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1、Module 4A Social Survey-My Neighborhood一、知识归纳1 重点词汇词组:1)a five-storey(ed)apartment block11)a great many things2)put up high-rise buildings 12)to make it3)be on the committee 13)love living by the seaside4)get away from 14)in time for sth/to do sth5)go up /go down 15)approach the business district6)a

2、s a result/as a result of 16)across the water7)a number of /the number of 17)a gorgeous island with some interesting architecture8)so far /up to now/till now 18)offer congratulations to sb. on sth9)the neighborhood committee 19)do/make a survey of 10)be made of/from/into/up of 20)exchange sth with s

3、b. /sth for sth2. 重点句型1) I feel fortunate living here. 2) Shall we go there for lunch?3) That sounds OK to me. 4) Am I right in thinking that?3. 语法项目:现在完成时的用法1) They have put up a lot of high-rise buildings. 2) Ive seen quite a lot of China. 3) Ive worked for it for four years. 4) Its been very succ

4、essful , so far. 5) Its been six years since we last saw each other. 6) This is the first time Ive visited your hometown. 二、随堂练习1单词拼写1) Your car is out of date. . _(调换)it for a new one. 2) According to the_ (调查 ),four fifths of the boys like to play games on the computer. 3) Im sorry to_(打扰 )you. Co

5、uld you help me with work?4) Yao Ming is a _(职业的)basketball player. 5) For further information, please_(联络)our local office. 6) This MP3 is really dear. I can not _(买的起 )to buy it. 7) He_(幸存)in the flood, but unluckily his wife was killed. 8) He is very_(幸运 )because his boss is satisfied with his wo

6、rk. 9) The seaside is very_(有吸引力的 )for me. 10)Everyone can get on well with him, because he is easy to_(接近 ). 2. 句型转换1) A: They have put up a lot of high- rise buildings recently. B: Recently a lot of high-rise buildings _ _ _. 2) A: Fortunately I was in time for the last bus. B: Fortunately I was i

7、n time _ _ the last bus. 3) A: Ive made a lot of friends during my stay in weihai. B: Ive made _ _ _ friends during my stay in weihai. . 4) A: The best way to lose weight is to form healthy eating habits. B: The best way _ _weight is to form healthy eating habits. 5) A: We havent met each other afte

8、r our departure each other six years ago. B: It _ _ six years_ we departed each other six years ago. 3. 根据汉意完成句子1) 我可买不起那么贵的一辆车。 I cant _ to buy _ _ a car. 2) 这件衬衫有点毛病,你能帮我换一件新的吗?There is something wrong _the shirt. Can you _it _a new one?3) 对于这件事他一直保持沉默。He remained _ _ the matter. 4) 那个城市百分之四十的人口住在

9、郊区。Forty percent of the population of the city _in the _. 5) 他们在一个五层的公寓大楼的三楼上有一个小单元。They have a small apartment _the third floor of a _apartment block. 4. 单句改错1) My school is about 50 miles far away from the city. 2) A lot of buildings have been gone up in my hometown since 1995. 3) It is three year

10、s before we met last time. 4) The number of people survived from the flood. 5) Up to now, I didnt form my own way to study English. 5. 单项选择1) What you said _reasonable. A. sounded B. sounded like C. had sounded D. was sounded2) All these chemicals will be made _very beautiful man-made jewellery. A.

11、of B. into C. up of D. from3) _houses and buildings were destroyed in the earthquake. A. Such many B. Too much C. A great many of D. A great number of4) A _building was built in the city two years ago. A. 30-floored B. 30-floor C. 30-storeyed D. 30-storeys5) I love to go to the seaside in summer. It

12、_ good to lie in the sun or to swim in the sea. A. does B. feels C. gets D. makes6) They are both 1. 7 metres _height, but they are not _the same age. A. in ;of B. of ;in C. of; of D. in ;in7) -Where _the recorder? I cant see it anywhere. -I _it right here, but now its gone. A. did you put;have put

13、B. have you put; put C. had you put,;was puttingD. were you putting ;have put8) Great changes _in the city and a lot of factories _-. A. have been taken place;have been set up B. have taken place ;have set upC. have taken place; have been set up D. were taken place; were set up9) -Im sorry to keep you waiting-Oh, not at all. I _here only a few minutes. A. have been B. had been C. was D. will be10) -Do you know our town at all?-No, this is the first time I _here. A. was B.



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