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1、1、第1篇Sdy the foln drawing caruly andwrie aness to 1)deribe the drawing, 2)dedue tepros the painter fth dain, nd )ugget counteeasues ou houl rie bout 10200word atly ASERSHEE2. (20 point)参照范文(05 wods)观棋不语也是一种文明礼貌的体现 As is vivdly btraedin te drawingaboe, th pople who arwacng te hess ame are relucant t

2、oenl eprss thir opnin out ha is right anwht is wrongtog the cn tel th rih fro the wrnerwg s raly thughtprovking.The aim o th painterof te drawng is t rveal thfact that peplen modern sciy ae losng the courge oopenl suport what is right nd ondemn wha is ro ueto ei peroal ineests. T hef case in he buss

3、 a c in pint. ostofe, nody is brve enoughto stop th thief ometies th peson whotose hihebs i seriusly njured yt hif wih ll h pseners doin nothi t help on theo.i ute cmn that so victi ae oadmit hat herprperties are stolen Such assare icresing and threatenng oursie. Coutemsure shldbe an tvid he cas ent

4、ioned above. Tobeginwth,emutlnch a capaign to opurize thewold tlok of stickgtowh is rghta condeningati wrongWhats more, we ms stalsh relevantla t awarhoewho so hat is righ ad pnish thse wo avoid and escap wek whe thy r acinghe won.2、第2篇Stuthfolo rawing careflly and rite an esay nwhic you hould )escb

5、 t drawing, 2)terpet meang,and 3)put rward yurrevant sugstns. ou holdwreabou6200 rds atyANSW EET 2 (20 pints) 参照范文(21 words)合理的制度是脱贫致富的最佳途径 A is idy betaye in he drainabov, aperson shaksofpovetyb wayf rationa lws and regulatios. Tedrawn giveusmuch foo or tught and means lot impiean f thedawingcanbe

6、ilutated s floso bin wth, poety in our life an etotly changd.Wh we enr poerty, w st blish r cofidec o sake ff poerty. In othe wrd, we ust lok aad ry or et lie the personn th dwing.Haingenoh corg t face aleng heubject ondito saking ff pvrty ats ore, ainal las and reuatios et up by our govement ishepr

7、ecoditio of haking ffpovrtynce we re liig n a socety redb law,nohin can b guare witout teational lwsand rgulaonestabeby ur ovemnt. I oe wod, ons cofine and eleant tonl lawsa egulatios ae th ght ways oaffluence ysuggetion cncerig pvry saki-ff n be illustr sfollo. Inteirs place, ou govrnen should se u

8、pmoatonalas d egulations, epeciapreferenial olcies, for tose stilling i poverty. Bess, thepeop lvingin poerty shod no ospe an houldstead take immediate ation to akeadvntge of he rtional laws an reuation in odr to shkeof povety3、:第3篇ty te followingdrawincarefully andwrie an ssay i whchyo hud 1)descib

9、ethedrwing, 2)intepreits mening, and )sugestcountermeasue ou houdwr about 16200 rs neal ASWR SEET 2. (20points) 参照范文(270 wor) 学生的任务不仅仅是在学习上取满分 is vivdl betrayed n h drawiaboe, a student is tin hs bes to each the ul scoreof imortant uecsnludingnglih, maths, hysics, andCes while eleting the more impor

10、tanapectssuchas shlogicaluliyan ral sda. hsdawig rros ommosoci phnmenon, which ha usou social ccen an in fct hogh-prvokin. The mpliemeanng of the drawabov canbe illutre sfllw Tobei wt, acaeic hevemets are not ll thata studet eds.In ode tosuviv in ur sciey, tudet must befsto al aiedo poses fine spych

11、icalali. Oerwis, we cn n ravl face ps an down our if, ork, ad sy. Wtmor, higmoralsads ar ao must oreery student. Wihot hgh ol sdard, tudets ill lose heorination oflrningMostoften, ven thugha tudent psessprofon acadmic knoledge, h a no find hisef a ig plaeinou oiety and mae conibutn tohi mterland d t

12、 his lowmora tars. It isotnrepoed in urdily newspstht unieyuderraduates n utcomit crimes. a Jiae, a studt i Yunnan niveity, s a ce in point In s,syholoil quaty an molstandrds shold b taen int acount in ems fsudets euation. Couer-masures mute tken imediatey oatretify trend of veremphsing mnaceicsbjcts and neglcting shologca ali anmoral stanard



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