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1、初二英语语法知识点综合练习题篇一:初二英语语法选择题Choose the best answer from the choices given:1. There _ a pair of glasses but there _ no books on the desk.A. are, areB. is, is C. is, are D. are, is2. Nobody but Tom and Mary _ in the laboratory.A. areB. had beenC. were D. is3. She would have come if we _ her.A. invited B

2、. have invited C. had invited D. would have invited4. _ for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand.A. Had it not beenB. Without beingC. Not being D. Not having been5. It is high time that the boy _ sent to school.A. isB. was C. beD. is to be6. The speech _, a lively discussion started.A. ha

3、ving been delivered B. being deliveredC. was delivered D. be delivered7. Henan had a larger population _ in China.A. than any provinceB. than all the other provinceC. than other province D. than all the provinces8. Renting a room outside cost _ living a dormitory for a month.A. twice much asB. as mu

4、ch as twice C. twice as much asD. twice more9. You must give it back to _ it belongs to.A. that B. who C. whomever D. what10.It will be some time _ the final results.A. up until they knowB. before they knowC. up to the time they are able to knowD. until they know.11.You think everything will be all

5、right in time, _.A. so I do B. so I think C. nor do I D. so do I12.Lets go to the cinema, _?A. will we B. shall we C. must we D. do we13.When you cross the road, be careful of _.A. traffics B. the traffics C. a traffic D. the traffic14.It _ when I left the school.A. is snowing B. was snowingC. snows

6、D. will snow15.All the equipment _ before the experiment began.A. have been preparedB. were preparedC. had been preparedD. had prepared16.You _ to town to see the film yesterday. It will be on TV tonight.A. neednt go B. should not goC. had better not goD. neednt have gone17.The faster anything is th

7、rown into the sky, _.A. the higher goes it B. the highest it goesC. it goes the higher D. the higher it goes18.Weve agreed _ Spain for our holiday next year.A. to B. onC. forD. with19.They have one hour to read newspapers _ their ordinary work.A. apart fromB. without C. far fromD. free from20.There

8、is something _ you said. Ill take your advice.A. in whatB. in whichC. for that D. at that1-20 CDCAB ABCCB DBDBC DDBAA篇二:初二英语语法综合练习题初二英语语法综合练习题I.词汇1.The box is too heavy. Can you do me a f_?2.The naughty(淘气)boy is so c_ that he often forgets his schoolbag.3. Im sorry for _(lose) your book.4. We belie

9、ve you can do_ (well) next time.5. Who _(invent) basketball in 1891?6.We will stay at home instead of_ ?(travel)7. Jane enjoys playing tennis in different _(country)8. I always have great fun_ (run)every morning.9. Would you mind _( give ) me another mooncake10. My pen is broken. So I use a pencil i

10、_.11. May I help you with the homework?-Its very nice of you, but I think I can m_ it myself.12. My mother f _ ill yesterday evening, so my father stays at home to look after her today13. What do you mean by _ (shout) at me?14. She always practices _ (sing) every morning.II.单项选择题() 1. Would you mind

11、 _ the door?A. open B. opens C. opening() 2. -Will you join us?-Yes, _A. Ill B. I wont C. I will() 3. I am very sorry _ what I saidA. with B. at C. for() 4. The interesting book kept her _ for an hour.A. read B. readingC. to read() 5. Would you _smoking here?A. mind not B. not mind C. to mind not( )

12、 6. You shouldnt shout _your parentsA. atB. to C. with( ) 7. We will have a football game _Class Three this Sunday.A. withB. and C. against( ) 8. This is a _ passage(短文). Can you read it for me?A. 200 wordB. 200-wordC. 200-words D. 200 of words()10.I cant swim, she cant ,_.A. too B. also C. butD eit

13、her.( )11 _ my teachers help ,I passed the exam.A. Under B By C WithD .On( )12. Please keep _.Im trying to study.A.quietly B.quite C.quietD.quietly( )13. - _ you _ me carry the bag? -Certainly, Im coming.A .Do, help B .Will, help C. Did, help D. May, help( )14. He is not the best, but he is _ very f

14、amous.A. too B .alsoC. either D. as well( )15. I often help my mother _ the house.A. to cleanB. cleaningC. cleans D. cleaned( )16. Jim got up early _ he can catch the bus.A.that B. instead ofC .so thatD. then( )17. -Would you mind _ my pet dog?A. look after B .to looking after . C. to look after D .looking after( )18. Learning English well is important_ you.A for B withC ofD to( )20.It is a _ river.A. 2.5- meters-wideB .2.5- meter-wideC. wide- 2.5 -meters D. wide- 2.5 meter( )21. Playing soccer can make your body _.A strong B strongly C to strong D to be strong( ) 22. -Do you



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