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1、Unit7 RevisionLesson2一、教学目标: 1) 知识目标1. 复习Lesson1的内容,例如:lost camera, forgot umbrella, got wet, caught a cold 2. 复习过去式,过去时态的动词和重要的短语,例如:have a good day, in the hurry, went back3. 复习用一般过去式表达,正确运用过去时态描述发生过的事2) 能力目标1. 能够自然流畅的发音,语调自然2. 能够正确理解课文中语句的意思,正确翻译并准确表达3. 能够运用过去式向别人或同伴描述自己的一天3) 情感目标1. 通过师生之间的交流,准确理

2、解并使用过去式2. 通过问答形式和朗读等形式,让学生自己回答,鼓励学生,激发自信心4) 教学重点1. 正确理解课文,学生自己读,自己领会,及时检查2. 理解并运用重点语句,例如:have a good day , in a hurry ,went back home5) 教学难点 让学生能够会说、会读,理解语句的意思及时掌握重点语句6) 教具 点读机教学内容与过程一) Greeting用简单的问候,如Good morning, what day is today? Whats the weather like today?二)Revision 问学生上节课内容,由Pam had a good

3、time引入Pam的a bad dayT:Yesterday, we learnt a letter. Last summer vacation, Pam had a good time, but she had a bad day. Did you remember, Pam, what happened in a bad day?S:Lost camera, forgot umbrella, got wet, caught a cold 学生说的时候, T把他们说的写在黑板上,并要求学生一起拼读二) Presentation & Practice1. 先把书Turn to Page 80,

4、让学生听录音,并要求边听时还要带着问题去听,What happened in a bad day? Why? 找答案T: Turn to Page 80. Lets see, Jia Ming, what happened in a bad day? Why did he have a bad day? 翻译中文 下面我们听录音,在听录音时要找出问题的答案2S听录音,听录音时T板书 Jia Ming Home-Station-School 3. 录音结束T:听完录音,我们一起看看家明糟糕的一天,and why? Why did Jia Ming have a bad day?1)T: Firs

5、t ,首先,家明在家时妈妈跟他说了什么?What did his mother say to Jia Ming? Look at the Picture1, put up your hands, answer my question, I went more.S: His mother hoped he was having a good day. ( 板书 have a good day) 2)T:Look at the picture2, what happened at the station? 家明在站牌发生了什么事呢? Put up your hands T: He missed t

6、he bus. T: Yeah, good job. T: 错过公交怎么说 S:Miss the bus 错过火车- S:-train3)T: Look at the picture3, what happened?S: He dropped his homework and keys. (板书)T: 在图上我们看见家明流了许多汗,他为什么流这么多汗呢?S:He was in a hurry.T: In a hurry 翻译并拼读 4) T: Look at the picture4.Jia Ming was at school. What happened at school? S: He

7、forgot his homework. T: Good job,回答得很好,sit down, please. 5) T : He forgot his homework, 然后他怎么办?Look at the picture5, He was running and.S: went back home.T:Jia Ming went back home,翻译成中文S: -T: went back回去,返回,went 的现在时是-S:Go6) T: Jia Ming went back home. Why did he stand in the door?S: He dropped his

8、keys. T: Dropped keys 掉了钥匙(板书时叫学生跟着拼读)7)T:Look at the picture7,the weather changed,天气变了.It was raining, but where was the Jia Mings umbrella? -and he forgot his umbrella. “Forgot my umbrella, at school, too” too是什么意思呢?S:也是意思。T:以前我们学过“Nice to meet you -Nice to meet you, too” S: -T:课文为什么后面加too呢?S: 因为前

9、面有 forgot my homeworkT: 忘记带雨伞-forgot umbrella 忘记带家庭作业-forgot homework4. D 看81页,学生读句子翻译,一起看对错 T: 我们看一下Page81,D.Write true or false三) Homework1)抄写课文句子一遍,2)抄写重点短语三遍四) 板书Pam Jia MingLost camera went back homeForgot umbrella dropped homework and keys Got wet Home_Station_SchoolCaught a cold have a good day miss the bus forgot homework . . .time forgot umbrella 教学反思: 教学反思上课课堂时间把握还好,教学内容讲完,但基本符合教学过程,由于学生好动,气氛活跃但学生易起哄,教学重点没突出 小学六年级备课教案Unit7 RevisionLesson2 伍文文 指导老师:邵福兰


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