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1、Unit 14 Have you packed yet Section A 1a-gramma导学案(无答案) 一、学习目标:1. New words: bathing suit towel water guidebook refrigerator garage chop wood light well farm anyway2. Phrase: bathing suitclean outget back to sb3. Sentences: 1) Have you watered the plants yet ? No ,I havent. 2) Have you packed the ca

2、mera yet ? Yes. Ive already put it in my suitcase . 3) Have you fed the cat ? No,I havent fed her yet .4.Grammar:现在完成时态的构成和用法二、学习重点、难点:.Grammar:现在完成时态的构成和用法三、学习步骤:(一)轻松起航1.试着拼读Section A 中的生词,并记忆默写。2.阅读SectionA 中的内容,翻译下列短语并诵记。 1)clean out_ 2)in a minute_ 3)get back to sb_4)take thedog for a walk5)lig

3、ht the fire for breakfast 6)挑水 7)和他聊天8)砍柴 9)在城市观光兴 3.你在预习过程中遇到“拦路虎”了吗?如果有,请把它们一一 记下来吧。 (二)教材研学1. Read 1a and write your answers .2. Make sentences after the sentences in the picture .3. 1b .Read the listening and do 1b.4. 1c. Practice conversations with your partner after 1c.5.2a. Read the listening

4、 again and do 2aand 2b. 6 Read and recite Grammar Focus .7 .3a.(1)read 3a and underline the different chores .(2)read 3a aloud .(3)found out the things you cant understand .8.Practise 3b as the model.(三)帮你学1. Sorry I couldnt get back to you sooner. (P112)很抱歉我没能尽快给你回复。这是在E-mail message回复中的常用语,句中“get

5、back to sb”的意思是“以后再答复”。I cant give you a definite answer now but Ill get back to you about it soon.我现在不能给你一个明确的回答,但我很快会给你答复的。2.already与yetalready副词,意思是“已经”,常用于肯定句中。yet用于否定句和疑问句,yet常放在句末。如:(1)He has already been to Japan .他已经去过日本。(2) He hasnt been to Japan yet.他还未去过日本。(3) Has he finished his homework

6、? 他已经完成了他的作业吗?Not yet .还没呢。(四)自我测评1 你能翻译下列句子吗?(1)你已经打好包了吗?不,我没有。 (2)你你喂猫了吗?不,我还没喂呢。 2.填空1)Who l_ the cigarette ( 烟)for you just now ?2)The door is l_ , I cant get in .3.单项选择1)He has _ been to America ,but I havent _.A.yet,already B. already,yet C. yet,yetD. already, already2)The boy was feedingthe m

7、onkey _ a banana.A. _disibledevent=left3)- Did you have anyone _ the tree?- Yes, I had the trees _ . A.to water,water B.to water,watered C. water,to watered D. water,watered4.同义句改写(1).The foreigner has returned to his hometown .The foreigner has_ _ _ his hometown.(2). I have quite a lot of work to do today .I have _ _ work to do today .学后记:



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