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1、中考语法知识点(非常重要):一冠词1. an umbrella, an uncle, an unpleasant trip2. a uniform, a university, a unit, a UFO, a useful book3. an hour, an honest boy4. an “a”( e, f, h, i, l, m, n, o, r, s, x) , a “b”( c, d, g, j, k, p, q, t, u, v, w, y, z)5. a European country6. Childrens Day, May Day, the Spring Festival

2、 7. I lost the book I bought last week. Is it a black one?二名词1. 名词单复数: many sheep, few deer, several Japanese, a few geese, two mice; radios, photos2. 名词所有格: Tom and Marys father, Toms and Marys fathersthe key to the door, the answer to the question;Teachers Day, Mothers Dayten minutes walk, a five-

3、day holiday, five days holiday3. 不可数名词: weather、news、information、advice、music、fun、room(空间)、work (cf: a message, He likes reading newspapers) There is an orange on the table. two bottles of orange an orange dress4. 名词作定语: shoe shops, women doctors, men nurses, girl students5. three Englishmen, a few

4、Germans, many Americans6. a piece of bread a box of oranges a pair of shoesfour pieces of bread two boxes of oranges five pairs of shoes三数词: 1. thousands of, three hundred2. two thirds, three quarters, one fifth3. ninth, twelfth, fortieth4. in the 1860s/ 1860s (19世纪60年代), in her forties5. Bus No. 11

5、2, the second lesson, Lesson Two; the twenty-first century6. another two boys=two more boys四代词1. 人称代词: his, hers, mine: His watch is new. It isnt his. a friend of mine/ hers/ Li Mings2. 疑问代词: how soon-in; how often-seldom, twice a month;how long-(for); how many times-twice, four times3. what to do;

6、how to do it4. what没范围, which有范围5. all/both/none/neither/any/either的区别:Both of the twins are teachers, but neither of them likes teaching.All of the doctors have to learn French, but none of them likes it.There are many tall trees on the both sides of the road / river.(either side, each side)6. othe

7、r, the other, others, the others, another: someothers, (two)onethe other The shoes are nice, I want to buy another pair.7. The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Dongguan.The students in Dongguan is better than those in Beijing.8. We found it interesting to learn English. 五介词1. be friendly to

8、, be strict with sb., be full of, be filled with2. in the morning, in the afternoon, in the eveningon a cold morning on a hot afternoon on the evening of June 22 on Christmas Day3. It looks nice on you. a woman with glasses, 4. Its nice of you to say so. Its necessary for us to remember more words.5

9、. Japan is to the east of China. Taiwan is in the southeast of China. Guangxi is on the west of Guangdong.6. walk across the bridge/ street; swim across the river go through the traffic lights/ forest/ jungle/ city7. All the students went to the park except John, because he was ill.I need 2 more stu

10、dents besides John to do the work.六 形容词和副词1. An elephant is (very, quite, so, too) big.2. A friend of mine is as heavy as me. He is not so/ as tall as her.3. much+比较级, much more+原形: He is much fatter that her. He is much more confident than her.4. 一些特殊的句型:1) Jim is the taller of the two (boys).2) Ou

11、r school is much (far/ still/ even/ a lot/a little) more beautiful than yours.3) The earlier, the better.4) When summer comes, the weather gets hotter and hotter.5) Today English is becoming more and more important.6) He is 2 kilos heavier than I.7) The weather in Guangzhou is always warmer than tha

12、t in Beijing.8) The students in our school are more than those in your school.9) Paris is one of the liveliest cities in the world.10) .The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.5. He is careful enough. He does everything carefully.6. the poor, the old, the rich, the dead, the young: The

13、 young are always energetic.七情态动词: 1. Must I?No, you neednt/ dont have to.2. I am not sure. It may3. must:交通规矩,规章制度; 表肯定猜测“一定”4. cant: 表猜测“肯定不是”:The lady over there cant be our teacher. She has gone to Shanghai.八连词: but, however, or(否则), unless(除非), notuntil九被动语态1. I wasnt told about this.2. The old

14、 should be spoken politely.3. She was taken to the hospital in time.4. 没有被动:happen, take place, 连词动词,belong to十. 现在完成时(注意用延续性动词)1. How long have you had the car? I bought it half a month ago.2. The film has been on for ten minutes.3. Sorry. The boss isnt here. He has gone to Guangzhou.4. So far, his

15、 father has been there many times.5. He has been in America for twenty years.6. The boy has learned six languages since two years ago.7. Guangdong has changed a lot in the past few years.十一. 主将从现: 主将 从现will/ be going to/ be doing if(如果) 祈使句(do, dont ) + as soon as + 一般现在时含情态动词 until/unless 现在完成时 when/ before/ after1. I wont go to bed unles



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