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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 2010年中考典型易错题举例分析1. It is _ outside. Lets put on our raincoats and go out, Tom. A. coldB. hotC. sunnyD. rainy2. _ do you _ about spring?The flowers and the green trees. A. How, likeB. How, thinkC. What, thinkD. What, like3. Whats your sister like?_. A. She is a workerB. She li

2、kes pears C. She is very thinD. She is like her father4. Its too hot. Would you mind _ the door?_. Please do it now. A. to open, OKB. opening, Certainly not C. opening, Of course D. to open, Good idea5. If you have any trouble, be sure to call me. _. A. I am glad to hear that B. I will. Thank you ve

3、ry much. C. I have no troubleD. I will think it over正确答案为DDCBC。典型形容词和副词考题分析1. We should keep _ in the reading-room. A. quiteB. quietlyC. quietD.quickly2. The light in the room wasnt _for me to read. A. enough brightB. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough3. She is _of the two. A. the c

4、leverestB. the clevererC. the cleverD. cleverest4. How far is the factory from here?Its about 4 kilometers _. A. farB. longC. away D. near5. Do you have enough men to carry these chairs?No. I think we need _ men. A. anotherB. other twoC. more twoD. two more6. He is taller than _ girl in his class. A

5、. anyB. other C. any otherD. another7. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _ voice. A. the bestB. a best C. the betterD. a better因此正确答案为CDBCDAD。三道易错名词考题分析1. _ fathers made them have piano lessons. A. Peter and AnnsB. Peters and Anns C. Peters and AnnD. Peter and Ann2. There are a lot _ peo

6、ple today than yesterday. A. ofB. /C. mostD. more3. “Excuse me, are you _? ”“No, we are _. ”A. American, EnglishmanB. American, GermansC. American, GermenD. Englishman, Americans【解析】先从词性来看,American 和 German 既可以用作名词也可以用作形容词,用作名词时,其复数形式分别为Americans 和 Germans;选项中的Englishman只能用作名词,其复数形式是Englishmen。答数:BD

7、B。两道中考英语冠词易错题分析1. A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _ second. A. /B. theC. aD. an2. _ India and China are of _ same continent. A. /; theB. The ; theC. /; /D. /; a正确答案为CA。语境交际常识Youre very _, arent you? Yes. Our team has won the game.A. happyB. worriedC. sadD. afraidYour spoken English is m

8、uch better! _.A. Oh, noB. Youre rightC. thank youD. Not at all答案是AC。中考英语典型代词考点易错题例析1. I hear someone _at the door. Please go and see who _ is. A. knock, heB. knocking, heC. knock, itD. knocking, it2. Lucy and I are classmates. We _ in Class One. A. all areB. are allC. both areD. are both3. There is

9、_ egg at home. Will you please get _ for me, please?A. no, someB. not, someC. not any, anyD. not an, any4. A latest English newspaper, please!Only one copy left. Would you like to have _, sir?A. oneB. this C. that D. it正确答案:DDAD。中考英语交际口语易错题10例(有详解)1. Dont make any noise in the living room! My baby i

10、s sleeping. _. A. Sorry, I wontB. It doesnt matter C. Excuse me, Im wrongD. Certainly, I wont2. I havent seen Jack for three days, is he ill?_. His mother told me that he was in hospital. A. I am afraid soB. I hope not C. I dont expect D. I am afraid not3. Excuse me. May I use your computer?_. Its b

11、roken. A. Sure B. Yes, here you are C. With pleasure D. Im afraid not4. Can I get you something to drink, Mr. Smith? _. I am thirsty. A. Here you areB. No, thank you C. Youre welcomeD. Yes, please5. Your sweater is very beautiful, Joan!_. A. thank you all the sameB. Not at all C. Just so-soD. thank

12、you6. What do you do? _. A. I am thirteenB. I work hard C. Im fineD. Im a student注意:以下句型的意思:What is he? (用来询问职业)他是干什么的?What does he do? (= Whats his job? ) (用来询问职业) What is he like? (用来询问长相或人品) 他长得怎么样?/他是怎样一个人? How is he? (用来询问身体状况)他身体怎么样?How old is he? (用来询问年龄) 他多大了?7. Andy isnt going out this even

13、ing, is she?_. She has to stay at home to look after her sick mother. A. Yes, she isB. No, she isnt C. Yes, she isnt D. No, she is8. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang?Whos calling, please. _. A. Im Mr. WangB. Mr. Wang is here C. This is Mr. Wang speaking D. Mr. Wang is calling9. I fell and hurt my leg.

14、 _. A. Be careful B. It doesnt matter C. Im sorry to hear that D. Nothing serious10. _. thank you very much. I will. A. Congratulations!B. Best wishes to youC. Please say hello to your family. D. What a good wish to your family!正确答案为AADDD/DBCCC。做好中考英语阅读理解题的实用技巧1. 抓住中心句。阅读短文之前,先看短文是否有标题。2. 克服不良习惯,提高阅读速度。3. 判断要有依据,推理要顺乎整理的意图。4. 遇到生词时,一定要沉着、冷静。(1)根据上、下文进行猜测。这是最重要,也是最常用的方法。有些生词可以通过上下文的相关信息,或根据同位语,修饰语等猜测词义。例如:1. The people who survi



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