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1、 PEP小学五年级上册英语期末试题 (时间:60分)座号保持安静,放松自己,认真去做,你会成功的! 题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三合计得分阅卷人听力部分一、 这一大题中有6幅图画,请你仔细听录音,根据录音的先后顺序给下面的图画从1到6标上序号。每个句子连读两遍,请仔细听。好,现在开始。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、 这一大题共有5个小题,每小题中有两幅图画,录音将谈到其中的一幅,请你仔细听录音,在与录音相符的那幅图下面的括号里划“”表示。每个句子连读两遍,请仔细听,好,现在开始。1. 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5.

2、 ( ) ( )三、这一大题共有6个小题,每小题中有一个句子。请仔细听录音,判断这个句子与录音是否相符。若相符,在相应题号前面的括号里写上“Yes”;反之,写上“No”。每个对话连读两遍,请仔细听。好,现在开始。( ) 1. The air is very fresh in Sarahs village. But the water is dirty.( ) 2. Amy likes tofu and eggplant for lunch.( ) 3. Mike can clean the bedroom and wash the clothes.( ) 4. Jims math teache

3、r is short and strong. Hes very funny.( ) 5. Chen Jie and Amy often do sports and read books on weekends.( ) 6. Amy has math, Chinese, science and English on Mondays.四、 听录音, 仿照第1小题的例子完成下列句子。每个句子只读一遍,请仔细听。好,现在开始。1. My English teacher is young. Shes s_ but very k_.2. Im helpful at home. I can c_ the m

4、eals and m_ the bed.3. There are many t_ and r_ in our village.4. I like grapes. Because theyre s_ and s_.5. Look at the vegetables. Theyre so f_. And theyre h_.6. Sarahs uncle is very young. Hes s_ and s_.五、 听录音,按要求将下图中的物品放进各个房间里,在物品与房间之间连线表示。 living roombedroomkitchenbathroom 六、 下面你将听到一个对话,同时你在答卷上

5、会看到有关句子,请你根据录音给它们从1到5编上序号,将序号写在相应的括号里。对话将连读两遍,请仔细听。好,现在开始。( ) That sounds good. What would you like for dinner, Amy? ( ) What do you have for lunch on Mondays? ( ) Id like potatoes and green beans. Im hungry, Mom. ( ) We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. Here is our school menu. ( ) Oh! Mew Mew is hungr

6、y, too!笔试部分七、 这一大题共有8个小题,每小题中有4个单词,其中有一个跟其它三个不同类,请你把这个单词找出来,将其字母标号填入题前的括号里。( ) 1. A. sky B. cabbage C. cloud D. mountain( ) 2. A. smart B. active C. quiet D. mirror( ) 3. A. salty B. tasty C. lunch D. yummy( ) 4. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Sunday D. Canada( ) 5. A. principal B. farm C. village D. cit

7、y( ) 6. A. pork B. healthy C. mutton D. meat( ) 7. A. fruit B. potato C. tomato D. cucumber( ) 8. A. Moral Education B. Social Studies C. science D. smart八、 读一读,根据图画填上所缺单词,每条横线上只填一个单词。1. I can _ the _and _ the _.2. Welcome to my new room. There is a bed, two _ _ , a desk, a chair and a _ in it. 3. L

8、ook at this room. There is a picture _ the wall. There is a bookshelf _ the window. There is a pair of shoes _ the bed. 九、 这一大题共有6个问句和7个答句,请为每个问句找到相应的答句,并将答句的字母标号填入相应问句前面的括号里。( )Whats your father like? A. I often do my homework.( )Who is Mikes favorite teacher? B. No, there arent.( )What do you do o

9、n Sundays? C. Hes tall and thin.( )What day is it today? D. Its behind the sofa.( )Where is the table? E. Mr. Carter.( )Are there any bridges in your village? F. Its Friday. G. Hes a farmer.十、这一大题共有5个小题,在每小题中你将看到一些单词和一个标点符号,请把它们组合成一个句子,按照英语句子的书写规则写在相应的四线格里。要求:工整、美观。1. your, whos, English, teacher, (

10、 ? ) 2. have, what, for, on, you, do, lunch, Mondays, ( ? )3. forest, there, a, in, park, is, the, ( ? )4. computer, use, you, a, can, ( ? )5. housework, do, I, on, Sundays, often, ( . )十一、下面这段话是Tom的自我介绍,请你根据这段介绍完成Tom的信息卡。My name is Tom. I am 11 years old. I study in Willow School. My favourite day

11、is Friday. We have P.E. and computer class and we have potatoes for lunch on Fridays. Potatoes are my favourite food. Friday is a great day! My favourite teacher is Miss Lin. Shes our music teacher. Shes tall and thin. Shes very pretty and active. Tom的信息卡Name: _Age (年龄): _Favourite day: _Favourite food: _Favourite teacher: _Favourite teache十二、 阅读短文,根据短文判断后面的陈述是否正确,若正确,在相应的括号里划“”表示,反之,划“”表示。My name is Zhang Peng. I live(生活) in a small village. There are many mountains near my village. There are many monkeys


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