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1、目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII一、 引言1(一) 问题的提出1(二)相关概念的界定1(三) 研究意义2(四)国内外研究综述3(五) 研究方案4二、 自制玩教具在小班区域活动中的使用现状7(一) 自制玩教具在小班区域活动中的投放数量7(二) 教师是自制玩教具制作的主体9(三) 使用率较高的自制玩教具案例分析9三、 自制玩教具在小班区域活动中的有效性体现13(一) 自制玩教具投放的适宜性13(二) 自制玩教具投放的层次性13(三) 自制玩教具与课程主题的相关性14四、 影响自制玩教具在小班区域活动中有效性的因素15(一) 自制玩教具的材料及材料来源15(二)自制玩教具操作方法的适宜性15(三)

2、 自制玩教具的耐用性16五、 提高自制玩教具在小班区域活动中的有效性的调查研究的建议17II(一) 充分利用自然资源、本地资源和家庭社区资源,就地取材17(二) 提高自制玩教具的创新性17(三) 将自制玩教具的主动权交给幼儿17致 谢19参考文献20附 件21一、1摘 要自制玩教具是幼儿园设备的重要组成部分,也是幼儿园的一个传统项目。本文以省级示范园A幼儿园小班为样本,通过观察自制玩教具在区域活动中的使用现状,从自制玩教具的使用现状、幼儿区域活动时的表现分析等角度研究自制玩教具在区域活动中的有效性,并提出优化的措施,为老师提出一些参考建议。本文采用现场调查法、观察法和访谈法。笔者进入幼儿园现场


4、于自制玩教具的理解和认识是很深刻的,能够清楚地知道自制玩教具具有商品玩具不可替代的作用,并且这是教师必备的基础技能,但大多数教师也提到,自制玩教具耗时耗力,很辛苦。笔者在调查研究分析的基础上,对如何提高自制玩教具在小班区域活动中的有效性提出了自己的意见。第一,充分利用本地资源,因地制宜。第二,教师要学会创新,敢于创新,提高自制玩教具的创新性。第三,幼儿是游戏的主体,将主动权交给幼儿。关键词:区域活动;小班;自制玩教具;有效性IABSTRACTSelf-made play teaching materials are an important part of kindergarten equip

5、ment and a traditional project in kindergarten. In this paper, the provincial demonstration park A kindergarten small class as a sample, by observing self-made play teaching materials in the use of regional activities in the status, from the use of self-made play teaching materials, the analysis of

6、kids performance in regional activities. The effective measures and some suggestions for the teachers are put forward.In this paper, the authority uses on-site investigation method,the observation method and he interview method into the kindergarten scene, in the small class for regional activities,

7、 the material presented by the shooting, in the homemade play aids on the material record table material information, statistics from the play in the small class activities in the number, type, in the homemade play teaching materials on the record of materials on the registration of materials, stati

8、stics produced by teaching aids in small class activities quantity, type, the study found that homemade play teaching aids in the small classes of activities in the total proportion of the material put on the larger,self-made play teaching materials to the most areas are art district, math area and

9、science area.By observing the small class activities in the activities of self-made play teaching materials, the status of commercial toys and the actual use of children, and then the use of high self-made teaching aids to analyze the case, the study concluded that the use rate High self-made play t

10、eaching materials in bright colors, play novelty, teacher production time is long. The authority found that homemade play teaching aids in the small class area activities in the total proportion of the material is probably larger, homemade play teaching aids to the most areas are art district, math

11、area and science area.From the self-made teaching aids put suit the suitability, level, and the theme of the three aspects of the theme to reflect the effectiveness of homemade play teaching aids.In this paper, the interview method is used to interview the teachers view and practice of homemade teac

12、hing aids. Through the study,we can find that most teachers have profound and clear understanding of self-made play teaching materials ,they hold the view that self-made play teaching materials play a irreplaceable role with commodity toys, and this is the essential skills of teachers, but most teac

13、hers also mentioned, it take a lot of time and labor and very hard.On the basis of the investigation and analysis, the author puts forward his own opinions on how to improve the effectiveness of self-made play teaching materials in small class activities. First of all, make full use of local resourc

14、es, local conditions. Secondly, teachers should learn to innovate, dare to innovate and improve the creativity of self-made play teaching materials. In conclusion, the child is the majority of the game, the initiative to the children.Key words:area activity;junior class of kindergarten;self-made pla

15、y teaching materials;effectiveness1二、 引言(一) 问题的提出当前幼儿教育深化改革,不断发展,各地的幼儿园办学条件都有了极大地改善,但是因地制宜、就地取材为幼儿自制玩教具仍然是我国幼儿园教学活动的一个优良传统。我国学前教育的有关法律法规中也提倡幼儿园教师要自制玩教具。幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)中提到:“指导幼儿利用身边的材料或废弃材料制作玩具、手工艺品等来美化自己的生活或开展其他活动”。幼儿园工作规程也提出:“幼儿园应就地取材、因地制宜,自制玩教具。”自制玩教具可以提高幼儿参与区域活动的兴趣,极大地调动他们的学习积极性。因此,幼儿园要充分发挥自制玩教具在幼儿园教育活动中的教育价值,促进幼儿身心全面和谐发展。陈鹤琴先生说:“玩具不是仅仅乎供儿童玩笑的,快乐的,实在含有科学游戏的性质”,“玩具儿童的第一本书”。随着时代的发展,玩教具的种类越来越多,人们也越来越重视自制玩教具的独有的教育价值。为了更好地了解自制玩教具如何在区域活动中发挥效用,笔者提出了此研究论题,通过调查小班区域活动中自制玩教具的投放情况和幼儿在活动中的行为表现,深入研究自制玩教具在小班区域活动中的有效性。(二)相关概念的界定1、区域活动所谓区域活动,也叫区角活动,指以幼儿的需要、兴趣为主要依据,考虑幼儿园教育


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