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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。有情感的机器人英语演讲稿My job is to design, build and study robots that communicate with people. But this story doesn't start with robotics at all, it starts with animation. When I first saw Pixar's "Luxo Jr.," I was amazed by how much emotion they cou

2、ld put into something as trivial as a desk lamp. I mean, look at them - at the end of this movie, you actually feel something for two pieces of furniture. (Laughter) And I said, I have to learn how to do this. So I made a really bad career decision. And that's what my mom was like when I did it.

3、 (Laughter) I left a very cozy tech job in Israel at a nice software company and I moved to New York to study animation. And there I lived in a collapsing apartment building in Harlem with roommates. I'm not using this phrase metaphorically, the ceiling actually collapsed one day in our living r

4、oom. Whenever they did those news stories about building violations in New York, they would put the report in front of our building. As kind of like a backdrop to show how bad things are.我的工作是设计、构造和研究 那些能够与人交流的机器人。 不过这个故事不是从机器人说起, 而是要从动画说起。 当我第一次看到皮克斯的顽皮跳跳灯电影时, 我惊呆了, 一个如此微不足道的台灯 竟能表现如此多的感情。 你看他们啊!电影

5、结尾的时候, 你真的开始喜欢上这两件小小的家具了。 (笑声) 我对自己说,我要学会做这样的东西。 所以我做了一个很坏的职业决策, 我做出这个决定的时候,我妈妈就是这样的。 (笑声) 我辞去了在以色列一个软件公司的 一份非常舒服的技术工作, 我搬到了纽约 去学习动画。 在那,我和我的室友住在 哈莱姆一栋即将坍塌的公寓楼里。 我没有夸张, 有一天天花板真的塌下来了 就塌在了我们的客厅里。 每次报到纽约的违章建筑时, 他们都会跑到们的大楼下进行采访。 就好像让你看看现场有多糟糕一样。Anyway, during the day I went to school and at night I woul

6、d sit and draw frame by frame of pencil animation. And I learned two surprising lessons - one of them was that when you want to arouse emotions, it doesn't matter so much how something looks, it's all in the motion - it's in the timing of how the thing moves. And the second, was somethin

7、g one of our teachers told us. He actually did the weasel in Ice Age. And he said: "As an animator you are not a director, you're an actor." So, if you want to find the right motion for a character, don't think about it, go use your body to find it - stand in front of a mirror, act

8、 it out in front of a camera - whatever you need. And then put it back in your character.言归正传,我上学的日日夜夜, 我不停地一幅又一幅地用铅笔画着画。 我学到了两个让我惊讶的东西; 其中一个是: 当你想要唤起某些情感时, 外观并不算太重要, 关键是动作;物体运动时,对时间的把握。 关键是动作;物体运动时,对时间的把握。 第二个是我们的一个老师告诉我们的。 他正是电影冰河世纪的黄鼠狼。 他说: “;作为一个动画制作者, 你不是一个导演,而是一个演员。”; 所以如果你要为一个角色找到正确的肢体语言, 不要想

9、,用你的身体找到它, 站在镜子面前,摄像机前,演出来, 无论你需要做什么。 然后再把这个动作放在你的角色上。A year later I found myself at MIT in the robotic life group, it was one of the first groups researching the relationships between humans and robots. And I still had this dream to make an actual, physical Luxo Jr. lamp. But I found that robots di

10、dn't move at all in this engaging way that I was used to for my animation studies. Instead, they were all - how should I put it, they were all kind of robotic. (Laughter) And I thought, what if I took whatever I learned in animation school, and used that to design my robotic desk lamp. So I went

11、 and designed frame by frame to try to make this robot as graceful and engaging as possible. And here when you see the robot interacting with me on a desktop. And I'm actually redesigning the robot so, unbeknownst to itself, it's kind of digging its own grave by helping me. (Laughter) I want

12、ed it to be less of a mechanical structure giving me light, and more of a helpful, kind of quiet apprentice that's always there when you need it and doesn't really interfere. And when, for example, I'm looking for a battery that I can't find, in a subtle way, it will show me where th

13、e battery is. So you can see my confusion here. I'm not an actor. And I want you to notice how the same mechanical structure can at one point, just by the way it moves seem gentle and caring - and in the other case, seem violent and confrontational. And it's the same structure, just the moti

14、on is different. Actor: "You want to know something? Well, you want to know something? He was already dead! Just laying there, eyes glazed over!" (Laughter) But, moving in graceful ways is just one building block of this whole structure called human-robot interaction. I was at the time doi

15、ng my Ph.D., I was working on human robot teamwork; teams of humans and robots working together. I was studying the engineering, the psychology, the philosophy of teamwork. And at the same time I found myself in my own kind of teamwork situation with a good friend of mine who is actually here. And i

16、n that situation we can easily imagine robots in the near future being there with us. It was after a Passover seder. We were folding up a lot of folding chairs, and I was amazed at how quickly we found our own rhythm. Everybody did their own part. We didn't have to divide our tasks. We didn't have to communicate verbally about this. It all just happened. And I thought, humans and robots don't look at all like this. When humans and robots interact



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