2022年高中英语阅读理解 第三部分 名人故事(六)练习

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1、2022年高中英语阅读理解 第三部分 名人故事(六)练习 拿破仑波拿巴(1769.81821.5),法兰西第一帝国及百日王朝的皇帝、法兰西共和国近代史上著名的军事家和政治家,曾经占领过西欧和中欧的大部分领土,使法国资产阶级革命的思想得到了更为广阔的传播,他是法国人民的骄傲。不过这位铮铮铁骨的斗士和政治家,却也有许多民间流传的轶事。Once Napoleon was staying in an inn of a small town. “Just think!” said the innkeeper, “Napoleon himself is staying in our inn!” “Yes,

2、” said the innkeepers wife. “But I was afraid when he came last night. It is said that he bees angry very quickly. What shall we do if he bees angry with us?”“But he had a soft bed,” said the innkeeper. “And he had our very best food. Now it is morning. He will be going soon. We must be careful only

3、 a little longer.”There was a noise at the top of the stairs. Napoleon and his soldiers were ready to leave.“Good morning, sir,” said the innkeeper. “Will you have something warm to drink before you go?”Napoleon took the cup the innkeeper handed to him. “You have served me well, innkeeper,” said Nap

4、oleon. “I wish to reward you. Say what you want.”Now the innkeeper was afraid. “I mustnt ask for too much,” he thought. “That will make him angry. I mustnt ask for something he cant give us. That will also make him angry.”“Well, what will you have?” said Napoleon.“Sir, we want nothing,” said the inn

5、keeper. “But will you tell us something? That can be our reward.”“What is it?” Napoleon asked.“We have heard a story,” said the innkeeper. “Once during the war, the Russians took control of a farmhouse. You were sleeping in it. You hid yourself in a pile of hay while they were looking for you. Will

6、you tell us how you felt when they were searching for you?”The innkeeper looked at Napoleons face. Napoleon looked very angry. Napoleon called in two of his soldiers. Then he pointed to the door. The soldiers took the innkeeper and his wife out into the yard.prehension Questions:1. The innkeepers wi

7、fe was afraid of Napoleon because _ A. they hadnt served him very well. B. they had done something wrong to him. C. he became angry very easily. D. he was a great man.2. The innkeeper and his wife must have been _A. frightened by Napoleons arrival.B. pleased with Napoleons answer.C. glad about Napol

8、eons stay.D. interested in at what Napoleon had done.3. The two soldiers _A. understood Napoleon well.B. didnt know why Napoleon wanted to kill them.C. could do nothing but kill the husband and wife.D. were badly treated by the innkeeper.4. While the Russians were searching for him, Napoleon _A. ord

9、ered his men to fight back.B. were frightened to death.C. feared nothing.D. regretted having hidden there.5. According to the passage, we know that Napoleon _A. was cruel to the innkeeper.B. was kind to the innkeeper.C. was brave before the Russians.D. expressed himself in a cruel way.(CCABD)27. She

10、rlock Holmes, Famous Detective in Conan Doyles Works夏洛克福尔摩斯英国作家柯南道尔作品中的名侦探fact, more famous than his own creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.In the popular stories, Holmes is described as “tall and lean, pipe-smoking, always in his cape, and speaks in a splendid manner.” Doyle gave Holmes the address as

11、 221-B Baker Street, London, and to this day some visitors to London still go to Baker Street to search for 221-B. Of course, there was never such an address. Holmes flat was supposed to be shared by the lovable, but sometimes clumsy Dr. Watson who went around with Holmes trying to solve crimes befo

12、re Holmes did. Poor Dr. Watson lost out to Holmes every time.Doyle gave Holmes a masterly skill of deduction-the ability to e up with interesting conclusions from the simplest clues found at the scene of a crime.Conan Doyle said that the description of Holmes was modeled on one of his lectures at Ed

13、inburgh University where he studied medicine. The man was Dr. Joseph Bell.The name of Sherlock Holmes first came to be shown in Doyles A Study in Scarlet Letter published in 1887. Holmes was so loved by all that when his author killed him off in one of his stories, readers wrote in angrily. They ref

14、used to allow Holmes to die! Holmes was brought back to “life” and appeared in further stories.The stories of Sherlock Holmes have been reprinted many times ever since then. Today we can watch Holmes at work on cinema and television screens as well as on stages.prehension Questions:1. Sherlock Holme

15、s was _A. the greatest detective in the world who ever lived.B. Dr. Joseph Bell.C. Arthur Conan Doyle.D. only a character made up by Arthur Conan Doyle.2. Holmes was supposed to have lived _A. somewhere in England.B. in a small house at Edinburgh University.C. in Dr. Watsons clinic in Baker Street.D. in a flat in Baker Street, London.B. want Holmes to die.C. want Dr. Watson to die.D. like Holmes to appear in further stories.(DDCDB)28. A Story of Sigmund Freud西格蒙德弗洛伊德的故事西格蒙德弗洛伊德,奥地利医生兼心理学家、哲学家、精神分析学的创始人。弗洛依德终生从事著作和临床治疗。他的思想极


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