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1、新目的英语八年级配套练习册(上)Uit 3 Im moretgoing thanmy iser SectionBI.Cosethws from the boxnd olete h stences(从方框中选择恰当的单词完毕句子)mirrornecesar oth care lau1.MyfrndAnnan I e_goo at immng2. hat unny ory m e_ .3. Evr moning I lo mysel in the_ after wah myfae4. ts_f s towrkard ery y.5. on eally_ i my frids r the smea

2、e ffetII Fl n the blankswi te ivn wdsi their propr form(用括号内所给词的合适形式填空). good riend is go_(listen).2. Imluder thn he oter_ (id) nmylass.3.rac is ery_(alent)in music. 4.thnmypret_ (tre) care au me.YuanLi isry qiet but Im very_(ludly).II Choose the bet aswers(单项填空)(). hi s my fren. i_ otgoig anduniert

3、haI am muh B. ch mor C. a lttleD.a lot oore( )2._ e is ver ung, _ a do mhings.A. hough; ut B Thouh; / C / ; ho D.but; Though( )3 Hs jobis_ eciting_issiters.A. mor; as B so; as . s; as D. much; a(). f yout oget the job, ou mustbe ood_ cildren. a . wih C. fo D in( )5. Se loksthe same_er sse_ some wys.

4、Aas; as B. n; in C.from;at D. a; nCompletethe folowing Enlissentence according tothChinee(根据汉语意思完毕英语句子)1My frinds_ (关怀;在乎) m.2. Ithikfriensare lie booksyot need ot o he _ _ (只要)they re god.3 ameally_ _ (与.不同)mybroer. My be frendhelp to_(使体现出)hebestin .5 Myrothr s_ _ (与.相似)e. We bothlie lyg bastalMt

5、plthink Peter is qut _ _ (事实上),hei very fnny ad often makesme auh.7. W stdy n ame_ _(小学)nd welove our shol8 Imhy s i not eay fore_ _(交朋友).9. Its not necs_ _ _ _(相似). e ca lar ro eah oh.1. un Lei snt_ _ _tenns _ (和.样擅长)LarryV. Coos hepopersenenes to comlee theconversaton(从方框中选出合适的句子补全对话)AHe i ver nny

6、. . Dos hlkest?C Anygonews?D. is name iice.E. Is he a ltleouder?(Kay, TTed)K: Hey,e, you look ohppy today. 1 : have a ew red i orcas K:w is he ike, Ted?T: He istal a iK :Ihefunner han you?T: Certainly. H s muchfniehan.K : T: Ye.e is vry ld and .He ha ong airand ery cool cloths.K: 5 : Yes, e does. e

7、is very thleti(运动的). Ad e seven bette at soccer tha me VI. Choose e or omh box and cmletethe passge(根据短文内容, 选择合适的单词填空,使语意通顺完整)both, all, th, , from, m, necssary,har,reachs,oe, loger, ther, ar, runingIhato goodfrids. yin sisterOneis uc ad he 1 is ily. Luy is noas asLly And se s a littlesho an il. Luy

8、 ha 3 hir han Li ilys hai is rul hort. theyre 4talentd i mLuy isod 5 playnghe piano andLily plas th guita eter 6 Luy A thy lk t 7 rend? t.Liy would lketo ae frindwho r diffeent 8 hr. Se says,“Is not 9_ to be thesme.”Sh is quitr th most heclasate. ut se ikeo havefrnd wo are 10 outgog han her.Shethks

9、a true frind 1 foyou nd ad touches yur12 . Luy iks t have frie whoare lie her Sheth gofienis e amrr.She isgod . e he, a of her friend like ruin,too.Af m,I oneally 14 f myfind aret sme a meor ifferet What do ou tink?. Radng coprensIon(阅读理解)Ahod finds betesaer deren? For me, i s ot cessary the sme. My

10、nme is David. Myestfriend ffiqite ifernfrm m is shrer nqter tha me.We boh leorts, b h paysbaseball better than m, heays inef works hrer andalwaysets good gres. Wcn tak nd sr everything. I ink my et riend lt ig ut the best in meellegoodfiends forev.Read and tell Tru orFalse根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F)()1. Jeff

11、i Dvis bestied.()2.Theylkebing theme.( )3. Davi asbasball betterthaJe.()4.Jff os hardr tan Davd.( )5.Jeffis taller and quiete thn aid.BHlo, vrye! y nameis Petr. I thnka goo rien i lik airro.Imll and have ht hair. My bestfiedJack oosimi ome.Im quiet anlike raingboks. Helike raing,t. So we ofen spendietoether readng a sdyi. Iike ports Ila bskeall vey wel nd he is goodat layng baskeball too. I ont thn


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