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1、目 录2012年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础 考研真题及详解2013年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础 考研真题及详解2014年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础 考研真题及详解2015年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础 考研真题及详解2016年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础 考研真题及详解2012年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、将下列缩略语、习语、术语和专有名词译成汉语,缩略形式还需写 出英语全文。 (15分)l. CIA【答案】美国中央情报局 (Central Intelligence Agency)2 LOHAS【答案】乐活族 (Lifestyles of Health an

2、d Sustainability)3 AIDS【答案】艾滋病 (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)4 ISSN【答案】国际标准连续出版物编号 (International Standard Serial Number)5 Like father, 1ike son. 【答案】有其父必有其子。6 A word spoken is past recalling. 【答案】一言既出,驷马难追。7 antilock braking system 【答案】汽车防抱制动系统8 a license-plate lottery system 【答案】车牌摇号9 Async

3、hronous Transfer Mode【答案】异步传输模式10botnets【答案】僵尸网络11consultation program on students academic performance 【答案】学业会商制度12credit bank【答案】信贷银行13family/domestic violence 【答案】家庭暴力14government-funded public institution 【答案】事业单位15trade surplus 【答案】贸易顺差二、将下列汉语译成英语,译成缩略语的需要写出缩略语英语全文。 (15分)1 国内生产总值【答案】GDP(Gross D

4、omestic Product)2 石油输出国组织【答案】OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 3 金砖国家【答案】BRICS(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)更多考研资料 v/q:344647 公众号/小程序:顺通考试资料4 自动取款机【答案】ATM(Automatic Teller Machine)5 有钱能使鬼推磨。【答案】Money makes the mare go.6 趁热打铁【答案】Strike while the iron is hot.7 积极的财政政

5、策【答案】positive financial policy8 黄金和外汇储备【答案】gold and foreign exchange reserves9 安居工程【答案】Housing Project for low-income families; Comfortable Housing Project10个税起征点【答案】the minimum threshold for personal income tax/ individual income tax threshold11压力传感器【答案】pressure sensor12无线局域网【答案】WLAN(Wireless Local

6、 Area Network)13宿主【答案】host14来电显示【答案】CID(Caller Identification)15纳米管【答案】Nanotube三、英译汉 (60分) :非常见地名和人名可保留不译。Passage One (40 points)Ghosts are a very real part of Mexican culture, and as we are here in November, just after the Day of the Dead celebrations, their presence lingers. Decorative skeletons a

7、nd skulls are on display at many houses and hotels, nowhere more so than at a fantastic little hotel we discover at mother must- stop on the silver town trail, the state capital Guanajuato, a picture-perfect colonial gem, full of partying students, craft markets and mariachi bands.The Casa de Espiri

8、lus Alegres (house of happy spirits) in Marfil, a village just outside, was a silver-processing hacienda in the 1700s, and is now a bizarre and magical hotel so full of folk art its practically a museum. Since the 1950s it has been cared for by artists, including, since 1979, present owner Carol Sum

9、mers, from California.As soon as we open the Secret Garden-like door into the overgrown courtyard I feel like Ive entered a fairground ghost house. Every inch is covered in grinning wooden skeletons, intricately painted tiles, patterned rugs and giant animal figures.Even the breakfast table, where w

10、e eat freshly baked chocolate-chip bread off crazily painted ceramics, is covered in skeleton fabric. Theres an artists workshop in the basement, a help-yourself bar in a Rajasthani tent in a garden full of sculptures, and monstrous carved ceremonial masks on every wall. All pre-Hispanic communities

11、 had a mask-maker, whose pieces were worn for ritual “evil dances” . Mask-makers sprinkled a tree with blood or mezcalbefore cutting wood for the mask, and some used hallucinogenic herbs and mushrooms before carving.【参考译文】幽灵是墨西哥文化中真实存在的一部分,在亡灵节庆祝刚结束那几天, 庆典的气氛久久不能消散,这时正是我们的十一月份。装饰好的头骨和 骷髅会放在房屋前进行展示,而

12、且再也没有比小旅馆门前更多的地方 了,每每沿着银色的城镇小路走到这里,妈妈们都会做一番停留。首府 瓜纳华托犹如一颗镶嵌在图画中完美的宝石,到处都是开party的学生 们,工艺品市场和墨西哥流浪乐队。在城市外面的小村庄Marfil里有一个欢乐之家,这是一个布满银色的大 庄园,现在则成为了一家充满着民间艺术气息的古怪魔法旅馆,实际上 就像一个博物馆。 自从20世纪50年代这家旅馆被画家们眷顾之后,就有 了现在的店主加利福尼亚的Carol Summers。我们一打开秘密花园的门,就像进入了杂草丛生地庭院,仿佛自己置身 于幽灵之家。每一个角落都有咧着嘴笑的木质骷髅,错综复杂的彩色瓷 砖,满是图案的地毯

13、和巨大的动物图像。甚至是我们吃新鲜出炉的巧克力面包的彩色瓷砖的早餐桌上都摆满了骷 髅骨架。花园里的地下室中有一间是艺术家工作室,还有一个围着拉贾 斯坦帐篷的自助酒吧,这个花园到处都是雕刻的印记,墙上还刻着很多 仪式性的面具。前西班牙所有团体中有一个面具制造商,他的面具都被 磨损后供仪式性“邪恶的舞蹈”使用。面具制造商们在砍树做面具之前都 会在树上洒上血或者是龙舌兰酒,有的则在雕刻面具之前使用迷幻剂和蘑菇 (在墨西哥的古代玛雅文明中有致幻蘑菇的记载) 。Passage Two (20 points)When she came to that part of the letter, in whic

14、h her family were mentioned, in terms mortifying, yet merited reproach, her sense of shame was severe. The justice of the charge struck her forcibly for denial, and the circumstances to which he particularly alluded, as having passed at the Nether field ball, and as confirming all his first disappro

15、bation, could not have made a stronger impression on his mind than on hers. The compliment to herself and her sister, was not unfelt. It soothed, but it could not console her for the contemptwhich had been thus self-attracted by the rest of her family; and as she considered that her sister s disappointment had in fact been the work of her nearest relations, and reflected how materially the credit of both must be hurt by such impropriety of conduct, she felt depressed beyond anyt



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