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1、2022大学英语-大学英语六级考试题库(含答案解析)1. 问答题:The persistent haze over many of our cities is a reminder of the polluted air that we breathe. Over 80% of the worlds urban population is breathing air that fails to meet World Health Organisation guidelines, and an estimated 4.5 million people died _26_ from outdoor

2、 air pollution in 2015.Globally, urban populations are expected to double in the next 40 years, and an extra 2 billion people will need new places to live, as well as services and ways to move around their cities. What is more important, the decisions that we make now about the design of our cities

3、will _27_ the everyday lives and health of the coming generations. So what would a smug-free, or at least low-pollution, city be like?Traffic has become _28_ with air pollution, and many countries intend to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in the next two decades. But simply _29_ to electr

4、ic can will not mean pollution-free cities. The level of emissions they cause will depend on how the electricity to run them is _30_, while brakes, tyres and toads all create tiny airborne _31_ as they wear out.Across the developed world, ear use is in decline as more people move to city centers, wh

5、ile young people especially are _32_ for other means of travel. Researchers are already asking if motor vehicle use has reached its _33_ and will decline, but transport planners have yet to catch up with this _34_, instead of laying new roads to tackle traffic jams. As users of Londons orbital M25 m

6、otorway will know, new roads rapidly fill with more traffic. In the US, studies have shown that doubling the size of a road can _35_ double the traffic, taking us back to the starting point.A) altemate B) crown C) determine D) generated E) locating F) merged G) miniatures H) opting I) particles J) p

7、eak K) prematurely L) simply M) swiching N) synonymous O) trend答案:26.K 27.C 28.N 29.M 30.D 31.I 32.H 33.J 34.O 35.L 本题解析:暂无解析2. 问答题:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of having a sense of community respousibility. You should write at least 150 words but no

8、more than 200 words.答案:Any community is composed of individuals. Naturally, it matters a great deal to our communities that we have a sense of responsibility towards them.People living in the same area should be considered a group under an obligation to create a comfortable living environment for th

9、e whole community. Reaching this goal requires a sense of responsibility among all residents, which encourages them to start with small steps, such as to avoid making excessive noise that disturbs their neighbors. Moreover, a sense of collective responsibility among us students contributes to a warm

10、 and friendly atmosphere, where we respect and help each other, as well as a strong communal sense of belonging. It will ultimately be conducive to our academic and moral progress. After we graduate from college and get employed, we will find ourselves in a new community made up of colleagues. A sen

11、se of community responsibility, also known as team spirit in the workplace, will be the key to forming a united and cohesive group, where we strive towards a common objective in close cooperation with each other.In conclusion, a sense of community responsibility is worth fostering in that it plays a

12、 significant role in living, learning and working. 本题解析:任何社区都是由个人组成的。自然,我们对社区有责任感,这对我们的社区来说非常重要。生活在同一地区的人应被视为一个有义务为整个社区创造舒适生活环境的群体。实现这一目标需要所有居民都有责任感,这鼓励他们从小步骤开始,例如避免制造干扰邻居的过度噪音。此外,我们学生之间的集体责任感有助于营造一种温暖友好的气氛,我们相互尊重和帮助,并有强烈的社区归属感。这最终将有利于我们的学术和道德进步。大学毕业后,我们会发现自己在一个由同事组成的新社区。社区责任感,也称工作场所的团队精神,将是形成一个团结一致

13、的群体的关键,我们在那里努力实现共同目标,并相互密切合作。总之,社区责任感值得培养,因为它在生活、学习和工作中起着重要作用。3. 问答题:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of having a sense of family responsibility. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.答案:Home should be where people feel secure and

14、 comfortable. Maintaining harmony at home is essential for the well-being of an individual, a couple and their offspring, and even the society. But many are being plagued by family discord, a problem that boils down to the lack of a sense of family responsibility.Everyone has certain roles to take o

15、n in his or her family. Parents are expected to ensure their children are well-nourished and well-educated, helping them build a strong body and great character. We college students also need to take our responsibility as adult children. Being independent of our parents as early as possible lightens

16、 the financial burden on them. Learning to be mature and sensible can prevent us from becoming a constant source of worry to them. Fulfilling our filial duty to the best of our abilities allows them to enjoy life in midlife years, retirement and the twilight years.In brief, a sense of responsibility among family memb


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