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1、完成句子根据所给中文意思,用英文完成下列各句。1. 他们认为一天刷两次牙时一个好习惯。They think its a _ to brush teeth _.2. 在周末,小汤姆和他的朋友们要么在家看电视,要么在外踢足球。Little Tom and his friends either _ at home or _outside at weekends.3. 今天早晨我们吃光了所有的蔬菜,最好去超市买一些。We _ all the vegetables this morning, so we _ buy some in the supermarket.4. 这位社会工作者经常去老年之家帮助老

2、人。The _ often goes to the old peoples home _ to help the elderly.5. 上周杰克当选为班长后,他迫不及待地把这个好消息告诉了他地妈妈。Last week, after Jack _ as a monitor, he _to tell the news to his mother.6. 当我长大后,我想成为一名工程师。I want to be an engineer when I _ _.7. 青少年应该学习如何照顾自己。Teenagers should learn how to _ _ of themselves.8. 首先将胡萝

3、卜切碎,然后放入搅拌机内。First cut up the carrot, and then _ it _ the blender.9. 如果你在外面逗留得太晚,你的父母亲会为你担心。If you stay out too late, your parents will _ _ you.10. 许多次我都想放弃,但我奋力坚持了下来。Many times I thought about _ _, but I fought on.11. he, is, in, Class l(他在一班。) _12. the birds, are, flying(鸟儿在飞翔。) _13. I, my family,

4、 love(我爱我家。) _14. me, to understand, him, quite, the article, took, by. a long time, written, it (我花了相当长的时间才读懂他写的那篇文章。) _15. it, useful information, easier, us, the Internet, in a short time, much, makes, to search for, for (互联网使我们更容易地在短时间内搜索到有用的信息。)16 There are three thousand students in the school

5、(改为同义句)The of the students in the school three thousand17 The girls dont know what they can do next(改为简单句)The girls dont know what next18 These apple trees were planted by the students in Class 1(改为一般疑问句) these apple trees by the students in Class 1?19 These flowers are very sweet(改为感叹句) flowers the

6、y are!20 My friend asked me, When will you go to Hainan for your holiday?(改为间接引语)My friend asked me I go to Hainan for my holiday21. He cut the watermelon into four pieces. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ the watermelon into four pieces?22. We need two tomatoes to make Russian soup.(对划线部分提问)_ _ tomatoes do you need

7、 to make Russian soup?23. Steve left his hometown five years ago.(改为同义句)Steve _ _ away from his hometown for five years.24. John runs very fast. No one can catch up with him in his class. (合并为一个句子)John runs _ fast _ no one can catch up with him in his class.25.熬夜是一个坏习惯。(stay) is a bad habit.26.如果你在考

8、试中保持冷静,就会考出好成绩。(keep) If you_in the exam, you will get good grades.27.每个人都应该在环保方面发挥作用。(play) Evervone should_ _the environmental protection.28.我正在期待着高中的新生活。(look) I_ the new life of senior high school.29. 2019年亚洲文明对话大会上个月在北京举行。(take) Asian Dialogue Conference 2019_ _in Beijing lasl month.30.我的英语老师总是

9、尽力把我最好的一点表现出来。(bring) My English teacher always tries her best_ _the best in me.31.昨天上午暴风雨来临时,我们正在打扫城市公同。(clean) When the rainstorm came yesterday, we_ _the city park.32昨天下午放学的时候天正下着大雪。(snow) _ _ when school was over yesterday afternoon. 33. 襄阳是一座如此古老而又美丽的城市,以至于我已经深深地爱上了她。(fall) Xiangyang is such an

10、 ancient and beautiful city that _ _ her deeply.34. 我们的老师总是告诫我们,在学习中不要逃避任何困难。(keep) Our teacher always tells us_ _ in the study35. 他说“一带一路”将会把中国和越来越多的欧洲国家成功地联系起来。(connect) He said the Belt and Road_ _ . 36. 警方说昨天傍晚在山里迷路的那位登山者今天早上被找到了。(get) The police says _ _ this morning. 37. 因为他与每个人相处都融洽,所以人们对他评价很

11、高。 He _everyone, so he was _.38. 我理解上次我父母的想法为什么与我的不同。 I understand_ last time.39. 你从北京回来多久了? _ from Beijing?40对她来说,要分发这么多书是多么困难啊! How _so many books!41. 一些人认为成功与运气有关。Some people think _.42. 他当时别无选择只能放弃那份工作。He _ then.43. What beautiful songs! All the students think Julie_(对唱歌有天赋). 44. Yesterday after

12、noon my brother _(花了两个小时安装)a new light in our bedroom.45. Brazil_(因而著称)the Amazon rainforest and soccer. Many people travel there every year.46. Suddenly, Lucy saw a policeman near the bus station. I may ask him for help She_(自言自语). 47. It is important for us _(学会如何表达)our sincere thanks to others.48. It


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