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1、毕业论文的结构1前置部分 (Front Matter):中文封面(Cover, in Chinese)英文题名页(Title Page, in English)郑重声明论文使用授权说明目录(Contents)英文摘要、关键词页(Abstract and Key Words, in English)中文摘要、关键词页(Abstract and Key Words, in Chinese)2正文部分 (Body):引言(Introduction)主体(Body)结论(Conclusion)3文尾部分 (Back Matter):参考文献(Works Cited)致谢 (Acknowledgemen

2、ts)附录(Appendix)封底(Back Cover)论文标题1. 论文的标题应具备以下特征:1) 准确。要做到“题与文相符”,概括文章的基本内容,揭示文章的主题。2) 醒目。要引人注目,给人留下深刻印象。3) 新颖。要有新鲜感。只有作者的思想新颖,论题才能富有新意。4) 简洁。要具有高度的概括性。字数限制在20个字以内(一般不超过10个实词)。5) 具体。要具体地表达出论文的观点,切忌空泛而谈。 2. 英文标题四种结构1) 名词性词组(包括动名词) Sister Carries Broken Dream2) 介词词组On the theme of Young Goodman Brown

3、by Hawthorne3) 名词词组+介词词组A comparison between a Teacher-Centered Class and a Students-Centered Class4) 疑问式How to Use a Computer in Managing an English Class (学术论文不建议使用此标题方式)有的标题由两部分组成,用冒号( :)隔开。一般来说,冒号前面一部分是主标题,提出文章中心或主旨。冒号后面是副标题,补充说明主标题的内容,如研究重点或研究方法。 Charles Dickens: The Master of Critical Realism

4、(查尔斯狄更斯批判现实主义大师)Positions of Attributes and Adverbials in English and Chinese:A Comparative Study(英汉定语和状语的位置比较)The Chinese Version of Jude the Obscure:An Outstanding Example of Artistic Recreation(艺术再创造的范例无名的裘德汉译本)3. 标题中各词的大小写1) 名词、代词、动词、形容词、副词、从属连词(because, if, until, when)首字母大写2) 介词、冠词、并列连词(and, b

5、ut, for)、不定式to首字母小写。3) 标题第一个单词、最后一个单词无论词性首字母应该大写。摘要摘要是对全篇论文的精炼概括。它能让读者在短时间内对论文的内容和价值作出初步判断。摘要必须简洁明了,重点突出,层次分明,让读者高效地获取信息。摘要一般在初稿完成后再着手撰写,因为如果不对论文有一个整体把握,是难以归纳总结、取其精华的。中文摘要中不使用“本文”、“作者”等作为主语,应采用“对进行了研究”、“报告了现状”、“进行了调查”等表达方式,一般不分段落。摘要正文的字数为300字以内。 摘要应包括以下内容:1)研究主题/范围 2)背景信息 3)研究目的 4)研究方法/步骤 5)研究发现 6)研

6、究结论和研究所带来的启示请阅读以下摘要(见TESOL Quarterly, 2002):Speaking and Writing in the University: A Multidimensional ComparisonAbstract (1) The dozens of studies on academic discourse carried out over the past 20 years have mostly focused on written academic prose (usually the technical research article in scienc

7、e or medicine) or on academic lecture. (2) Other registers that may be more important for students adjusting to university life, such as textbooks, have received surprisingly little attention, and spoken registers such as study groups or on-campus service encounters have been virtually ignored. (3)

8、To explain more fully the nature of the tasks that incoming international students encounter, this article undertake a comprehensive linguistic description of the range of spoken and written register at U. S. universities. (4) Specifically, the article describes a multidimensional analysis of regist

9、er variation in the TOEFL 2000 Spoken and Written Academic Language Corpus. (5) The analysis shows that spoken registers are fundamentally different from written ones in university contexts, regardless of purpose. (6) Some of the register characterizations are particularly surprising. (7) For exampl

10、e, classroom teaching was similar to conversational registers in many respects, and departmental brochures and Web pages were as informationally dense as textbooks. (8) The article discusses the implications of theses findings for pedagogy and further research. 作者在第一、二句中提出了研究的主题(academic discourse)、

11、论文关注的对象(textbooks、study groups和service encounters)和背景信息(dozens of studies over the past 20 years、Other registers have received surprisingly little attention, have been virtually ignored.);在第三句中,作者指出了研究的目的;第四句简要说明了研究的方法;第五句则是研究的发现,最后几句则是该研究发现为教学和对以后研究所带来的启示。英文摘要常用句式研究目的The purpose of this thesis is t

12、oThe primary goal of this research is toThe chief aim of the thesis is toThe study is intended toThe thesis aims to研究主题/范围This thesis discusses (studies, concerns, addresses, deals with, examines, explores, probes into, elaborates on)This thesis argues/ demonstrates thatSubjects covered includeSome

13、of the specific topic discussed areThe scope of the research covers研究重点Particular attention is paid toThere has been a focus onThis study concentrates onThe greatest emphasis has been onThe primary emphasis in this thesis is on研究方法/步骤The method used in this study is known asThe procedure can be brie

14、fly described asThe approach that has been adopted extensively is calledInvestigations on . were carried out.Experiments have been carried out to test the validity ofThe experiment, consisted of three steps, is described inThe research has recorded valuable data using the newly developed methodThe f

15、undamental features of this theory are as followsThe theory is characterized byThis thesis analyzes (compares)This thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter One gives an overview ofChapter Two exploresChapter Three deals with研究发现It is found/indicated thatThe results of the experiment indicates thatThe studies show that The investigation carried out by has revealed that The studies throw lights on the nature of Examples with actual experiment demonstrate that研究结论This thesis concludes thatThe authors conclusion is thatIn conclusion,建议The data/re


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