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1、山东省新泰市青云街道第一初级中学2020学年八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题第一卷、选择题(65)一、单项选择 (25分)( )1.I think there will be_ peopleand_ pollution.A.fewer, many B.less, fewer C.more, less D.less, fewer( )2.For example, there are already robots _ in factories. A. worked B. working C. to work D. work( )3.There are about five _young trees

2、on the hill.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of ( )4.There_a sports meeting in our school next week.A. will holdB. will have C. is going to be D. is going to hold ( )5.My friend is angry with me. What should I _to him ? A. say B. speak C. argue D. talk ( )6. The boy was able to _ him

3、self when he was very young.A. dress B. wear C. put on( )7. I think he _ a doctor in the future. A. will B. is going to C. will is D. is going to be() 8. -Iboughtanewdictionary.-Howmuchdidyou_it?A.buyB.spendC.payforD.have()9.-Idontlikethepicture.-Idontlike,_.A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.still()10Youcouldgiv

4、ehimaticket_concert.A.to B.with C.of D.about( )11. -_ will your head teacher come back from England? -In two days. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How old( )12. If you want to know _ the mobile phone, youd better read the instructions first. A. how to use B. how to make C. where to mend D. w

5、here to buy( )13. Mom, could you buy me a new jacket? This one cant _ the cold. A. hang out B. help out C. hand out D. keep out( )14. All the fruit is free. You can eat _. A. as few as possible B. as much as possible C. as much as you can D. Both B and C( )15. Do you want tea or coffee?_. I really d

6、ont mind.A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither( ) 16 . George is very busy. He has other people to take care of _ me.A. besides B. beside C. except D. except that( ) 17. Look out! The trafficis _ fast _ we cant cross the street now.A. too; to B. enough; to C. so; that D. such; that( ) 17. What will t

7、he weather _tomorrow? A. like B. is like C. be like( )18.I dont know _it . A. how to do B. what to do C .to what do( )19. I found out its difficult _this question .A. to answer B answer C. answering( )20.Couldyougiveme_advice?A.someB.anyC.manyD.alot( )21.When you lose your way in the city , you can

8、_ the policemen _help.A. look; for B. find; out C. ask; for( )22.May I _ your CD player?Certainly, but you cant _ it to others.A. borrow, keep B. lend, keep C. keep,borrow D. borrow, lend( )23. My family went to visited the Summer Palace me.A. but B. for C. no D. except ( )24. You will _ go swimming

9、 when summer comes . A. be able to B. can C.could D. are able to ( )25. my surprise, Linda the math test time. A. To; pass B. To; failed C. In; passed D. In; failed二、完形填空 (10分)Bob Black usually wakes up about 5 minutes before the alarm clock goes off (响). 1 he hears the alarm clock, he jumps out of

10、his bed. It 2 him less than 15 minutes to wash, have breakfast, leave home and get on bus.He is always the first person to get to the 3 . The mornings are always very busy and the afternoons are 4 busier! Meetings and phone calls take up(占据) a large part of the day. Every minute of the day is filled

11、 with(充满) urgent(紧急的) matters. By around eight oclock, he usually finds some time to do his own paperwork and 5 some personal e-mails. When he gets home at about ten, he looks at some documents(文件) that he brings 6 from the office so that he can be ready for the 7 days work. He goes to bed around mi

12、d-night when his wife and children are already asleep. Bob Black seldom has time for 8 and other activities with his family. “My family complains(抱怨) about it,” he says, “but I 9 to work hard so that I can make money for them. Besides, I get bored if theres nothing to do. I like being 10 .”26. A. As

13、 soon as B. Wherever C. As quickly as D. Until27. A. spends B. costs C. takes D. needs28. A. work B. office C. house D. station29. A. ever B. too C. quite D. even30. A. looks for B. answers C. looks up D. asks31. A. back B. out C. in D. up32. A. last B. each C. next D. some33. A. fun B. money C. busin


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