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1、选词填空(六)如何礼貌打电话+教育故事+情感交流A2019江西改编skillsayagainpolitesmiletheywheredifferentsimpleputHow you speak on the telephone is very important. If you use good telephone 1., the caller will be happy. If not, they may not want to deal with(打交道) you or your company 2.First, make sure you answer the call formall

2、y(正式地), giving your name and the name of your company. This will let the caller know that you are professional.You should also remember 3. as you speak, and use a friendly tone(语调). If you sound bored or too busy, the caller will think you are 4. Your choice of words can make a big 5., too. For exam

3、ple, if you have not heard what a caller 6., it is much more polite to say “Im sorry. Could you say that again, please?” than to 7. say “What?”Similarly, if a caller asks to speak to someone, dont just say “yes” or “no”. If the person is available, say that you 8. the caller through to them. If they

4、 are unavailable, explain 9. they are, and then take a message.In either situation, you will also need to get some information about the caller, such as 10. name or company. Make sure you get all that you need and, most importantly, ask for it politely.B 2020原创walkbigonelightuntilcandleshebeslowwith

5、Once upon a time, there was a little candle standing with other candles in a room. Most of other candles were much 1. and more beautiful than her. Some were white, blue and pink, and some were green. She had no idea why she was there, and the other 2. there made her feel rather small and insignifica

6、nt(微不足道的).When the sun went down and the room began to get dark, she saw a man 3. toward her with a box of matches. She suddenly realized that the man 4. going to set her on fire. “No, no!” she cried. “Dont burn me, please!” But she knew that she couldnt be heard, so she became the 5. candle to be b

7、urnt.Then to her surprise, the room was filled 6. light. She wondered where it came from, since the man had extinguished(熄灭) his fire stick. To her delight, she realized that the light came from 7.Then the man struck another match and one by one, he 8. the other candles in the room. Each one gave ou

8、t the same light.Over the next few hours, the little candle noticed that her wax(蜡) was beginning to flow 9. She knew that she would soon die, and suddenly understood why she had been created. “My purpose on the earth is to give out light 10. I die,” she said. And thats exactly what she did.C2020原创t

9、heytryaboutsohearholdvisitsheepgoodwhenDear Larry,It was lovely to hear from you again and to know that things are going 1. with you. Thanks for telling me all2. the Chinese Moon Festival. It sounds like you enjoyed a great party in Inner Mongolia(内蒙古). It makes me think of the festival we took part

10、 in 3. we travelled in South Africa. The people there kept many goats, as well as 4. and cows. Beef was expensive and was only for very special time. In all our time there we were never served beef in the villages, because beef is not usually served to 5. By the way, I happened to see these pictures

11、 and thought youd like to see 6. A Chinese girl gave Tang Suit to Joan and me when she left school. We 7. them on in the university car park. Someone took photos for us though I was wearing my kilt(苏格兰短褶裙)! It seemed to be 8. different that some suggested that I should start a new look. We wore Tang

12、 Suit to a dinner which9. on the ship in August when we visited Germany. Some Chinese ladies came and spoke to us. They were interested in our traditional Chinese clothing. We both look forward to10. from you again. Best wishes! Yours,Ken and Joan【参考答案】A主旨大意本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了如何有礼貌地打电话,你在打电话时讲话的方式非常重要。1.skills2.again3.to smile4.impolite5.difference6.said7.simply8.will put9.where10.theirB1.bigger2.candles3.walking4.was5.first6.with7.herself8.lit9.slowly10.untilC1.well2.about3.when4.sheep5.visitors6.them7.tried8.so9.was held10.hearing



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