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1、odul 1 Unit 1 同步练习(五年级 )一、 单选(2)( ) 1 _ id yo o to t o yestrdy? _7:20. A Wen, n Hw , Cn ,At( )2 _ you_ tothe pakyesedy ? s , I dd. A D , o B D , go CDid , went()3They ae watin _me A / B o C f( ) 4 _ddyu om bac ? Laweek . A Wat Bhen CHow ( ) 5 Mike _ i capyeserday. A droppd Bdros C droped( ) 6 How re

2、 yu ? _. A I fe. B Nice to me yo C elo.( ) Ti s ou_frid,Linling. A Chia BChinese C te UA( )8Yo _ bckfrohin! am B i C re ( ) 9 Do you lve in hity ? _. Ae,Idi. BYes, o. C No, I idnt.( ) 1_did u come backfro London ? Ahe Whre C Wat二、 选词填空(8)1 Hur_(up /on), ining. Ru ! 2Do ive _( in/o ) ondon, too ? Loo

3、k attho _( icecream/ie crams) Oh! I _( dropd / drope ) y ice ream!Wer _( go/ gog ) homenow. ith rom or up 1 Were were yo_ ? Londn. I wait _m ried.3 Hrr _,Mk Thbus is om. taked _ my tcher三、连线(1)1 reare yougoing? Nooles.2 Whn dd yo om bck? B Yes, I do 3 ha di you havr unch ? C To heak.4 Doyulive this

4、hous ? D L sume.1 Ono ! I droped y ce cream. A Lets buy some .2 Whendid yu cmeback? BHrr up , inling Run !3 Lokat those ie cream ! C We ame k lastSnda.4er or bus. Oh ! M nw h!四、仿写句子(2)例:e has n e cram-She had a ce cream.they go home bus b _2she o her gasses _ cme ho fro Beijng_4 un to te prk_五、句型转换(

5、2)1 ack wet o he libraryyeseray.(对划线部分提问)_did Jac _tohe liba?2Lisa ha htdogyesterda.(对划线部分提问)_d ia _ esterday ?They o e.(变为目迈进行时)They _ _ hme.4 ike comrmShahi.(用last week改为过去时)Mik _ _ Shahailast wek.六、补全短文(10) hme bac he live came A: el ,John. How ar o?B: Im fine, hankyou ou are _from ha !A: Yes,we

6、are _ B: _ did yo meback?A: W _baklast Sundy. Ths is our hineefind , Lingling .B: Hello , Lglig.C: Hi, John. Doyou _ in Lonon?: Ys, Ilie er Ayand am.ule 1 Unit 2 同步练习( 五年级 )一、 单选(10)( ) Whre _ tey go sterday? A o B did Cdos( ) 2I dint y_ at l. somethin nothi C anythng( ) 3 I went the paran_ los of l

7、ces . saw B see C ees ( ) 4Did tey meet John ? _ . Yes, t did No, hein. C ,tedd ( )5 Thenwe wethme _ bus . A n B in b 二、 选择合适旳答案(15)( )1 Dideyghome by bike ? A No, I din( ) 2 Wee diyou o yesterda ? B Ys,did.( ) Whatid yosee? C e tothe pak.( ) Did yo see bu yteday? Ys, I d.( )5 Wn dd yourathr come ba

8、c ? E cam back lat Frida( ) 6 Doyou lve in odon, too ? FNo , theydidnt.( ) 7 d Jhn aie yeserda ? G e wnt omby bu.( ) 8 Hw d yugohme ysterday ? H I w lots o places .( ) 9 hen dd you comebak ? I Sh watced V.( )0 h didhe o yesrdy ? Je cam backlat Suna.三、 用所给单词旳合适形式补全句子(10)1 He _(by )a new hous Dlian ast year2We _ ( o)hmey u ystrda.3 She hs_(ge)fi ryboks4 T boysare _( run ) in the park .5 They _( ea ) o ice cms yeserday.四、选出与所给单词划线部分



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