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1、 Unit 2 I ll help to clean up the city parks. 一短语动词 (verb phrases)1. 现代英语中,动词之后加介词或副词构成短语,表达一种特定的含义,称为短语动词。短语动词如果被拆开,则不能表达这种特定的含义。同学们在学习过程中,要把这些习惯用法看作一个整体。如:look 看 look for 寻找、寻求 look after 照顾、照看 look out 小心、注意 在这个例子中,我们清楚的看到,look 的后面加上不同的介词或副词,意义截然不同。因此,对于短语动词,我们要善于积累、巩固。2. 动词短语的构成: (1)动词+副词(宾语是代词时

2、,只能放在中间;宾语是名词时,既可以放在中间,也可以放在后面。)常见的有:put up , call up , set up, fix up, get up, look up, make up ,pick up ,take up ,clean up ,cheer up ,put on ,turn on ,take off, turn off, put off, give out ,work out , find out, give away ,run away等。(2)动词+介词 ( 必带宾语,宾语只能放在后面。)常见的有:look after, look for ,look at ,brea

3、k into , think of ,laugh at, listen to , arrive at等(3)动词+副词+介词 ( 必带宾语,宾语只能放在后面。)常见的有:look down upon , look forward to, come up with等(4)动词+名词+介词 ( 必带宾语,宾语只能放在后面。)常见的有:take care of ,pay attention to ,have a look at等(5) be +形容词+介词( 必带宾语,宾语只能放在后面。)常见的有:be fond of ,be used to , be good at , be angry with

4、 , be afraid of , be strict with等 二 动词不定式用法小结1. 做宾语。常跟在动词begin, want, remember, forget, agree, learn, like, decide, fail, refuse, expect, need, hope, wish, seem, promise, plan, volunteer 或短语would like, cant wait后作宾语。Do you agree to go there by air? All of us wants _ (get) good grades.He needs _ (tak

5、e) breaks away from the TV.2. 作宾语补足语。动词不定式作宾语补足语,表示宾语所做的动作,构成 “v.+ sb. / sth. +to do”结构 :此类动词常见的有:tell, ask, want (would like), like, invite, help, expect, wish, advise, allow等。eg : Even Tonys granddaughter, a five-year-old girl, asked him to give up smoking. 甚至托尼的孙女-一个五岁的小女孩叫她戒烟。3. 作状语。(1)目的状语. To

6、catch the early bus, I got up at 5:00.为了赶上早班车,我早晨五点就起床了。(2)原因状语.用在某些表示人的心情(喜、怒、哀、乐等)的形容词后表原因, 如:happy, glad, pleased, sad, sorry, sure等。Im sad to hear that.听到那件事后我很伤心。 4. 作后置定语。常放在名词或不定代词之后。(1)This is a good place to take a vacation.这是一个度假的好地方。(2)I need something to drink, I am so thirsty.我需要一些喝的东西,

7、我是如此的渴。(3)I need a room to live in .我需要一间居住的房间。5. 作主语 结构:(1)Its + n + to do (2) Its + adj + of / for sb to do Its my job to teach English. 教英语是我的工作。Its happy to help others . 帮助别人是令人开心的。6. 作表语 My dream job is to be a doctor. 我的理想工作是成为一个医生。三重点短语 1. Clean-Up Day 清洁日 2. clean up 打扫(或清除)干净 3.visit the s

8、ick kids 看望生病的孩子推荐精选4. cheer up(使)变得更高兴 cheer them up 使他们高兴 5.give out= hand out分发give out food 分发食物,散发食物6. at the food bank 在食品发放站7.in an after-school study program在课后学习班8. volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事 9. come up with=think up想出;提出 10. write down 写下put off 推迟;延迟11. make a plan 制订计划 put off making a pl

9、an推迟制订计划12. put up 搭建;举起;张贴put up signs张贴标语 13.make some notices制作一些公告牌14. hand out 分发;散发;发给(反义词:hand in 上交) hand out notices 分发通知单 15 call up 打电话;召集 16. only two weeks from now 离现在仅仅两周的时间17. in an old peoples home 在养老院 18. help sb.out with sth. 帮助某人解决困难read the newspaper to the old people 给老人读报纸 19

10、. used to do/be 过去常常做;曾经是20. be/feel lonely感觉孤独的21. care for =look after= take care of 关心;照顾 22. get his future dream job得到他的未来的理想职业23.learn about了解 24. live alone独自居住25. a strong feeling of satisfaction一种强烈的满足感26. the look of joy 喜悦的表情 27. at the age of+ 数字 =when +主语+ was/were + 数字(+years old) 在.岁时

11、28. try out 试用;试行try out for 参加选拔29.sit in the library 坐在图书馆go on a different journey 经历一次不同的旅行 30. a dream come true 梦想成真31. do what I love to do 做我所喜欢做的事情 32.at the same time 同时 work for为工作;为 效力33.be busy with sth. 忙于某事be busy doing sth 忙于做某事34.be worried about担心,焦虑 35.make lots of money挣很多钱 36.a

12、good way to do sth 做某事的一个好方法 37. raise money for . 捐款给, 给筹钱 38.stop doing sth 停止正在做的事 stop to do停下去做某事39.travel alone独自旅行 40. in ones free time在业余时间 41.fix up = repair 修理 42.give away赠送 43.take after= be similar to 与相似(外貌,行为或性格) look like 看起来像 ( 强调外貌) be like像(强调性格,品德) 44. broken bicycle parts破的自行车部

13、件 45. write the letter to sb. 写信给某人46. give sb sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物 47.set up建立 thank sb for sth / doing sth 因某事或做某事而谢谢某人48. make a big difference to 对带来很大的影响 49.normal things正常的事情imagine doing sth.想象做某事50.answer the telephone接电话51.a friend of mine我的一个朋友a/an + n. + 形代 / 名词所有格 eg. a friend of T

14、oms 汤姆的一个朋友 52. a special trained dog一条经过特别训练的狗53.be excited about对感到激动54. be able to do能够做某事55. a dog helper一个动物助手 56.because of your kindness因为你的善良57. at once =right away立即、马上58.send sb. sth.= send sth.to sb. 送某物给某人59.show you sth. 给你看某物show sth. to sb.= show sb sth给某人看某物60.best wishes最佳的祝福61.chan

15、ge my life 改变我的生活62. disabled people 残疾人 63.sb be interested in sth 某人对某物感兴趣 64. ask for sb / sth 要某人或某物 65. work out计算出, 解决(困难) work out fine 起作用,有效果66. a call-in center for parents 一条家长热线 综合测试题一. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共20分)( ) 1. There was something wrong with his car and he repaired it _ himself.A. onB. to C. byD. with推荐精选( ) 2. The use of computers makes _ possible for more people to work at home.A. it B. that C. this D. one( ) 3. After I was angry with her, I had a(n) _ feeling that she was not coming back.A.


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