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1、Module7 、Community .Unit 1 、He cant see.个案一、教材分析: Module7、Community. Unit 1、He cant see. 学习的是如何表达别人没有的能力。能口头运用He cant see.这类语句表达别人没有的能力。能识别单词programme, useful ,blind, deaf, hear, firemen, mum, sausage,并能书写单词your , dog. 能结合所学内容联系自己的生活经历,谈谈狗对人类的用途,并号召大家“爱护动物”。二、教学过程Step I: Warmming up1. Greeting: Hell

2、o, boys and girls. 2.Listen and sing “A good friend”.教师点评:通过听唱英语歌曲创造学习英语的气氛,使学生很快进入学习状态,同时引出本课主题。Step 2: Learning in1.Listen and say“What animal is it?”2. T: I like dogs. Do you like dogs? Why?.T:Dogs are our friends. They are very useful for us.Today we want to watch a programme about dogs.Theres a

3、 programme about dogs. (show the slide)Do you know - programme? Learn the word programme.3. After the TV programme: T: Can you watch TV? Ss:Yes, I can. T: Because we have? Ss: We have eyes. T: Yes, we have eyes. We can see.See, see, see, we can see. (show the slide) Ss: See, see, see, we can see.T:

4、But in the programme, the man cant see.See, see, see, he cant see. (show the slide) Why cant he see? Hes blind. (show the slide)Blind, blind, blind, he is blind. (show the slide) Show the chan:See, see, see, we can see. See, see, see, he cant see.Blind, blind, blind, he is blind.4. T: Can you hear t

5、he music in the programme? Ss: Yes, I can.T: Because we have? (Point my ears) Ss: We have ears.T: Yes, we have ears. We can hear. Hear, hear, hear, we can hear. (show the slide) Ss: Hear, hear, hear, we can hear.T: But in the programme, the girl cant hear.Hear, hear, hear, she cant hear. (show the s

6、lide)Why cant she hear? Shes deaf. (show the slide)Deaf, deaf, deaf, he is deaf. (show the slide) Show the chant: Hear, hear, hear, we can hear.Hear, hear, hear, she cant hear.Deaf, deaf, deaf, she is deaf.4. T: Do you know who help them? Ss: The dogs. T: Yes. Dogs can help people do lots of things.

7、 (show the slide) So dogs are very useful. We should love them and protect them. (First let them guess, then learn it.)教师点评:学生对有韵律的文字记忆较深刻,借助这一点帮助学生记忆。Step 3: Listen and learn 1. T: Today well learn Module7 unit1 He cant see. (writing) First listen. Then answer these questions. (show the slide) 1. W

8、ho help the man, the girl and the firemen?2. Can Sam have a dog?3. Are hot dogs real dogs? What are they? After the questions ,then learn the words .sausage-sausages fireman-firemen. (show the slide 2. Listen again and repeat, then fill in the blanks. (show the slide)1. The man is _. He cant _. This

9、 dog helps _.2. This girl is _.She cant _. This dog helps _.3. These firemen cant find _. These dogs help _.3. Chant: He is blind. He cant see. Who helps him? him him him(Make a chant by themselves) She cant hear. Who helps her? her her her. They cant find people. Who helps them? them them them教师点播:

10、让学生自己编写韵律歌增加学生的记忆,同时培养学生动脑和自主学习的能力。4. listen and repeat. Then the students practice by themselves.At last well act the dialogue.教师点播: 对话表演要关注全体学生,特别是学困生,让他们也有机会表现自我,并抓住学生的点滴进步,及时表扬。考虑到有一定的难度,先让较好的学生示范,这样学习有困难的学生就会逐步跟上。Step 4: Product1. T: Do you know Tai Lihua and Yang Guang. (show the slide)Tai Lih

11、ua cant _.She is _. Her teacher helps _.Yang Guang cant _.He is _.His mother helps _.Sanglan cant . She is . Her mother helps .2. 以此教育学生:(show the slide)We should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。Let the world be full of love. 让世界充满爱。Step 5: Homework (show the slide) 1. Listen to the tape of this unit.2.收集

12、动物和人类互助的资料,以英文海报的形展示出来。3.观察自己的周围有哪些需要帮助的人,向他们提供帮助。 教后反思:小学英语应从学生的兴趣入手,从学生已有的知识水平出发,培养学生积极的情感,养成自主学习的习惯。 我这节课的教学重点是 I cant .句型。从整体来看,课堂气氛活跃,学生的学习积极主动性高,达到了良好的教学效果。 我认为本节课的成功之处有以下几处: 1、教学环节. 为了更好地突出重点,突破难点,本节课我的教学环节设计为: (一)课前热身(问候、唱歌作为热身运动) (二)学习新知(谈话导入本单元主题dogs) (三)巩固练习(用Icant.句型介绍人物;用can. I cant .介绍

13、自己。) (四)课外拓展(邰丽华 杨光 桑兰) (五)作业 2、运用chant教学法学习新知,体现层次性。 开始我用chant教学法激发学生的学习积极主动性,这样既复习了旧知,活跃了气氛,又为学习本课的重点句型I cant 做好铺垫。 3、利用各种手段,提高学习效果。 图片教学不仅能给学生以深刻的感官印象,诱发他们的学习动机,同时还能使他们对事物很快形成正确的表象。 4、教学设计首尾呼应。 好的开头是成功的一半。一堂课的开始对整个课堂都起着至关重要的作用。这样不但激发学生的学习兴趣,又与后面首尾呼应。 5、课文学习高效,学生快乐掌握。 在课文学习上给了学生充裕的听、说时间,每次跟读前加入了注意事项,使学生自然而然地掌握了课文内容. 本节课也存在着不足之处,主要表现在: 1、在时间安排上有点紧张。 2、学生拓展练习量较小。小学五年级英语第五册个案Module7 、Community Unit 1 . He cant see.西河小学 李美玲2010、12


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