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1、2022年考博英语-西北农林科技大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 写作题Directions: Write a short essay of about 300 words on the following topic. Do remember to provide a title for your essay. Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET.Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of famil

2、y and friends. Other people believe the best way is through personal experience.Compare the advantages of these two different ways. Which do you think is preferable? Use specific examples to support your preference.【答案】略2. 单选题Bringing up children is hard work, and you are often to blame for any bad

3、behavior of your children. If so, Judith Rich Harris has good news for you. Parents, she argues, have no important long-term effects on the development of the personality of their children. Far more important are their playground friends and neighborhood companions. Ms. Harris takes to beat the assu

4、mption which has dominated developmental psychology for almost half a century.Ms. Harriss attack on the developmentalists, “nurture” argument looks likely to reinforce doubts that the profession was already having. If parents matter, why is it that two adopted children, reared in the same home, are

5、no more similar in personality than two adopted children reared in separate homes or that a pair of identical twins, reared in the same home, arc no more alike than a pair of identical twins reared in different homes?Difficult as it is to track the precise effects of parental upbringing, it may be h

6、arder to measure the exact influence of the peer group in childhood and adolescence. Ms. Harris points to how children from immigrant homes soon learn not to speak at school in the way their parents speak. But acquiring a language is surely a skill, rather than a characteristic of the sort developme

7、ntal psychologists hunt for. Certainly it is different from growing up tense or relaxed, or from learning to be honest or hard-working or generous. Easy though as it may be to prove that parents have little impact on those qualities, it will be hard to prove that peers have vastly more.Moreover, mum

8、 and dad surely cannot be ditched completely. Young adults may, as Ms. Hams argues, be keen to appear like their contemporaries. But even in those early years, parents have the power to open door: They may initially choose the peers with whom their children associate, and pick that influential neigh

9、borhood. Moreover, most people suspect that they come to resemble their parents more in middle age, and that peoples child-rearing habits may be formed partly by what their parents did. So the balance of influences is probably complicated, as most parents already suspected without being able to demo

10、nstrate it scientifically. Even if it turns out that the genes they pass on and the friends their children play with matter as much as affection, discipline and good example, parents are not completely off the hook.1.According to Ms. Harris,( ).2.Which of the following views would the development a

11、lists agree with?3.Which of the following statements summarizes the main point of Paragraph three?4.The word ditched (Para 4) could best be replaced by ( ).5.What is the authors main purpose?问题1选项A.parents have not invested enough time and energy in their childrenB.childrens personality is shaped by

12、 people they mix with outside the homeC.in the long run, parents will affect their childrens personalityD.nature rather than nurture has a significant effect on childrens personality development问题2选项A.Children tend to assume their parents personalityB.Children are more influenced by their peers than

13、 by their parents.C.Identical twins reared in the same home are similar in personality.D.Identical twins under the same parent develop separate personalities.问题3选项A.Parental influence is more important than the influence of the peer groups.B.To measure the exact influence of the peer group in childh

14、ood and adolescence is hard.C.Children subject to peer group influence often learn how to be honest, hard-working, or generous.D.Peers and parents have similar influence on a childs personality development.问题4选项A.provedB.emphasizedC.comparedD.ignored问题5选项A.To highly praise Ms. Harriss work.B.To coun

15、ter Ms. Harriss work.C.To objectively report on Ms. Harriss work.D.To critically comment on Ms. Harriss work.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.事实细节题。A项“父母没有为他们的孩子投入足够的时间和精力”, D项“先天而非后天培养对儿童的个性发展有显著影响”文中没有提及;C项“从长远来看,父母会影响孩子的个性”,原文第一段提到“Parents, she argues, have no important long-term effects on the

16、 development of the personality of their children. 她(即Harris女士)称,父母对孩子的个性发展没有重要的长期影响”可推断C项错误;B项“孩子的性格受家庭外他们交往的人的影响”,文章第一段提到“Far more important are their playground friends and neighborhood companions(在小孩的性格形成上)有更重要影响的是孩子在操场上的朋友和街坊伙伴” 可推断B项正确。2.判断推理题。A项“孩子往往里呈现父母的性格”,文章只说影响,并未提及呈现父母的性格,不是心理学家的观点。B项“孩子更多受


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