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1、XX商务英语口语This is my boss, Mr. Wang.这是我的老板,王先生。Josh, this is my secretary, Mary.乔希,这是我的秘书玛丽。Id like you to meet my co-worker, Robert Jehan.我想让你见见我的同事,罗伯特吉安。Robert, this is Susan Palmer.罗伯特,这位是苏珊帕尔默。Have you met, Jack?你们之前见过吗,杰克?I dont believe weve met.我想我们以前没有见过面。Jack, this is Rose.杰克,这位是罗斯。Hi, Im Ros

2、e.你好,我是罗斯。Hi, nice to meet you.你好,很快乐认识你。Id like to introduce you to my dear friend, Mr. Walker.我想把你介绍给我亲爱的朋友,沃克先生。Allow me to introduce my colleague, Ms. Smith.请容许我介绍一下我的同事,史密斯小姐。Let me introduce you to my colleague, Paul Walter.让我把你介绍给我的同事,保罗沃尔特。Mr. Beck, this is Richard Winters from E-pany Inc.贝克

3、先生,这位是理查德温特斯,于E-pany。A: I dont believe weve met.B: No, I dont think we have.A: My name is Chen Sung-lim.B: How do you do? My name is Fred Smith.A:我们以前没有见过吧?B:我想没有。A:我叫陈松林。8:您好,我是弗雷德史蜜斯。A: Heres my name card.B: And heres mine.A: Its nice to finally meet you.B: And Im glad to meet you, too.A:这是我的名片。B:

4、这是我的。A:很快乐终于与你见面了。B:我也很快乐见到你。A: Is that the office manager over there?B: Yes, it is,A: I havent met him yet.B: Ill introduce him to you .A:在那边的那位是经理吧?B:是啊。A:我还没见过他。8:那么,我来介绍你认识。A: Do you have a calling cardB: Yes, right here.A: Heres one of mine.B: Thanks.A:您有名片吗?B:有的,就在这儿。喏,这是我的。B:谢谢。A:Willyou intr

5、oduceme to the new purchasing agent?B:Haventyou metyet?A:No,wehavent.B:Illbeglad todoit.A:请替我引介新来负责采购的人好吗?B:你们还没见面吗?A:嗯,没有。B:我乐意为你们介绍。A: Ill call you next week.B: Do you know my number?A: No, I dont.B: Its right here on my card.A:我下个星期会打给你。B:你知道我的号码吗?A:不知道。8:就在我的名片上。A: Have we been introduced?B: No,

6、 I dont think we have been.A: My name is Wong.B: And Im Jack Smith.A:对不起,我们彼此介绍过了吗?B:不,我想没有。A:我姓王。B:我叫杰克史密斯。A: Is this Mr. Jones?B: Yes, thats right.A: Im just calling to introduce myself. My name is Tang.B: Im glad to meet you, Mr. Tang.A:是琼斯先生吗?B:是的。A:我打是向您作,我姓唐。B:很快乐认识你,唐先生。A: I have a letter of

7、introduction here.B: Your name, please?A: Its David Chou.B: Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. Weve been looking forward to this.A:我这儿有一封。B:请问贵姓大名?A:周大卫。B:啊,周先生,我们一直在等着您来。A: Ill call you if you give me a name card.B: Im sorry, but I dont have any with me now.A: Just tell me your number, in that case.B: Its 322-5879.A:给我一张名片吧,我会打给你。B:真抱歉,我现在身上没带。A:这样子,那就告诉我你的号码好了。B:322-5879.


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