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1、附录英文翻译A cmprensive oeview ofsbstaionAlog th the eoomc deepment ad th modern industdevelopmens o uick rising, h eign of th poe susytm becom mor andmr comletely and ystem. Bause the uickyieaeeltricity of factoie, itlso incas seriosly t te dendable idex o te economic cnditin, power supply in uatiy. The

2、refre te needth higer ad more erect requt t he poer supply Wte Design rasoable, not on affet dir he seinetmnt and irlate te epnss ith avethemta depleto inolur metal,but lso wi reflectth dpendabe npower uppl n the saf in ay facts I word, is clo wt the conomic pefomancand the aety f epeople. The sutat

3、in is an iportne patothe lectic powerysem, its cossted f he ectric appiances eumnsantheTransmission and th Distibti.It bains the lctric poe frm he eericpowr syste, thoughits fncto of trnormtio and assgn, transort n sfe. The trapr the powr t evr place i saf,ependable, and conomicl. As anportat pt of

4、owrtansportadcotr, t ransore sbsttio musngthe mo of th trditional esig an contol, hen cn dattoth modern tic power stem,tdelopment of odern indstrya the tredofte societyl.Eecrc powr ndutr i n of thoundtios of nioalindutry anaion ecoomic evoment t ndutry,it is a o, il, natura s, hdropr, nuar poer, wid

5、 powe ad oter nrgy onvrsion ino electrical nergy fthe secondary gy industry, it or te otherepartment of atina coomy fas and tle develpent of the povisi oaeqatepr, adts lveof deveeni a rfection of the our coomc develont an impotant indicator fhelvl. As h powerin the utry a te imptnc of he national co

6、nomy,eectrcitytnsmisio anditibtio f lcri energy used inthes areais ainsensable compoet.。Theefre,poe tnsmssin ad distributio is ritial. Susati s tenaeueior pwer pant por plants or powr afer adjusments to he loer ld of bos i animortnt art of ertanmssion. Oerationf its functions, e caacit f direct imac

7、t on thize fth wer apowr, theeb afeingteiusrial prouction n pwer cnsumption.Sbsttin st f a lnk failr, the systemwill rt e partof actin. a resul n powe outages and soo, tthe rdcti nd livingagreatdsavantag Theeore, the sbsttion n theeectrc power systm or oection f elctricityrelabliy, sniivity nd other

8、 indicatrsPower plants ndubations are connected userik in he mde, tranfomtion a istribtion f electri ngyt la the roe. According o the differnt tasks sbstatio can dviddint sep-up tranore e-down trasfore sbstainand to rd ctegres. epu ubtton buil onthegeapowe plat,th gneral tpow transformer nar th oad

9、centerbilt on te ow.Voltag anlsoidd acordin o dium agesubstaton(0 kV nd blow),igh-voltasustatns (110 2kV), EHVustaion(33 75 k)andUltr High Voltag Substatin (1000 kV and aboe). In elecric powr ys crd t heir staus as a ubsubstation be diied iothe middlesstion ssttos dermnas. Thisrequires asubston part

10、 of eonocaionalit, t secnd part f sfe d elbl, te only way t te normaloeatin o sustain wrk servicefo th natineony. Tere aete-u ransorer sep-wn raformerubstio and to brod tegoie.Substtionsave een equiped wit varios protetiodeies, these dies arase on ower hrtrci load to a maxmum loa cnditions, suc aonf

11、uration settigs an,therefore, inheevetf the faluws simiar tothepeci cicumsacesunde to jude byh yste shuld oacall trip tetion,andnow the otection o the wo tri hs been vey short time,th liftingof e fault, te sem ill automaticaly eloing deice d theawat resoe pr quicly.Thi is tprtctt loer tload isver fa

12、orable.Thiswill not oly rect sa of toad qpment s inavor of xtenng thesevice lifendreduce eiet invstment, adrovd elibility olectricity sul,whchstoimproe the efficiency f indstria ad agriulturalprduction s very effectiv.Substatos have ben quiped wih aios proeto dv, tes dvices r ben lower sot-circuit oad to a aximoad ondins, uc asconiguraiosetts a,herefre, i the event of he ailure was smilar o thesecific circmstaesunder o jue by he sytem hol utatlytri pr


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