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1、 合肥英文导游词合肥素有绿色城市;、花园城市;的美名,其环城公园便修建在合肥古城墙的基础之上,沿着起伏的岗丘地形,加之原有的绿林带及护城河,精筑而成。下面是为大家带来的合肥英文导游词,希望可以帮助大家。合肥英文导游词范文1:Each came from friends hello:You all the way hard, welcome everyone to tianzhu mountain tourism! Tianzhu mountain scenic spot for you the arrival of times add luster! I am from anhui provi

2、nce travel guide, my name is wang ping, a vertical three horizontal king, you can call me xiao wang or Wang Dao. The sitting next to us, is our driver Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang is an old driver, with many years of driving experience so you can feel free in his car! In today s tour, if you have any question

3、s, can put forward to us, we will solve for you as soon as possible. Well, finally, I wish all have a nice trip to the tianzhu mountain in advance!Now it s early, first let me introduce the general situation of tianzhu mountain! Tianzhu mountain in the Yangtze river north shore, buried hill in anhui

4、 province, because of its high standing, such as giant column named giant. Tianzhu mountain in the past, and long live the buried hill, anhui mountain, hill said. Said, it is said, long live the mountain, is because of the emperor southern in anhui mountain set the yue, ChiFeng mountain of anhui pro

5、vince as the le, in the yue, the crowd shouted long live, long live the so called the mountain mountain.Car continuous driving bridge, we have entered nanshao - three ancestral temple of tianzhu mountain scenic area. Three ancestral temple scenic spot is humanities of tianzhu mountain scenic spot th

6、e most concentrated, high cultural taste of a cultural scenic spot. Here we will feel the tianzhu mountain mysterious religious culture and imperial culture, to have all previous dynasties calligraphy art gallery of national key units to be bump moya carved stone group.South into the savage village

7、near the upward to reach three ancestral temple. This is one of the most famous scenic spot of tianzhu mountain. According to legend, the temple was built in the southern dynasty, is now only the scripture-stored, between wing and stands before the temple tower of silence. Three ancestral temple wes

8、t, there are stone debt-laden valley, the valley side upright, steep rock valley basin, shochiku canopy, called valley stream. The valley gate there is a cave, there is a rock, like cattle lies in front of the cave, called stone cattle ancient hole. According to legend, huang tingjian northern song

9、dynasty people had to sit on the stone reading, and the road flyover valley. Here on a piece of stone engraved with huang tingjian s poems and contemporary artist li kung-lin painted portraits of huang tingjian sit on the stone cattle. This precious ancient poetry and sharpening, is still clearly vi

10、sible.Few words said, let s start no We went to the barbarian village scenic area soon! Wild village is short for savage village. This mountain, how picturesque place named savage village? There are two moving legend: a long time ago, haunted by savage in this area, hurt people and livestock. At the

11、 time of a magistrate to sacrifice her, rescue people. He bring good wine good dishes, savage hole deep, the drink with savage, life people live to the mouth of the cave with cast iron water condensation, and savage mutually assured destruction. Secondly, in the southern song dynasty, the local rate

12、 of local tyrants liu hundreds of problems in the tianzhu mountain anti yuan. Since he, liu ye, at the first village named savage village. Liu yuan resistance before and after 18 years, finally betrayed by mole heroic sacrifice. Later generations to commemorate him, savage the name of the village of

13、ficial.Now I ll give you one hour of time to rest, you can take pictures, please be sure to pay attention to safety, we see you after one hour! One hour of time really quick ah, don t know you have a good time or not! Ok, now we continue our tour! . Now we came to the square in front of the three an

14、cestral temple. Lift eye looks, red walls daiwa temple buildings, surrounded by green trees and bamboo. The yamagata like a wings flying colourful feng, ji tower was built on the rockhopper, things on both sides of the rolling hills amidst lush farmlands are ring-fenced folded, like chicken wing esc

15、orted the solemn Buddha. As the saying goes: far see bake temple, near the temple chu tomb at baoshan. Three ancestral temple, the full name of the three face dry valley yuan of Buddha, is the method of zen three ancestral China, history of Buddhism in China occupies an important position. Released

16、in 1983, the state council for approval of national open temple of han nationality regions.Three ancestral temple buildings, along the phoenix mountain landform of frame made in turn from bottom to top. From the gate to the father of the house, all in a central axis. Incense of course should be the gate to enter. Three ancestral temple gate, also called three temple. Main entrance prajnaparamita door, namely the door of wisdom; The e


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