2022年北师大版英语高一下册Module 3《Unit 7 The Sea》(lesson2)word教案

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2022年北师大版英语高一下册Module 3《Unit 7 The Sea》(lesson2)word教案_第1页
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《2022年北师大版英语高一下册Module 3《Unit 7 The Sea》(lesson2)word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年北师大版英语高一下册Module 3《Unit 7 The Sea》(lesson2)word教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年北师大版英语高一下册Module 3Unit 7 The Sea(lesson2)word教案Teaching Aims:1. To practice spoken English.2. To practice listening for specific information.3. To practice showing interest when listening to another speaker in a conversation. 4. To practice involving the person who is listening to you. Teaching

2、 difficulties: Learn to involving the person who is listening to you.Teaching Aids: puter and cassette Teaching procedures:. Warming up T: How is the sea important to people? Ss: students answers may be various.T: Water covers about 75 of the earths surface, it provides us with food and resources su

3、ch as oil, natural gas and some metals. Besides the sea has a great effect on climate, therefore. The sea is very important for us. But what we have done does harm to the sea. Now look at the pictures, showing students some slides about sea pollution. The teacher will ask some questions to encourage

4、 students to speak English. (The purpose is to produce the sea pollution and let students realize the importance of protecting the sea.) .Discussing 1. You are likely to notice something about sea pollution in your city or hometown, please talk about it. 2. If we go on polluting the sea what is the

5、result?3. What measures do you think we should take?4. What should we do as a student? (Courage them to make suggestions for preventing sea, river and lake pollution). Listening Your suggestions are good and useful and Fang Zhou and Zhi Hong are taking about the problem too. What will they say? Now

6、lets listen to the conversation(In order to help student better understanding the conversation first do the exercise).1. Listen to the tape and choose the right answer. . What can be done about over fishing?A. man-made raising fish B. In the worst areas they ban fishing for several yearsC. control t

7、he number of fish people can catch .Whats the result of over fishing?A. there are less fish to catch B. people can fish too muchC. They can catch more fish than before by better technology. What are some government departments doing about sea pollution?A. punishing people who keep a record of levels

8、 of populationB. thinking of ways to reduce populationC. all departments must be responsible for finding where pollution es from.(answers : . C . A . B ) 2. Listen to the tape again and fill in the tape.(The teacher design the exercise is to reduce the difficulty in next exercise ). Thats when peopl

9、e fish too much and the number of fish falls too low. Some fish may disappear altogether. So there are more fisherman catching more fish? Well, they hope to catch more fish, but there are less fish to catch, so they simply cant. They also try to help people to get other kinds of jobs, so there are l

10、ess people trying to make a living from fishing. It mostly es from industrial waste from factories and agricultural waste from farming.3. Listen to the interview again and answer the questions.What is the problem 1?. What is the problem 2?. What are the reasons for problem 2?. What are the causes of

11、 problem1?. What are the solutions to problem 1?. What are the solutions to problem 2?.Writing and speaking :Do exercise 5, 6, 7 to show interest and keep a conversation going. Read through the example dialogue then make up a new one with your partner.(The purpose is to practice showing interest whe

12、n listening to another speaker in a conversation and involving the person who is listening to you.). Homework Practise using the useful words about protecting the sea by making sentences with them:protect, pollute, pollution, waste, deal with, be responsible for, break the law, punish, keep a record of , control, municate.


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