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1、2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题A Frenchman who has an unusually sensitive nose can( )hundreds of different smells.问题1选项A.nominateB.dominateC.eliminateD.discriminate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A项nominate“推荐,提名”,B项dominate“控制,支配”,C项eliminate“消除,排除”,D项discriminate“歧视,区别”。根据关键词sensitive nose(敏感的鼻子)和different

2、 smells(不同的气味)可知,只有D项符合。句意:一个法国人拥有异常灵敏的鼻子,可以辨别数百种不同的气味。因此,该题选择D项正确。2. 单选题Patients are expected to comply with doctors instructions for quick recovery.问题1选项A.improve onB.abide byC.draw uponD.reflect on【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。comply with表示“遵守,照做”;A项improve on“改进,对加以改良”,B项abide by“遵守,信守”,C项draw upon“利用,开出”,D项r

3、eflect on“思考,反省”。句意:希望病人遵照医生的指示尽快恢复。根据句意可知B项正确。3. 单选题Nuclear wastes are considered to( )a threat to human health and marine life.问题1选项A.composeB.imposeC.exposeD.pose【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A项compose“构成,写作”,B项impose“强加,征税”,C项expose“暴露”,D项pose“提出,造成”;根据空格后面的threat(威胁),结合句子的语境,只有D项符合。句意:核废料被认为对人类健康和海洋生物构成威胁。因此

4、,该题选择D项正确。4. 单选题Readers are required to comply with the rules of the library and mind their manners.问题1选项A.observe tB.memorize tC.comment tD.request【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。comply with表示“照做,遵守”;A项observe“观察,遵守”,B项memorize“记住,背熟”,C项comment“发表评论,发表意见”,D项request“要求,请求”。句意:读者应遵守图书馆的各项规定,注意自己的行为举止。根据句意可知,该题选择A项正确

5、。5. 单选题After deciding on a specific area of advanced study, prospective students must resolve whether to aim at a masters or a Ph.D.(1)the accelerating complexity of what an engineer must know, many employers have(2)to regard a masters degree as minimum training. Therefore, the typical two years req

6、uired to earn an M.S.(3)a useful investment of time, energy and money. Enrolling (4)doctoral programs which could(5)out for several years-involves a much greater(6)of time and the loss of the opportunity to earn a pay-check, not to mention considerably greater risk of unemployment. A specialty that

7、is,(7)when a student sets off on the road toward a Ph.D. could be in(8)by the time that individual graduates. Still, earning a doctorate can lead to jobs that have a research focus and require a very high level of sophistication.The doctoral degree can also offer greater professional(9), as Collin H

8、itchcock realizes. Hitchcock, is in a Ph.D. program in electrical, computer, and systems engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. His research project: studying semiconductors in solar cells. “There probably wont be a lot of jobs doing research with solar cells when I graduate, b

9、ut I could shift(10)to other kinds of semiconductors.” says Hitchcock.问题1选项A.ConcerningB.RegardingC.GivenD.Including问题2选项A.insistedB.comeC.managedD.got问题3选项A.supposesB.termsC.signsD.represents问题4选项A.overB.atC.inD.by问题5选项A.runB.stretchC.turnD.last问题6选项A.commitmentB.spendingC.wasteD.dedication问题7选项A.d


11、uding“包括”。上文提到prospective students must resolve whether to aim at a masters or a Ph.D.(毕业生必须决定是否继续攻读硕士学位或是博士学位),接着下文提到the accelerating complexity of what an engineer must know(工程师必须知道的东西越来越复杂),可知,上下文具有因果关系,故选given合适。因此, 该题选择C项正确。第2题:考查动词辨析和固定搭配。A项insist“坚持,强调”,一般与on搭配,insist on表示“坚持”;B项come“开始,出现”;C

12、项manage“管理,经营”,manage to do表示“挣扎做某事,设法完成某事”;D项get“得到”。根据句子many employers have( )to regard a masters degree as minimum training可知,come to regardas固定用法表示“把当作,认为是”。句意:鉴于工程师必须知道的知识越来越复杂,许多雇主开始把硕士学位视为最低限度的培训。因此,该题选择B项正确。第3题:考查动词辨析。A项suppose“假定,认为”,B项term“把叫作”,C项sign“签署,示意”,D项represent“代表,表现”。根据句子Therefor

13、e, the typical two years required to earn an M.S.( )a useful investment of time, energy and money.可知,空格后面的句子“对时间、精力和金钱的有益投资”是对前面句子“获得理科硕士学位通常需要两年时间”的进一步补充解释,所以D项符合。句意:因此,获得硕士学位通常需要两年时间,这是对时间、精力和金钱的有益投资。因此,该题选择D项正确。第4题:考查介词辨析与固定用法。A项over“超过”,B项at“在”,C项in“在里”,D项by“通过”。根据空格前面的enroll可知,enroll in固定搭配,表示“

14、参加,加入”。因此,该题选择C项正确。第5题:考查介词辨析与固定用法。A项run“跑”,run out表示“用完,耗尽”;B项stretch“伸展,拉紧”,stretch out表示“伸出,伸展”;C项turn“转动,翻过来”,turn out表示“最后是,结果是”;D项last“持续”,last out表示“经受住,支持下去”。根据句子Enrolling in doctoral programs which could( )out for several years-involves a much greaterof time and the loss of the opportunity

15、to earn a pay-check, not to mention considerably greater risk of unemployment.可知,空格后面列举了三种可能性:投入更多的时间,失去赚钱的机会,失业风险更大;因此A、D选项可以排除,C项表示结果,B项表示延伸出的可能性。因此,该题选择B项正确。第6题:考查名词辨析。A项commitment“承诺,花费金钱时间等”,B项spending“花费,度过”,C项waste“浪费”,D项dedication“奉献,献身”。根据句子Enrolling in doctoral programs which could stretch out for several years-inv


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