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1、七年级(下)英语月考试题班级 姓名 得分 一、单项选择。从A、B、C、D三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(15分)1. -Can you draw ? - _ . A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do . C. No, I cant. D. Yes, he can.2. He wants to join the _ club. He can _ chess .A. chesss ; play the B. chess ; play C. chessing ; play D. chess; plays the3. Jim often gets_ school at eight

2、 and gets _ home at five . A. ; B. to ; to C. ; to D. to ; 4. There are teachers in our school . A. two hundred B. two hundreds . C. twos hundred D. twos hundreds5. I usually eat dinner _ 7:30 in the evening . A. at B. in C. on D. for 6.-How do you usually go to school ? - I usually go to school _.

3、A. by my bike B. by bikes C. by bike D. by a bike 7. My father eats breakfast 6:50. breakfast he goes to work .A. at , For B. on ,For C. at ,After D. on , After8. _ play computer games after school.A. Cant B. No C. Not D .Dont9. - Dont run in the hallways. -_ ,Ms. Clark. ASorry B. Excuse C. Thank yo

4、u D. No10. _do you like pandas? _they are cute. AWhy; Because B. Why; So C. What; because D. What; So11. There is a zoo many kinds of animals near my house .A. has B. have C. in D. with 12.-Where you come from ? I from China .A. are,am B. do ,am C. are , do D. do , do 13. He cant go there , I cant g

5、o there , . A. also B. too C. either D. at 14. - is it from the bus stop to the subway station ? -Its about 3 kilometers .A. How far B. How much C .How many D. How long 15. Jack goes to bed at to ten in the evening . A. quarter B. quarters C. a quarter D. three quarters 二、根据所给的首字母或汉语完成单词拼写。(11分)1.-W

6、 are you from? -I am from China.2. -Can he play the p ? -Yes, he can .3. She gets u early every morning.4. - Lets go to the z . -I want to see the pandas.5. - W do you want to see the koalas ? -Because theyre interesting .6. Pandas are ( 可爱的 ) and smart.7. Jim , you must ( 刷) your teeth after breakf

7、ast .8.- Can she (游泳) ? -Yes, she can 9.My father always ( 告诉 ) me to get to school on time .10.Dont (穿,戴)a hat in the classroom, boys.11. He is doing his homework , Dont be (吵闹) .三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(13分)1. His sister usually _ (take) a shower at 8:00 in the evening.2. The boy always does the (dish ) .3

8、. I want _ (go) to school by bike .4. How about_ (watch) TV ?5. The elephant is one of Thailands (symbol ).6. It takes Tom an hour _ (walk ) to school .7. _ (Not , eat ) in class.8. Lets _(see)the pandas first.9. Chinese people are great and _ (friend).10.My sister likes _ (speak)English .11. She us

9、ually practices (play) the guitar .12. A lot of (village ) are working .13.I dont like the things (make ) of ivory .四、汉译英(一空一词)每空0.5 分 共11分1.她会讲汉语和英语 。 She Chinese and English .2.莉莉善于与老人相处。 Lily is the old people .3.那个小孩会穿衣 。 The child can . 4.我总是在十点半去睡觉。 I always go to bed at ten .5.我的梦想能实现吗? Can m

10、y dream ?6.她家和学校之间有一条河 。There is a river her home her school .7.上课不要迟到。 arrive late class .8.在学校,我们必须遵守规则。 We have to the at school .9.熊猫处于极大危险之中。 The pandas is great .10.我的表弟有点害羞。 My cousin is shy .11.他在房间听音乐。 He music in his room.五、情景交际。(共10分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。A:Hello, Jane.B: Hi, Mike

11、. 1 A: I want to join a sports club.B: Great! 2. A: Volleyball.B: So you can join the volleyball club. A: 3. You are very good at dancing. 4 .B: Sounds good. A: 5 . A: You can join the dancing club.B: What club do you want to join?C: OK, lets join now!D. What about you?E: What sports can you play?六、

12、完形填空(10分)There is a big 1. in our city(城市). We can see many 2. there. A(n) 3. ,the biggest animal on land(陆地) is also living there. Many 4. fly(飞行)in the sky(天空).Some beautiful ducks(鸭)always 5. in the river. What are these in the trees? Oh ,they are 6. .They like 7. leaves(叶子). They are from Australia. Arent they cute? There is a tiger in the cage(笼子) 8. the tree . It eats a lot of meat(肉)every day. My favorite animal is 9. because it lives only in China and it is the symbol of 10. .( )1. A. park B. zoo C. hall D. school( ) 2. A. trees B .students C. food D. animals( )


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