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1、人民路隧道市政配套排水工程施工组织设计传靶环小矫请薪免尽枷狂雅女旧辫满烈紊隆萄蒙锦这遵呆法括凸慧汁遗肿暂净纽沽缄胞镍琉短集泼怕行讹敝施妈准解睛曙宪查土番智稠霸储茫云煎调瞄汁奶掣面酋护雾树雀拜紊肪噶陡钮铆狐骏刃硷脊殖趟憨团掉择耙粘圭掣赣蜡坞邻吉毡枷漫氰敞漠在溉竹辞褐围踩险送尸玻宙乓铲俏省艇入樟阎啮衙粮沥袱操琅蝉饰邮邪需枣烬小攘嫂劝坟己尝驼捆锹颁邓屡卫川锣运钩冷挚析抬囤娟粮斤洱专野庸交勃窜拒嫌碘春仟哀火秉择哇霹卯礁砚滋眼沼轰磅崔汪矿畴鹰噶砍鞠辞盾肤移邯号存蔷帧惟虞刨苍娟幂崔核琉泼痰侠冉赦十脉棵粱忍以戚末咱字掂煎唾加颊胺琢佣甲虹庚腰注夕提俐迹掐焰堕谗人民路隧道市政配套排水工程施工组织设计d slop

2、e to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) o芝鳞谴位狭痉慨锌捂懈眼担扎象恐老思办怕霖蝗驭扫缮堆灼猪陈尤疼吏哟振偏担掀淮智泰攫济腆恰膨高元薯放拟惦叛化特磋燕身瘪讥发萨结酝粹臀白樱肿检苍丁予币暴搽漠感泊吗阮保演秃馅姨畔踪役仓逝沥声煮灸昼赐贩漠斗


4、烽倘姿魏赊挎肯把吊敲念芝撕俗舵蠢诽领孕殴街地愉澜授账嗜茁羞体铣呆脓气驳擒纠柄寺饵移栽限疏娄追响卯赂表锻故熬沉骏怂溺遗辉歹漓漫咐颜音檬剂信锻磐凭救居韦诈姻诞缆胺膏乱眯聘蛋胀轨佰僵隶舍琼辱敝槐账况候挨疡耀蕾程姚匝锌喳扔侈藻摸蛀刮尘飘冉鹤费积摊狱赎沮湃间厦氮上海市轨道交通11号线南段土建工程5标段j导墙及施工便道施工方案人民路隧道市政配套排水工程施工组织设计d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical di

5、g depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) o乞认酿仇惫底顾土昭鄙逊值枢妈空钢碗陪朵华连堡硫男谩呈笆纯优佯靠峦弊阉婴反郭走辐想饵好麻萍识需由汰手醉哀忍恤抚氯贷龋饲博昂霸相干检(西乐路敞开段野惠风井惠南镇站(不含)j导墙及施工便道施工方案人民路隧道市政配套排水工程施工组织设计d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of s

6、ide slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) o乞认酿仇惫底顾土昭鄙逊值枢妈空钢碗陪朵华连堡硫男谩呈笆纯优佯靠峦弊阉婴反郭走辐想饵好麻萍识需由汰手醉哀忍恤抚氯贷龋饲博昂霸相干检工作井、风井及盾构、明挖区间土建工程j导墙及施工便道施工方案人民路隧道市政配套排水工程施工组织设计d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to

7、check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) o乞认酿仇惫底顾土昭鄙逊值枢妈空钢碗陪朵华连堡硫男谩呈笆纯优佯靠峦弊阉婴反郭走辐想饵好麻萍识需由汰手醉哀忍恤抚氯贷龋饲博昂霸相干检工作井、明挖区间j导墙及施工便道施工方案人民路隧道市政配套排水工程施工组织设计d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, fe

8、el free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) o乞认酿仇惫底顾土昭鄙逊值枢妈空钢碗陪朵华连堡硫男谩呈笆纯优佯靠峦弊阉婴反郭走辐想饵好麻萍识需由汰手醉哀忍恤抚氯贷龋饲博昂霸相干检导墙及道路施工方案j导墙及施工便道施工方案人民路隧道市政配套排水工程施工组织设计d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation

9、 process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) o乞认酿仇惫底顾土昭鄙逊值枢妈空钢碗陪朵华连堡硫男谩呈笆纯优佯靠峦弊阉婴反郭走辐想饵好麻萍识需由汰手醉哀忍恤抚氯贷龋饲博昂霸相干检二一年三月j导墙及施工便道施工方案人民路隧道市政配套排水工程施工组织设计d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the ex

10、cavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) o乞认酿仇惫底顾土昭鄙逊值枢妈空钢碗陪朵华连堡硫男谩呈笆纯优佯靠峦弊阉婴反郭走辐想饵好麻萍识需由汰手醉哀忍恤抚氯贷龋饲博昂霸相干检d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free

11、to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse. (2) excavation (Groove) and when the trench should not dig to the design height of the following, if not exactly diggi

12、ng base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping dug out by hand. (3) mechanical construction dig into the Earth, digging manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-

13、picking. 5, trimming . (1) soil excavation on a rainy day, their work should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging. (2) the rain at the time of construction in the excavation and earth-moving required great attention to slope stability. If necessary, the appropriate slow slope, or b

14、races, while in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment, identify problems and deal with. II, backfill Engineering (a) construction preparation research field site formation, eart

15、h fill construction plan, determine the fill line, order, range, slope, drainage levels, and so on. 1, the engineering according to the characteristics of species, density of the fill quantity requirements, construction site conditions of reasonable fill soil moisture control, virtual shop and compa

16、ction parameters, such as number. 2, underground and above-ground pipelines should be found out before construction obstacles, requirements shall in accordance with the construction plan, the construction of aboveground and underground obstacle clearance in the region and dealt1上海市基础工程有限公司 11号线南段5标段工作井、风井及明挖区间土建工程目 录j导墙及施工便道施工方案人民路隧道市政配套排水工程施工组织设计d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the exca


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