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1、学科En glish课时3年级9年级课题Unit 9 I like music that 1 can dance to.3/6教学 要求1. Lear n the new word: sink.2. Express prefere nces.3.Lear n to use the relative clauses教学重难占八、1. Helpthe stude ntsexpressprefere ncesondiffere ntthi ngs in daily life,us ing the target Ian guage.2. Talk about why they like the ban

2、d, the book and the movie, using the senten ces with relative clauses.教法活动教学法 TPR活动教学法 合作学习法 五步教学法教过程及问题情境学生活动设计意图Stepl Warm-up1. Ask some questions on CDs, groups,sin gers and musicia ns. Help the stude nts to an swer with the target Ian guage.2.Ask the stude nts to make a survey of thestude nts ar

3、ound them and do some no tes.3.Ask several stude nts to report their results of the survey .Step2 Prese ntati onI .part1 Fill in the chart.Ask some questions about band/ book/ movie.Let some of the stude nts to an swer it.Ask the stude nts to complete the chart on their own and share thefavorite boo

4、k withthe classmates after class.n .2a listening1. Tell the stude nts to have a look at the picture and let them guess what they aretalk ing about.2. L iste n to the tape carefully, there aretwo boys, Michael and Ali, they are talking about some of the things they see in theroom. The task of us is t

5、o write out the three things that they are talk ing about.3. Check the an swers.川.2b listeningThis activity gives students listening and writing practice in the target Ianguage.Read the in structi ons. Then point to the two columns in the chart. Say, In the first column you will write what Michael l

6、ikes.In the second column you will write why heThe stude nts an swer the questi ons with the target Ian guage. Then make a survey of the stude nts around them .Fill in the chart. Write the names of the stude ntsfavorite band, book and movieListe n and write dow n the three things in the picture that

7、Michael and Ali talk about.Liste n aga in .通过复习本单元 的语言目标,在轻 松愉快的气氛中 为本课的学习掀 开了序幕。为听力做铺垫。通过问题让学生 分析信息,听选相 关信息。likes it.Point out the sample answers. Ask a student to read these an swers to the class.An swer any questi ons stude nts may have.Say: Listen to the recording again. Nowfill in the an swers.

8、Correct the an swers.Ask the students to have a look at the chart in Activity 2b. Tell them to note the sample an swers.Check the an swersStep3 Con solidati on and exte nsionI .2c Group workThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target la nguageRead the in structi ons. Point to activi

9、ty1 and say, Look at activity 1 as you giveyour an swers.Point to the example in the box. Ask two stude nts to read the questio ns and an swers to the class.Have stude nts work in pairs. Move aroundthe room check ing the progress ofthe pairs and offeri ng help as n eeded.Ask some pairs to prese nt t

10、heircon versati ons to the class.Ask the students to discuss their favorite ban ds, books and movies in groups of four. Try to use the sentences with the relative clause we have met in this unit to help to make conversations.3.Ask one or two groupsto say their con versatio ns to the class.Step4 SummaryWrite what Michael likes and why he likes each thi ng.Discuss their favorite things from activity 1.Say why they like each thing.本环节通过group work 这个 活动,拓展了活动1的内容,使语言 知识运用到实际 交流中。作 业 布 置Homework:Write your favorite things from activity1 and say why you like each thing.教学 反 思



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