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1、2022年考博英语-中国社会科学院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Surely it should be obvious the dimmest executive Athat trust,that most valuable of economic assets,Bis easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restoreand that Cfew things are more likely to destroy trust than a company letting sensitive personal data Dgetting

2、 into the wrong hands.问题1选项A.that trustB.is easily destroyedC.few thingsD.getting into the wrong hands【答案】D【解析】考查固定用法。Let后面接动词原形。因此D选项应改为get into the wrong hands。2. 单选题One impediment ( )the general use of a standard in pronunciation is the fact( )pronunciation is learnt naturally and unconsciously,w

3、hile orthography is learnt deliberately and consciously.问题1选项A.in.whichB.of.in whichC.on.thatD.tothat【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配及同位语从句。One impediment to“障碍”,第二个空格后的句子是前面fact的同位语,因此由that引导。D选项符合题意。3. 单选题Ross Douthat offers the provocative thesis that many of this nations biggest blunders and troubles are due in

4、large part to meritocracy in which intelligent and talent people rise to positions of influence, for that such people are prone to a form of ( ) in which they overestimate their ability to understand and manipulate the world.问题1选项A.hubrisB.charismaC.egoD.gregariousness【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项hubris“傲慢;狂妄

5、自大”;B选项charisma“魅力;神授的能力”;C选项ego“自我”;D选项gregariousness“群集度;合群性”。空格部分句意:因为这样的人容易,使他们高估自己理解和操纵世界的能力。因此A选项符合题意。4. 单选题Cultural continuities with Africa were not dependent on importation and ( )of specific folktales in their pristine form.问题1选项A.perpetuationB.perceptibilityC.perpetrationD.perplexity【答案】A

6、【解析】考查形近名词辨析。A选项perpetuation“不朽;永存”;B选项perceptibility“感觉力;理解力”;C选项perpetration“犯罪;做坏事”;D选项perplexity“困惑;混乱”。句意:非洲的文化连续性并不依赖于原始形式的特定民间故事的输入和。联系句意可知A选项符合题意。5. 单选题Each of us shares with the community in which we live a store of words as well as agreed conventions( ) these words should be arranged to co

7、nvey a particular message.问题1选项A.as the way by whichB.by the way in whichC.as to the way in whichD.in the way of which【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:我们每个人都与我们所生活的社会分享着大量的词汇以及约定的惯例,这些词汇排列组合起来后可以表达特定意义。后半句是对前半句中约定的惯例进一步解释,因此只有C选项“至于这种惯例(方式)”可将前后衔接起来。6. 单选题(1) Player 1 may not know these particular words of wisdom

8、, but chances are shes thinking much the same as she tries to decide whether to send Player 2 some of her $10 stake. If she does, the money will be tripled, and her anonymous partner can choose to return none, some, or all of the cash. But why should Player 2 send anything back? And why should Playe

9、r 1 give anything in the first place? Despite the iron logic of this argument, she types in her command to send some money. A few moments later she smiles, seeing from her screen that Player 2 has returned a tidy sum that leaves them both showing a net profit.(2) Based on exactly the same cold logic

10、 that Player 1 dismissed, the so-called Nash equilibrium predicts that in economic transactions between strangers, where one has to make decisions based on a forecast of anothers response, the optimal level of trust is zero. Yet despite the economic orthodoxy, the behavior of Players 1 and 2 is not

11、exceptional. In fact, over the course of hundreds of such trials, it turns out that about half of Player 1s send some money, and three-quarters of Player 2s who receive it send some back.Zak is a leading protagonist in the relatively new field of neuroeconomics, which aims to understand human social

12、 interactions through every level from synapse to society. It is a hugely ambitious undertaking. By laying bare the mysteries of such nebulous human attributes as trust, neuroeconomists hope to transform our self- understanding. (3 ) “As we learn more about the remarkable internal order of the mind,

13、 we will also understand far more deeply the social mind and therefore the external order of personal exchange, and the extended order of exchange through markets.”(4) As Zaks collaborator Steve Knack of the World Bank points out: “Trust is one of the most powerful factors affecting a countrys econo

14、mic health. Where trust is low, individuals and organizations are more wary about engaging in financial transactions, which tends to depress the national economy.”And trust levels differ greatly between nations. The World Values Survey, based at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has asked peopl

15、e in countries around the world, “Do you think strangers can generally be trusted?” the positive response rate varies from about 65% in Norway to about 5% in Brazil.(5) “Policy-makers in these latter countries might be urgently interested in mechanisms that enable them to raise national trust levels,” observes Knack.问题1选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside



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