中考英语复习训练 完形填空47(普通难度)

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《中考英语复习训练 完形填空47(普通难度)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语复习训练 完形填空47(普通难度)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、完形填空 Mr. North looks worried this week. He always 1 good habit. He gets up early in the 2 and does some exercises before breakfast. He thought himself 3 and didnt often go to see a doctor. But last Friday morning, when he was walking near the garden. He suddenly fell to the _4_. There was nobody aro

2、und him and a few minutes later he came back to 5 . He stood up and went back slowly. He thinks something is wrong with his 6 and sometimes it beats fast, sometimes slow now. He cant fall 7 in the evening. And he often feels 8 when hes at work. This morning Mr. North came to the 9 . He told the doct

3、or what happened to him. The young doctor 10 him over carefully and then said,” Im 11 to tell you, Mr. North. The terrible disease is 12_ you. You must give up coffee if you hope to live 13 .” “But I never drinks it” said Mr. North. “And 14 smoking.” “I dont smoke at all.” “Mm! Thats bad! If you hav

4、ent anything to give up, Im afraid I cant do 15 for you.”1. A givesB. keepsC. hopesD. studies2. A. morningB. nightC. springD. noon3. A. weakB. goodC. healthyD. clever4. A. floorB. fireC. hillD. ground5. A. lifeB. wishC. businessD. music6. A. headB. faceC. heartD. nose7. A. behindB. asleepC. overD. i

5、n8. A. hungryB. aloneC. dangerousD. tired9. A. schoolB. hospitalC. cinemaD. park10. A. heardB. calledC. lookedD. climbed11. A. gladB. sureC. busyD. sorry12. A. troubling B. meetingC. havingD. waiting13. A. longB. longerC. shortD. shorter14. A. enjoyB. beginC. stopD. forget15. A. muchB. littleC. fewD

6、. a lot of名师点评这是一篇讽刺小故事:劳斯先生有良好的生活习惯,突然有一天他摔倒了,他怀疑自己的心脏有毛病,医生武断的说这和他的嗜好有关,而劳斯又没有这些嗜好,最后医生只好对他说无能为力。答案简析1. B。保持良好的习惯 表达为“keep good habit”。2. A。早餐前起床,故用 “morning”。3. C。因为每天早起锻炼,所以他认为自己很健康。4. D 跌倒在地可表达成“fell to the ground”。5. A。 “come back to life ”是“苏醒过来”。6. C。后面一句讲“他有时心跳很快”由此推断“他认为自己心脏有问提”。7. B。fall asleep表示“睡着、入睡”。8. D。由于他一直怀疑心脏不好,夜里睡不好,所以工作时常常感到疲劳。9. B。下句是讲他去看医生。10 .C。look over表示“检查身体”。11. D。说到不好的事,故用 “Im sorry”。12. A。trouble sb.意思是“麻烦某人、困扰某人”。13. B。想长寿,少喝咖啡。14. C。戒烟可表达为“stop smoking”或“give up smoking”。15. A。医生怀疑是吸烟和咖啡引起的,但他没有这些嗜好,所以他只好说他没办法。


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