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3、words:daddy, culture, beginnerbasic sentences:What can you do?I can.教学方法任务型教学法、多媒体教学教学手段利用图片、多媒体课件等辅助教学,充分调动全体学生参与课堂活动,从而提高课堂教学效率。教学目标语 言 知 识复习巩固情态动词can的用法,达到准确运用;学习对话中的新单词daddy, culture, beginner,做到能够准确理解词义,读准字音。能 力能够准确运用情态动词can进行相关的能力问答;通过学习,提高学生的听力水平和自学水平。教学重点复习巩固情态动词can的用法;对话教学。教学难点通过学习,感悟情态动词ca

4、n的用法,并能准确运用,教给学生学习方法,学会及时归纳整理。教具准备图片、卡片、录音机、多媒体课件二、学习者分析 学生在英语学习上普遍存在着浓厚的兴趣,能够积极按照老师要求进行学习,他们在英语的听、说、读、写方面已经奠定了比较坚实的基础。学习中我把重点放在了知识的总结和复习上,为了使学生牢固掌握以往所学知识,在教学的过程中,教师起到了引路的作用,帮助学生归纳整理知识,从而提高复习效果。本课重点复习情态动词can的用法,这个词的用法学生已有过学习,因此,学生在总结该词的用法时比较容易,极大地调动了学生的积极性。为了调动学生参与课堂,我设计了多种评价方式,有个人评价,也有小组评价,并针对学生在课堂

5、上的表现,及时进行表扬,虽然时间有限,但是,我让学生参与评价,不但节约了时间,而且使评价更具有公正性。问题框架如何使学生掌握复习的技巧?如何运用对话教学进行听力训练?如何在有限时间里对全体学生进行评价? 三、Teaching processTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityPurpose of DesignStep 1: Warm-up:1) Ask some questions about their names, ages, and some information about the personal life.Q: Whats your name? M

6、ay I have your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Whats the date? What day is today?2)Take out the pictures of FuWa. Ask: Do you know their names? Show every FuWa on the screen. Introduce them one by one. Elicit “can”.Say: Beibei is a fish. She said: “I can swim.” ( Broadcast from the PPT.)

7、Jingjing is a panda. He said: “I can walk.” Huanhuan is fire. She said: “I can dance.” Yingying is a Tibet antelope. She said: “I can run.” Nini is a bird. She said: “I can fly.”Next, point to each FuWa on the blackboard. Ask: What can they do?Point to each picture, have them read the verbs again. L

8、isten and answer the teachers questions according to their real life.A: My names. Im. Im. Im from. I come from. Its .Look at the pictures and answer the name of each FuWa. ( Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, Nini )Look at the pictures and listen to the teachers introduction carefully.Look at the

9、 FuWa and answer the teachers question.Beibei can swim.Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, and Nini.Read the verbs together.引领学生进入英语学习状态,为课上的练习作好铺垫。利用福娃引入复习要点,既向学生渗透了奥运知识,又能充分调动起学生学习的兴趣。逐一播放图片,讲述奥运福娃知识,引出本课教学重点can课件播出“I can”图形与声音配合,给学生直观印象,又给学生做出示范。结合图片,复习涉及的5个动词,加深学生印象。Say: Each animal has its own abilit

10、y, too. Listen to the rhyme and remember these words.Display the cartoons of the rhyme.Then, the teacher read a part of the sentences. Have them listen and complete together. An elephant can .A frog can .A fish can .An egg can .Step 2: Review:Say: What can you do? ( Write down this question on the b

11、lackboard. )Have someone answer the question. Then, help them summary the words on the PPT.Make models on the blackboard. I can walk. I can read. I can sing. I can play basketball.Then, have them use these words ask and answer in groups.( Ordered everyone must use different words.)Have one or two gr

12、oups do the chain-game.Have the good color the stars.( five, four, three,)Review: What can he do? What can she do?Show some famous sportsmen and sportswomen on the screen.Ask: Do you know their names?Next, ask again: What can he do? What can she do?Point some of them and ask again: Can he swim? Can

13、she run?Step 3: Presentation:Put on the picture of the dialogue on the screen. Introduce it to the students:Look at the picture here. How many girls can you see in the picture?Yes, they are Mary and Liu Hong. Now they are talking about Marys daddy. Point to him and teach the word: daddy.Use the word

14、 card. Have them look at the meaning of this word.Ask: can you use other words?Take out the questions before their listening.Give them the answers after they answered the questions.Teach the other new words while they are listening.( culture, beginner)Use the same method to teach these two words.Next, have them read the books in groups. Then, have some groups act out.Give them some stars.Summary the dialogue.Marys daddy likes Chinese culture very much.He can speak Chinese.He can write Chinese, too.Step 4: Ext


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