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1、精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除1.【名词性物主代词】: 【物主代词】是一种表示所属关系的代词形式,往往表示“我的,你的,她的(他的,它的),我们的,你们的,他们的”的意思。物主代词可以分为两类:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 形容词性物主代词作用相当于形容词,主要用来修饰名词作定语。而名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在意义上相当于他所对应的形容词物主代词+前面提到的某一名词。 This is my pencil.=This pencil is mine . These books are hers.=These are her books .数单数复数类型意义我的你的他(

2、她,它)的我们的你们的他们的注意形容词性物主代词myyourhis ,her ,itsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshis ,hers ,itsoursyourstheirs除了mine ,his和its外,其他的名词性物主代词都是在形容词性物主代词的后面加“s”构成。【点津坊】 巧选名物与形物口诀:有名(词)则形(容词性物主代词),无名(词)则名(词性物主代词)。【专项练习+能力培养】I.选词填空。1.This is my (my ,mine)pen and thats yours (your, yours).2.I cant find her(hers, her)

3、 ruler. Can you lend(借) me yours(your, yours)? 3.-Are these bookshis(her ,his)?-No, theyretheirs(theirs, our).4.I have a dog . Its (Its ,Its) name is Coco .5.-Is that dictionary yours(your, yours)?-No ,its hers(her ,hers).II.用所给词的适当形式填空。6.This is my (I) eraser and thats your(you) schoolbag .7.These

4、are his(he) dictionaries and those are hers(she).8.-Is this your(you) teacher ?-Yes, its ours(we).9.This is not our(we) classroom .Its their(they)classroom . 10.Look at the hat. Its(it) color is red and its hers(she) .III.单项选择。( C )11.-Is this pen?-Yes , it is .Its .A. your; my B. yours; my C. your

5、,mine( A )12.-Are those pens?-No . are black.A. his, His B. he ,His C. hers ,Hers D. her ,His( C )13.The boy has some photos in room .A . her B. hers C. his D .its( D )14.-Hi,Jane.Is this computer game ? -Oh ,no . computer game is in the bookcase . A .my; My B. his; His C. mine; Your D. your ;My( B

6、)15.-Is this notebook ?-No ,it isnt . A theirs ;their B .your ,mine C. your ,my D. hers ,his2.【确认物主关系的一般疑问句】:请看下面几组句子:This is my eraser .这是我的橡皮。That is your schoolbag .那是你的书包。These are her dictionaries .这些是她的词典。Those are his teachers .那些是他的老师。 这些句子你一定不陌生吧。接下来我们看看他们的一般疑问句是什么样子的:This is my eraser .-Is

7、 this your eraser ?That is your schoolbag .-Is that my schoolbag ?These are her dictionaries .-Are these her dictionaries ?Those are his teachers .-Are those his teachers ? 你一定发现变一般疑问句的规律了吧!这些疑问句都是确认物主关系的,含有指示代词和be动词。这样的句子变一般疑问句,首先把be动词提到句前,然后改变大小写(原来大写的要小写,提到前面的要大写),接着人称对应变(一二互变三不变),最后句末加标点(?)。你明白了

8、吗?请你一定要记住以下句型:【Is this/that your.?Yes it is ./No, it isnt . 】 【Are these/those your. ?Yes, they are./No, they arent.】【专项练习+能力培养】改写一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。1.These are my computer games . Are these your computer games ? Yes,they are. /No,they arent.2.Thats his ID card .Is that his ID card ? Yes,it is/No, it i

9、snt.3.Those are her books . Are those her books ? Yes, they are./No,they arent .4.This is your hat .Is this your hat ? Yes,it is./No, it isnt.5.These are his keys .Are these his keys? Yes,they are./No,they arent.3.【感谢及其应答语】英语中,得到了别人的帮助,受到了别人的赞美或邀请都要表示感谢。“常见的感谢语”除了Thank you和Thanks之外,还有Thank you very

10、much ./Thanks a lot ./Its very kind of you.等说法。“感谢的答语”可以说:Youre welcome./Thats OK./Thats all right./Its a pleasure./My pleasure./ Dont mention it./Its nothing./Not at all.(不用谢,别客气)等。【典题演练】( B )1.-Thank you for helping me .-.A. OK. B. Youre welcome C. Thats right. D. Nothing . 2.Thank you very much.(同义句)Thanks a lot .【精品文档】第 页


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