高一英语 Unit14 Grammar and Integrating skills课课练 大纲人教版第一册

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1、Unit 14Festivals训练三Grammar and Integrating skills课前预习.单词拼写1.I received an i _to her birthday party. 2.Hes a f_ because he leaves his door open when he goes out. 3.I did not buy the book, it was a g_ from a friend. 4.We younger people should r_ our elders. 5.I send you my best wishes on this happy _(

2、时刻). 6.He spoke a lot at the _(庆祝会) yesterday. 7.All the people who were born at about the same time is called a_ (一代人). 8.We should follow the _(原则) of seeking truth. 9.I have the _(荣幸) to have been sent as their representative. 10.Rats and mice are _(类似的) animals. 答案:1.invitation2.fool3.gift4.resp

3、ect5.occasion6.celebration7.generation8.principle9.honour10.similar.根据解释写出正确的单词 1.present; something that you give to someone_ 2.person who auts unwisely; person lacking in good sense or judgement; idiot_ 3.to show honour towards; admire_ 4.single stage in a family history_ 5.to do or give something

4、 to show respect for_ 6.feeling sure that you can trust someone or something_ 7.alike; almost the same_ 答案:1.gift2.fool3.respect4.generation5.honour6.faith7.similar课堂巩固.根据提示翻译句子1.地球日是赞颂生命的节日,它提醒我们,要关心我们赖以生存的地球,学会尊重生命和大自然。(reminder) 2.各种各样的节假日帮助我们了解自己,记住我们的根,分享对幸福未来的希望。(help sb do) 3.每次庆祝节日都会有一点儿变化,这

5、样我们的文化发展才有生机。(Each time/keep.alive)4.创造新的节日,纪念历史文化,似乎是非同一般的方式,其实我们每年都在创造新节日。(a way to do)5.由于宽扎节既是喜庆的时刻,又是学习的机会,人们每天点一枝蜡烛,逐一讨论宽扎节七原则。(a time for)6.必须全力以赴改善社区条件,美化社区环境。(do as much as one can)答案:1.Earth Day is a reminder that we need to care about the world we live in and that we should learn to respe

6、ct life and nature.2.All the holidays and festivals help us understand who we are, remember where we come from, and share hopes for a happy future.3.Each time we celebrate a festival, it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.4.Creating a new festival may seem an unusual way to c

7、elebrate history and culture, but we are in fact all creating new festivals every year.5.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discussing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.6.We must do as much as we can to make our community b

8、etter and more beautiful.单项选择1.It was very kind of you to do the washingup, but you _ it.A.mustnt have doneB.wouldnt have doneC.mightnt have doneD.didnt have to do答案:D2.Cars _ parked(停靠) in front of this house!A.cant beB.may not have beenC.mustnt beD.need have be答案:C 3. _I tell the head teacher all

9、that had happened? No, you _! Mr Xin would be terribly angry.A.Will; needtB.Would; canC.Should; mustntD.Must; dont have to答案:C4.He_full marks, but he was so careless as to make a spelling mistake.A.must have gainedB.can have gainedC.could have gainedD.must gain答案:A5.He _ like country music, but now

10、he is getting interested.A.didnt useB.usednt toC.used notD.doesnt use to答案:B6.Johnny, you _ play with the knife, you _ hurt yourself.A.wont; cantB.mustnt; mayC.shouldnt; mustD.cant; shouldnt 答案:B 课后检测.短语翻译1.best of all_ 2.dress up_3.Compare A with B_4.have.in common_5.give thanks for_ 6.share ones h

11、opes(belief, faith)_7.make peace(with)_ 8.do ones homework all wrong_ 答案:1.最2.给穿盛装,乔装打扮3.把A和B作比较4.有共同之处5.为而致谢6.与某人有共同希望(信仰、信念)7.讲和,言归于好8.把作业做错了.句型转换1.He had no choice but to take up several jobs to support his family.He_ _take up several jobs to support his family.2.We must remember our past and bui

12、ld our future. It_ _ _ _to remember our past and build our future.3.Its getting dark. Its time for me to leave. Its getting dark. I_ _ _leave. 4.People often use a mobile phone to remind them to do something.Often a mobile phone can be used as_ _to tell people to do something. 5.In fact a great fest

13、ival is a time for both learning and joy.In fact a great festival is a time for learning_ _ _joy. 答案:1.had to2.is necessary for us3.have got to4.a reminder5.as well as.同步阅读填空With all of the holidays on the international calendar designed to celebrate events and historical figures, there is another t

14、o celebrate the EarthEarth Day.Earth Day, internationally on March 21st, is an excellent opportunity for people around the world to celebrate the wonders of the Earth and to think of all of the duties that humans have to protect the natural environment. Celebrated on the day of the Vernal Equinox, the moment when night and day are equal throughout the Earth, Earth Day is a great



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