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1、新人教版选修六单元测试卷解析版 Unit 1 Art单元测试(一)第一卷(两部分,共85分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Email,as well as telephones _ an important part in daily communication.Ais playing Bhave playedCare playing Dplay答案A解析as well as重在强调其前面的人或物,句中谓语动词的单复数形式由其前边的名词的单复数形式决定。2On catch

2、ing sight of his mother, the little boy _ his grandmother and threw himself into his mothers arms Akept away from Bbroke away fromCgot away with Dturned away from答案B解析考查动词词组辨析。keep away from意为“使避开;不接近”;break away from意为“摆脱;脱离”;get away with意为“偷携潜逃”;turn away from.意为“转过脸不再面对”。根据句意“小男孩挣脱奶奶投进妈妈的怀抱”可知,B

3、项正确。3. The rain was heavy, and _ the land was flooded.Aconsequently BhoweverCwhatever Dbut答案A解析句意为:雨很大,结果这块土地被淹了。4The rescuing soldiers in the helicopters _ to land on that earthquakestricken area, but failed again and again.Aattempted BmanagedCsucceeded Dpretended答案A解析句意为:坐在直升机里的救援战士试图在地震受灾地区着陆,但一次

4、次都失败了。attempt to do sth.试图做。5Bob, please go and buy some vegetables for me. Im busy now.Can you be more _, mum?Some tomatoes and a cabbage.Aspecific Bfirm Cabstract Dcomplete答案A解析根据上下文语境来看,应是表示“你能更具体一点吗?”。specific特定的;具体的;abstract抽象的。6I want to get the job very much, but I dont know how to _ the inte

5、rviewer of my ability to do it well.Ainform Bcharge Cprove Dconvince答案D解析convince sb. of sth.让某人相信。7She bought _ eggs yesterday, but there were _ them broken.Atwo scores of, scores ofBscores of, two scores ofCscores of, two score ofDscore of, two scores答案C解析scores of许多。score与具体的数字连用时,不用复数形式。two scor

6、e of them表示“他们中的40个”,其中of不能少,故选C项。8People suffered _ from the disaster, but they didnt lose confidence in rebuilding their homes. / Aa good many Ba large numberCa great variety Da great deal 答案D解析句意为:这场灾难让人们深受其苦,但他们没有丢掉重建家园的信心。所填的词组在句中修饰suffer,作状语,只有D项符合。9It is a pity that I missed the chance to get

7、 the signature of my favourite sports star, Liu Xiang _.Ain the flesh Bin placeCin flesh Din addition答案A解析in the flesh本人;亲自,固定搭配。in addition加之;除之外;in place合适的;恰当的。10Had the earthquake been able to be _, many more lives would have been saved.Ainspected Bwatched Cobserved Dpredicted答案D解析由句意“如果那次地震能够被预

8、测出来的话,会挽救更多的生命的”知只有D项合适。inspect视察;observe观察;监视。11Then came a terrible thunder _ the sudden lightning.Afollowed Bfollowed byCfollowing Dfollowing by答案C解析句意为:一道闪电之后紧跟着一声惊雷。本句是倒装句,而且thunder与follow之间是主动关系,故选C项。12Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it _s

9、hopping and eating.Arefers to Bspeaks ofCfocuses on Dcomes to答案D解析when it comes to sth./doing sth.表示“当涉及(做)时”,是固定句式。句意为:我们中绝大部分都知道该减肥,但涉及到购物和吃东西时,知道这个并没有多大作用。13She came with a large _ of yellow roses in her hand.Abranch Bbunch Cbit Dbeach答案B解析a bunch of roses一束玫瑰花。14A successful man has to be _.Aagg

10、ressive BcontroversialCridiculous Dreligious答案A解析形容词词义辨析。aggressive意为“强有力的;好攻击的”,符合句意“一个成功人士必须有闯劲”。controversial有争议的;ridiculous可笑的,荒谬的;religious宗教的。15 Jack, Im taking my entrance examinations tomorrow. _AGood luck. BCongratulations CCome on. DYoure right.答案A解析交际用语,上文提到“明天要参加入学考试”,下文只能是说”“祝好运”。第二节完形填

11、空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。My mother through her fine example taught me to help others. She taught me to notice those whom others _16_.She had a lot of sympathy for others.The railroad tracks were _17_ a mile of our house. Beggars and the homeless would _18_

12、 knock on the doors in our _19_ in the summer asking for food. They were often _20_ or scolded. Others simply ignored the _21_.My mom always went to the door _22_.She would invite them to stay and have something to eat. She would have me open up the card table and _23_ a chair out onto the side porc

13、h(门廊)There was a nice _24_ into the flower gardens,and it was cool _25_ on the hottest days.She would bring a red and white tablecloth and _26_ the table as carefully as she did for any company. She would _27_ their coffee and pile their plate with food and dessert. Usually she sent a _28_ lunch wit

14、h them when they were ready to go. Sometimes she would take the _29_to those who asked about work.She listened to those who wanted to _30_.She never asked what led them to be in this _31_.It did not matter. She saw only the _32_.Some thought she should not extend this politeness. She would say,“In the depression when my father was _33_ around for any work to feed us, thoughtful people fed him. I am just repaying their _34_. I cannot offer them money, but I can see they do not leave _35_ and discouraged.”My mom was quite a lady.16A. help Bsuffer Cignore Dadmire答案C解析从第


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