wait to see the famous singer.(2.) 他迫不及待的要回家去看他那生病的爸爸5. so such 6. surprised dressed



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