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1、 第一讲Be 动词的用法&冠词的简单用法一 单词复习 要求:正确拼读并默写 二 课文重点讲解1 打招呼&问候语&简单交际用语2 be动词的用法3 疑问词 what 提问4 冠词的简单用法三 课堂练习 四 课后练习 (一)打招呼&问候语a. Hello/Hi 你好 b. Good morning 早上/上午好 在非正式场合,可以省略“good”,只说“morning!”c. Good afternoon 下午好 d. Good evening 晚上好 e. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你 - How are you? 你好吗? - Im fine, thank you. And

2、 you?/ Im OK.- Fine,thanks. And you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢? - Im fine too. 我也很好。练习1. Hi, Tom!_ ( 怎样 ) are you?2. Er, _ ( 我很好,谢谢)3. 晚饭后,你遇到朋友应说“ _ ” 4. -How are you, Miss Gao? -_. A. How are you? B Fine, thanks C. Thank you D Nice to meet you 5.补全对话 A: Good morning, Bob! B: Good _, Alice! A: How _ You ? B: Fine,

3、 _._ are you? A: Im _,too.(二)疑问词 what 提问Whats this = what is this Whats that = what is that 意为“这/那是什么”回答用 It is .- What is this ?-It is an orange.对划线部分提问1.My name is Nancy. your name?2.I am from China. are you from?3.I am fine . are you?4. Miss.Wang is our English teacher. is your English teacher?5.

4、Lucy is ten years old. are you?6.He is in Class One Grade Two. is he in?7.My telephone number is 5805000. your telephone number?8.They are cars. are these ?9.This is my cap. cap is this?10.My favorite movie star is Bruce Lee. _ is your favorite movie star?(三) be动词的用法动词be说明身份、年龄、状态等I am a teacher.I a

5、m 21 years old.Im very healthy. 一、Be动词三种形式 am, is ,are 巧记:我( I )用am, 你( you )用are , is 跟着他( he )她( her )它( it ), 单数 is 复数 are。 1、I 任何时候都要大写 2、可数名词的单数/ 不可数名词 +is 3、名词复数+are二、与前后单词的缩写 I am=_ you are=_ he is= _ she is=_ it is=_ is not= _ are not=_ they are=_ My name is=_*以下情况不能缩写 1. 肯定回答:Yes,I am. Yes,

6、he/she/ it is. 2.this is 不缩写 3. am not 不缩写三、Be 动词一般现在时的各种句式 肯定 He is Tom. I am fine. 否定 He is not Tom. I am not fine. 一般疑问 Is he Tom? Are you fine? 特殊疑问句 Who is he? How are you?练习题一、将下列句子变成否定句1. I am a teacher. I a teacher.2. They are students. They students.3. Jane is a girl. Jane a girl.4.Toms fri

7、end is from the US. Toms friend_ from the US.5. My books are on the table. My books _ on the table.二、将下列句子变成一般疑问句1. I am a teacher. a teacher?2. They are students. Students?3. Jane is a girl. a girl?4Its color is sky blue. _ _ _ sky blue?5My books are on the sofa. _ _ _ on the sofa?三、以下句子请作肯定或否定回答1.

8、Are you a student? Yes, . No, .2.Is Jane a girl? Yes, . No, .3.Is that a girl? Yes , . No , .4. Is your phone number 123-456? Yes,_ _. No,_ _.5.Are those telephones? Yes , . No , .6.Is this an baseball? Yes , . No , .(四)冠词的简单用法冠词的分类: 冠词可分为不定冠词a/an和定冠词theA. 不定冠词a/an的用法We need an apple and a knife. (我

9、们需要一个苹果和一把刀。)不定冠词a/an表示的意思是一个,a用于辅音音素开头的词前,而an则用于元音音素开头的词前。English is a useful language.We need an hour to finish the homework.1. a/an 一般用于可数名词的单数形式前,表示“一,每一(个 )”I have a bike.We have meals three times a day.2. 泛指一类事物She is an English teacher.B. 定冠词the1. 特指某些人或物 Give me the book 2. 第二次提到某人或物 Look!Th

10、ere is a ball under the table. The ball is mine.3. 用于指说话双方都知道的人或物 Look at the blackboard.4. 表示世上独一无二的事物 The earth goes around the sun.5. 放于姓氏复数前,表示“.一家” The Greens are from Australia.6. 一些乐器前要加 theCan you play the guitar? (play the piano 弹钢琴 ; play the violin 拉小提琴;play the drums 打鼓)练习1.This is _ pen

11、. _ pen is nice. A . a; A B. a; An C. an;A D.a;The 2. - Whats that? - Its _ UFO A. a B. an C.the D. /3. _ earth is round. A. the B. a C. an D./4. _ whites are having dinner together. A. a B. the C. an D./5. Lisa has _ hat. _ hat is very beautiful. A. an; a B. a ; the C. a ;a D. the;the 6. Im watching _ movie. It is about _ interesting love story. A. a ;an B.a; a



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