人教版八年级英语上册Unit 2 知识点

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1、Unit 2 知识点1.on weekends =at weekendsOn weekends 指在周六和周日,at weekends 泛指每个周末At/on the weekends 在这个周末 on weekdays 在工作日2.help with housework housework为不可数名词,前跟little/much/a lot ofhelp sb to do sth. cant help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事=cant stop doing sthhelp sb with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 3.Exercise “锻炼”不可数名词 ,“练习”可数名词

2、do eye exercises做眼保健操Do morning exercises 做早操4. sometimes 有时候 = at timessometimes频度副词 意为“有时;间或”,相当于at times。可位于句首、句中和句末,对其提问要用how often。some times名词短语意为“几次;几倍”,其中time为可数名词,意为“次;回”。对其提问要用how many times。sometime副词意为“某时” 多用于将来时,表示将来的某个时间点。some time名词短语意为“一段时间” ,表示动作或状态持续了多长时间。Eg: Sometimes I get up ear

3、ly. Eg: I read this book some times.Eg: I will go to Shanghai sometime. Eg: I will stay here for some time.5.how often意为“多久一次”,用来询问动作或行为发生的频率,常用于对表示频率的词或短语(often, usually, sometimes, never, twice a week等)进行提问 eg: How often do you go to the movies?你多久看一次电影?- I never go to the movies. 我从不看电影。once a we

4、ek是表示频率的短语,常用来回答how often的提问。其中once作副词,意为“一次”。twice a week 一周两次 twice adv. 两次;两倍twice a month/year意为“一月/年两次”,表示频率。Eg: I play chess at least twice a week. Please think twice before you hand in your paper.次数表达法:表示次数应注意,time后面加-s;一次两次很特殊,once,twice要牢记。How often多久一次频率How often do you go to the library?

5、Three times a week.How long 多长时间For+一段时间How long did you go to the lake? For three hours.How soon 多久In+一段时间How soon will we arrive in Shanghai? In two hours.How many times 多少次次数How many times do you go to the library? Three timesHow much 询问价格,意为多少数字How much is the bag?Two yuanHow far 询问距离“多远”距离How i

6、s the school away from the bank? a two-minute ride.6. use the Internet 上网 Internet相当于the Net,其前常用定冠词the修饰。常用短语:surf the Internet网上冲浪;on the Internet在网上。You can buy our goods on the Internet.7.full adj. 忙的;满的;充满的;饱的(1) full作形容词,在此意为“忙的”,相当于busy,其反义词是free“空闲的”His life is too full to find time for hobb

7、ies. (2)full作形容词,还可意为“满的;充满的”,反义词是empty“空的”。be full of 与be filled with同义,意为“充满”。The bottle is full of water. = The bottle is filled with water.(3) full作形容词,还可意为“饱的”,反义词是hungry“饿的”。Would you like another bowl of rice ?Thank you. But I am full.8.How come? 为什么呢? 口语中的一个习语, “为什么”、“怎么会”,既可独立使用,也可在其后接句子,用来

8、询问事情的缘由或状况。I didnt even eat lunch today.-我今天甚至没有吃中饭。-Really? How come? How come the sky is so blue today? 今天天怎么会这么蓝?9.have lessons 上课,have a/an .lesson 上。课。 teach sb a lesson 给某人一个教训the accident taught me a lesson Ill never forget. 那次事故给我的教训我永远不会忘。10.Have to 不得不;必须 后跟动词原形,含有have to 的句子变否定或者疑问句需借助助动词

9、的适当形式。时态肯定式否定式疑问式一般现在时Have/has todont/doesnt have toDo/does. have to一般过去时Had todidnt have toDid.have toHave to 与must Have to 指客观需要,含有不得不和被迫的含义,有人称,数和时态的变化。must指主观上自己认为有义务,有必要 没有人称和数的变化。I have to do my homework now. 11.sure adv. =of course=certainly还可以做adj. 确保 搭配:be sure of sth, be sure to do sth. Be

10、 sure that 从句Make sure of sth , make sure about sth.,make sure that. You may be sure of his honesty.= You may be sure that he is honesty.He is sure to succeed.12.maybe adv. “也许,可能”,在句中作状语,相当于perhaps,常位于句首。May be情态动词,be 是动词原形,两者在一起构成完整的谓语,意思为“也许是,可能是”。Maybe he is in the office= he may be in the offic

11、e.13.He stayed up late last night. Stay up 熬夜14.At least 至少,起码。 反义词 at most。Least adv. 最小,最少。adj. 和pron. 最小的,最少的15. But my mother wants me to drink it. want sth. 想要某物 want to do sth. 想要做某事want sb. (not) to do sth. 想要某人(不)做某事The boy wanted noting but freedom.Do you want to go to the movies with me?Th

12、e teacher doesnt want us to eat hamburgers.16.be good for 对有益处,be good for 为固定短语,后接名词、代词或动词-ing,其反义短语为be bad for“对有害”。be good at擅长后跟名词、代词或动词-ing作宾语,同义短语为do well in“在方面做得好”。be good to对友好相当于be friendly to, 后面一般接人。be good with善于应付的;对有办法后接sb.或sth.。17.health n. 健康;人的身体(或精神)状态,health作不可数名词,常用短语:Be/stay in

13、 good/poor health身体好/差healthy adj. 健康的 unhealthy adj. 不健康的 healthily adv. 健康地keep healthy 保持健康=keep fitask (sb.) about sth.询问某人关于某事Ask sb. (for) sth. 请求某人给予某物 Ask sb. sth. 问某人某事 Ask sb. (not) to do sth. 让某人(不要)做某事18.here,there,out,up, down等副词开头的句子常用倒装结构。当主语为名词时,用全部倒装。句子结构为副词谓语动词主语(名词)特别提醒here/ there

14、位于句首时,若句子主语为人称代词则不用倒装。 Here is my book. Here comes the bus. Here he comes.19. Result其他常用短语 as a result结果因此=whatsmoreas a result of由于 without result 徒劳的,毫无结果的He didnt practice. And as a result, he lost.20. Percent名词,百分之。通常用单数形式,非正式英语中可指百分率,常用符号%表示。 Percent与数词连用数词放在percent之前。 基数词+percent+of+the+名词作主语时

15、of后面的名词,如果为不可数名词或单数可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式,若为可数名词复数形式,则谓语动词用复数形式。60 percent of the children play computer games.20 percent of the water is covered with ice.21. not. at all与not at all Not.at all 一点也不, 表示强烈的否定,常位于be动词助动词或情态动词之后 at all常位于句末。 Not at all不用谢,相当于you are welcome,用来回答道歉或表示感谢的话。 -Thank you! -Not at all. He doesnt know the news at all.22. Surprised形容词,惊奇的,惊讶的,通常修饰人表示人的主观感受。surprising, 令人吃惊的通常修饰物,说明事物本身的性质特征。surprise 名词:惊奇,诧异的意思,动词:


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