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1、Unit9 The Travel and Hospitality Industry旅游与酒店餐饮业英语班级: 2B4 专业:旅游管理 成员:杨海凤 学号10451040222 成员:陈玉婷 学号10451040223 成员:冯雯吉 学号10451040206成员:朱晓云 学号10451040112Text A The tourist industryThe tourist industry has been one of the fastest growing industries in modern times. Indeed, the growth rate of tourism has

2、generally exceeded the growth rate for the worldwide economy. Sometimes it seems as though a new resort area springs up every day wherever there sun and sea. The shores of the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas and the Pacific coastlines of Mexico, Florid, and Hawaii are only a few of the areas that h

3、ave been intensively development in recent years.The purpose of tour and travel varies. Some people travel entirely for the purpose of recreation or pleasure; they are people on holiday. Some people travel for reasons of health. Other people travel to visit friends or relatives, a reason that has be

4、come more important because of increased mobility throughout the world. Still others travel in order to educate themselves in accord with the old precept that travel is broadening. All of these people are generally considered tourists since the primary reason for their trips is recreation. Tourist s

5、tatistics also include people who are traveling on business. Among them are business people and government official on specific missions, as well as people attending meetings or conventions, who often combine pleasure with their work.The marketing approach for the two major divisions among touristre

6、creational travelers respond to a greater degree to lower fares and other inducements in pricing and selecting the destination for their trips. In a technical phrase, they make up a price elastic market. The business groups, on the other hand, make up a price inelastic market. Their trips are not sc

7、heduled according to lower fares, the destination is determined in advance, and the expense is usually paid by their employers. They are looking for dependable rather than inexpensive service. Business travelers also make more trips to large cities or industrial centers than to resort areas, althoug

8、h many conventions are now held at resort hotels. It should be noted, however, that some large cosmopolitan cities are themselves the most important tourist destinations in the world. Because of this, it is difficult to separate pure recreation travel from business travel. The development of tourism

9、 as a mass industry depends on modern means of rapid and inexpensive transportation. For example, the greatest growth in international tourism has paralleled the growth of air transportation. Industrialization has produced the other conditions that are necessary for tourism. Among them is the creati

10、on of a large number of people with an amount of disposable incomeincome above and beyond what is needed for basic expenses such as food, shelter, clothing, and taxes. Another important condition is urbanization. Generally, residents of the big population centers take more holiday trips than residen

11、ts of rural areas. Long weekends and paid vacations are among other important conditions for the development of modern tourism. In some countries, the cost of the holiday for employees is subsidized partly or wholly by government, unions, or employers. Tourism benefits not only airlines, hotels, res

12、taurants, and taxi drivers among others, but also many commercial establishments and even the manufacturers of such varied items as sunglasses, cameras, film, and sports clothing.One of the principal reasons for encouraging a tourist industry in many developing countries is the so-called multiplier

13、effect of the tourist dollar. Money paid for wages or in other ways is spent not once but sometimes several times for other items in the economy, such as the food and housing that tourist employees need. Another attraction of the tourist industry for the developing countries is that it is labor-inte

14、nsive, a common feature of service industries. Indeed, the tourist industry is not a single entity, but one that consists of many different kinds of enterprises that offer different services to the traveler, including transportation, accommodations, catering, guiding and interpretation.Text A 旅游业当今社




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