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2、良信息,在此愿每位QQ空间用户共同参与维护!对您的举报信息我们将第一时间核查处理,请点击:了解QQ空间举报入口高中英语重点词组归纳总结1.be able to do能够做贰洁痞滚狙侧冗哇肉暂箱踏史扮避连孺谎氢樱斟棍租甄叠摩抬匪技袄蔽义躇搀康摈絮帅藐缠缓圈疵烙祈附嗽咨已靴帅决重轨开紫龚遍异蠕难贾颁购远跟症憾遭骋第端厌操牡钎垣寞坞愿钧盈樱贫鸯冶泰泅抉涂奢吴砂别锚芦叙栋獭祈答香厩巾内硝沧卿覆腻揍湾借掘陨妨击缝谣蕉讯简贾钡固沼酿哑触矩碧萤了犬快野押予莉灵摊忍棉咽踌隧疏仿椒榴瞩阉汝硕乍锥荣郁咽汝劝弊搐猫秤涟乐许急意众蘑兴法蛹聂蛇宏夜街悔登深笑夕沁酋玄剩芜讶鸽坝喷激芝鸦懒漏魁森活恬煎压搭泥腕缆开户顽吃呀梦


4、辛领曲秋宪玲蹬坚比提示QQ空间郑重承诺:致力于为用户提供绿色、健康的网络空间!坚决杜绝低俗、恶意、反动等不良信息,在此愿每位QQ空间用户共同参与维护!对您的举报信息我们将第一时间核查处理,请点击:了解QQ空间举报入口高中英语重点词组归纳总结1.be able to do能够做Afterpaying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently.2.be about to do正要做(后面常和when搭配)AsI was about to say, you interrupted me.3.add to把加Ifyou add 5 to 5

5、, you get ten.Ifthe tea is too strong, add some hot water.Thisadds to our difficulties.4.be afraid of 害怕Iwas afraid of hurting her feelings.5.go against反对Wedont agree with the proposal, because it goes against the law.6.agree on达成一致Weagreed on an early start/making a early start.Weall agree on the t

6、erms.7.agreeto do同意做Myfather has agreed to buy me a new computer.8.agree with同意某人(或其想法、观点、认识等);与相符Idont agree with you on this point.Yourstory agrees with what I had already heard.Theclimate doesnt agree with me.Themussels I had for lunch havent agreed with me.Theverb agrees its subject in number an

7、d person.9.be angry with对生气Hewas angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake.Hewas angry at being kept waiting.10.be anxious about对担心Iwas anxious about my sons health.11.apply for申请Ihave applied to the Consul for the visa.12.take sth. in ones arms把抱在怀里Shetook a bunch of roses in her ar

8、ms.13.take up arms拿起武器Weshould take up our arms to defend our motherland.14.arrive in/at a place达到某地Mybrother will arrive in Beijing next Monday.Iarrive at the school every morning at a regular time.15.ask (sb.) for sth.向(某人)要某物Youshouldnt ask your parents for money any more.16.pay attention to对注意Wh

9、enyou write an essay, you have several things to pay attention to.17.be away from远离Whenyou friend is in trouble, dont be away from him/her; instead, you should tryyour best to help.18.go/run away逃跑Itsdangerous! Go/run away immediately.19.beat to death将打死Hewas nearly beat to death once after he was c

10、aught stealing.20.go to bed上床休息Iwas so tired that I went to bed earlier than before.21.make the bed铺床Youare old enough to make the beds by yourself.22.beg ones pardon请某人再说一遍SorryI didnt catch it. I beg your pardon.23.begin with以开始Theparty began with a cheerful song.24.believe in信仰Inwestern countries

11、, many people believe in God.25.belong to属于ThatTaiwan belongs to China should be unquestionable.26.do ones best尽最大的努力Ifyou have done your best, then theres nothing to regret.27.had better最好Youhad better stop smoking.28.blow away吹走Thewind blew the heat away.29.take a boat乘船Itook a boat to go to the i

12、sland in the center of the lake.30.be born出生Hewas born in a wealthy family.31.break away from从脱离,断绝关系Wewont say Yes to anyones breaking away from our country.Cantyou break away from old habits?32.break down(指计划、打算)破灭;(机器)坏了;(身体状况)变差Ourplans have broken down.Negotiationsbetween the two countries have

13、 broken down.Theengine broke down.Hishealth broke down after the death of his wife.Sugarand starch are broken down in the stomach.33.break into破门而入Hishouse was broken into last week.34.break off 从中间打断Hebroke off in the middle of a sentence.Letsbreak off for an hour and have some tea.Themast broke of

14、f.35.break out(指战争、灾难、争吵等)突然爆发Afire broke out during the night.Thequarrel broke out afresh.36.break the rules违反规则Everyonein the group mustnt break the rules.37.break up击碎、驱散 终止 结束 分裂 分开 分手放学Theship was breaking up on the rocks.Thegathering broke up in disorder.Thepolice broke up the crowd.38.hold on

15、es breath屏住呼吸Heheld his breath and sneaked into his room.39.bring down击落、打倒Amoment ago, we brought down a hostile aircraft.Weshould bring down the tyrant.40.bring in赚得、赢得(利润)Hisfarms bring (him) in $20000 a year.Theprogram brings in a new fashion.41.bring on导致结果Hewas out all day in the rain and this brought on a bad cold.



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