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1、交往互动式教学设计方案课题: Unit5 seasons (story time )教时:第一课时日期: 月 日教学目标:1. 欣赏歌曲,引出本课主题seasons.2. 能认读单词spring ,summer , autumn, winter, warm , cold并进行初步拼读。3. 能听懂、初步会说词组fly kites , go boating , 4.能听懂、会读、会说句型In ,we .5.有感情的朗读课文中的小诗。体会韵律。6.能创作自己的小诗,并有感情的朗读起来。能培养孩子的四季变化意识,享受四季,享受生活。重点与难点:能准确读好单词spring,autumn, 并灵活运用句

2、型 In , its .we ., I like .进行自如表达。Teaching ProceduresTimeStepsTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurpose, Feedbacks &Aims5minStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言1. Greetings.Good morning, class.Whats your name ?Nice to meet you .2.Enjoy a song about seasons.3.Whats the song about?-seasonIm Nice to meet you t

3、oo.Enjoy the song .通过歌曲导入课题,调动学生学习积极性和主动性。达成教学目标13minStep2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构1.Show pictures of four seasonsteach:Spring ,summer ,autumn,winter .2.What season is it now? -Its spring.3. Whats the weather like in spring?-Its warm.Teach:warm4.What about other seasons?Teach: hot, cool, cold5.Say a chant.1

4、. Learn the names of four seasonsClass work Solo workClass workGroup work 介绍四季的英文表达及四个季节的天气特征,再通过Chant形式巩固新授词汇并提高学习兴趣。达成教学目标28minStep3Task 1回忆相关知识,1.Talk about spring2.Read after the computerpair work: Talk about spring (weather, activities)Class work: Read after the computer谈论春天的英语表达、天气和活动。跟读本段,让学生

5、初步感受课文结构。达成教学目标3.7minStep4Task 2呈现刺激材Watch and fillWe can do many things in spring.How about other seasons? What do you do in different seasons?Lets watch the cartoon and answer.In . . We .Class work Learn the phrases.Flykites, go boating , eat ice creams,go swimming,have picnics ,go climbing , make

6、 snowmen,go skating 进入课文学习看卡通了解课文中人物在其他三个季节的活动。达成教学目标47minStep5Task 3引发期待行为,强化结构1. Choose one season to read in a group. 有诗意的读课文。1. Enjoy and sayEnjoy some pictures and say what we do in different seasons .group workClass work 根据课文内容完成表格。通过朗读提高朗读能力。达成教学目标510minStep6Post task1. We learn a poem about

7、seasons.How can we talk about a season?2. look , I make a poem . I can read it like a poem.3. can you make your poem and read it like a poem ?Class work.Name, weather, colour, Activities,food.Enjoy the teachers poem .Make a new poem in group of four.归纳总结诗的方法。学生先欣赏老师的配乐朗诵诗,再现场创编自己的小诗,配乐朗诵。达成目标6作业设计:1. Read and recite the poem with emotion.有感情地朗读小诗并背诵。2. Draw a season in your eyes and make a poem. 画一个你眼中的季节并配上小诗。板书设计



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