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1、上市公司会计造假的动机及手段实证探讨摘 要 随着经济全球化的发展,越来越多的企业倾向于向全社会融资,以利用更广泛的资源来扩大生产。这将成为越来越多的国内外上市公司。大多数企业通过募集更多资金来寻求更好的发展方式上市,但也有一些公司出于对股东的兴趣从上市这个渠道。为了防止这种不良现象,规范上市公司的行为,有关部门已经建立了对我国上市公司过程和上市条件的公司严格的规章制度;管理状况、财务状况等信息的披露也有严格的要求,以最大限度地保护投资者的利益。虽然上市公司的各种法律法规已经比较全面,但仍会有许多企业通过利益驱动,通过闯风险、不同的财务造假手段和发布虚假信息获取不正当利益。虚假信息不仅会导致信息


3、向公众提供真实可靠的业务、财务信息,减少财务舞弊从源头上以达到目的。关键词: 投资者,财务舞弊,动机The motivation of accounting fraud of listed companies and the means of empirical studyABSTRACT With the development of economic globalization, more and more enterprises tend to finance the whole society in order to expand their production by using a

4、 wider range of resources. This will become more and more domestic and foreign listed companies. Most companies seek to find better ways to market by raising more money, but there are also some companies out of the interest of shareholders from the listing of this channel. In order to prevent this u

5、ndesirable phenomenon, regulate the behavior of listed companies, the relevant departments have been established in China listed companies and companies listed conditions of strict rules and regulations; information management situation and financial situation of the disclosure, there are strict req

6、uirements, in order to maximize protect the interests of investors. Although a variety of laws and regulations of listed companies have been more comprehensive, but there will still be many enterprises through the interests of the drive, through the risk, different financial fraud and false informat

7、ion to obtain illegitimate interests. False information will not only lead to the wrong decision of information users, but also harm the interests of the majority of investors, affecting the normal operation of the market economy. Due to the economic development of our country is still in the primar

8、y stage, the stock market is not perfect, the financial fraud of listed companies is more serious. In this case, it is necessary to identify the authenticity of the information provided by the listed companies, so that investors can more accurately judge the development trend of enterprises, so as t

9、o make economic decisions scientifically. In view of the above reasons, this paper combines normative research and empirical research to explore the problem of financial fraud identification. Through theoretical and empirical research on financial fraud identification, this method not only to find m

10、ore effective to help investors identify fraud, government regulators and the public financial information more objective and realistic understanding of the majority of users of target enterprise, also hope that through the system of financial fraud motivation, analysis method, in the form of enterp

11、rises to deter potential fraud motivation the focus on the normal development of the enterprise, encourage more actively to the public to provide true and reliable business, financial information, reduce financial fraud from the source in order to achieve the purpose of.KEYWORDS:Investors, financial

12、 fraud, and motivation目 录1 绪论11.1 会计造假的概述11.2 会计造假的定义21.3 研究内容及框架21.3.1 研究内容21.3.2 研究背景21.3.3 研究意义22 我国上市公司会计造假的现状及危害32.1 我国上市公司会计造假的现状32.2 上市公司会计造假的危害42.2.1 对企业自身的危害42.2.2 对国家的危害42.2.3 对会计行业的危害52.2.4 对会计行业的危害53 上市公司造假的案例分析63.1 万福生科造假的描述63.1.1 万福生科造假回顾63.1.2 万福生科造假回顾63.2 万福生科会计造假的动机分析73.2.1 利益驱动是其造假

13、的直接原因73.2.2 法律法规不健全让造假有机可乘73.2.3 公司治理结构的缺陷为造假提供便利83.2.4 中介机构放弃原则和地方政府扶持助长造假之风83.2.5 造假的低成本诱导造假的发生83.3 万福生科会计造假的手段分析83.3.1 不提存货跌价准备93.3.2 虚增大客户销售数据和应收账款103.3.3 虚增预付账款113.3.4 虚增在建工程123.3.5 隐瞒重大事项124 关于上市公司会计造假治理与整顿的建议144.1 从上市公司层面探讨治理策略144.2 从审计监督层面探讨治理策略144.3 从会计职业道德层面探讨治理策略154.4 从法律法规层面探讨治理策略15参考文献1

14、6后 记17- ii -1 绪论1.1 会计造假的概述进入21世纪后世界经济高速发展的同时也伴随着严重的会计造假问题。从21世纪初的安然公司破产案到近年来我国绿大地、瑞金矿业、中国森林等一大批上市公司因会计造假而被处罚,会计造假问题也成为21世纪全球资本市场所面临的非常严峻的问题。会计信息造假是指会计活动中行为人违反国家法律、法规、制度的规定,采取欺诈手段在会计财务中进行弄虚作假,伪造编造会计事项,提供虚假会计信息,从而为小团体或个人谋取私利的违法犯罪行为。会计造假不仅导致了会计信息失真,经营业绩虚假,财务状况不实,而且造成了国有资产的大量流失,银行贷款沉淀,企业积累与债权人利益受损,削弱了国

15、家财经法规的权威,严重干扰了国家的宏观管理,干扰了社会主义市场经济秩序,为行贿受贿、权钱交易、挪用贪污打开了方便之门,严重败坏了社会风气,危及会计工作的生命。近年来,会计造假行为日益猖獗,会计造假如同瘟疫般在各类行业间蔓延,严重损害了国家和投资者的利益,导致投资者投资热情低迷,造成我国资本市场发展不景气。会计造假顾名思义就是有目的的采取不正当的手段使得出的财务数据达到造假者所预期目标,这是欺骗国家与投资者的违法行为。这会给经济的发展埋下巨大的隐患,在特定的环境下可能对国家和投资者造成不可挽回的损失。会计造假问题的愈演愈烈也日益引起人们的重视,对于此类问题的解决国内外学者都进行了大量研究,针对可能出现的问题都提出了自己的观点及解决措施,为后人对于此类问题的研究及治理奠定了良好的基础。我国政府对于此类问题也非常重视,出台了一系列的措施来治理。并在2006年发布新企业会计准则对旧企业会计准则中所存在漏洞及不合理的地方进行弥补、修订并增添一些新的内容,这对保证会计信息的质量,抑制造假发生,促进我国日益成熟的资本市场和社会主义市场经济的发展具有里程碑的意义。1.2 会计造假的定义会计造假分为会计信息的有意造假和会计信息的无意失实。本文主要讲述的是会计信息的有意造假,它是指会计活动中当事人,实现经过安排,故意以欺诈、伪造、变造虚假会计信息,使会计信息歪曲反映经济活动和会计事



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